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Fred Fredrick Blank
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Monday, September 24, 2007
*yawn* To early
Sorry I didn't update over the weekend. I didn't really feel like it XD.
I'm debating if I wanna keep updating in the morning or start in the afternoon. The only problem I can think of with the afternoon is the fact I get home late on some days and I don't have as much time in the afternoons as I do in the morning. So I might just keep with the afternoons.
Ok so Friday wasn't to bad but it was pretty bad. D:. I wrote my friend a letter and gave it to her and we didn't really talk for the whole day, but when I got home I had an email from her and she was saying how she was all sorry and stuff and how the letter made her see how I felt cause she wasn't sure and stuff. So now everything with us is good ^-^!!!! Also she finally told we what to bring for cooking class today since were making cookies!!!
Saturday was pretty boring. So boring I played Sims 2 for about 5 hours straight. ^^;;;;. But it was fun!!!!! Thats really all I did. I watched some tv, but nothing important.
Sunday was better. I went to the movies with my little sister we saw Sydney White. It was pretty funny. My sister kept saying "They are swearing" which isn't something new to her though. ^^;;;. Then we begged and begged and my dad took us to the book store. One book each D:. But I got La Corda d'Oro and I got the wrong volume T____T I got 4 instead of 3. But earlier on saturday my sister had been spazzing about watching my Seven of Seven (its also called Nana 7 of 7) dvd. So I looked up when the next dvds came out. Since I only have the first two and I only thought they were making 3 but they made 6. I found all the dvds on amazon and the 4 we need ate $108 together. While I found the complete box set for $38. So we are getting that even though we have the first two dvds. So I asked my dad if I could get the 3rd volume of La Corda d'Oro. And he said yes!! So I got dvds and manga!!!!
So that ends my sunday, but saturday morning. I found this site and they have custom made clothes by different people and they are really cute and my mom said she will look at them and then I can order them, cause I really want them even though I'm spending $62 on three shirts with shipping. But they are custom made and really cute!!!! ^-^
Ok. Well I have a History test today which I haven't studied for yet :D. And then I have my re-take science test tomarrow which I need to study for then I have to study for my spanish test T____T.
Ok so I shall comment you all now or when I get home from school!
Comment replies:
Tis true. I just don't like it with my close friends. Well I don't even know if my friend of 10 years will be going to high school with me T___T. I hope she does though!! I doubt she would ever stab me in the back. Shes to nice. She can't say no XD.
Sticks seem very yummy XDD.
Right now I'm getting mad at my dad he keeps saying "Since your making money now you can buy your own stuff" Its getting annoying.
Yea thats what I thought was going on, but by what we talked about over email it wasn't. Its mainly she can't say no. So everyone is tackling her about their problems or teasing her about getting Jasmine and maybe having to kiss this guy Eli whos nice. Or nagging her about who she likes. Thats the problem with small schools everyone knows everyone and so if you tell one person one thing some how everyone finds out. D:
Yea I like seeing my friend for around 24 hours cause usually we sleep for a long time XD. But if I did go to her house I wouldn't have gotten there until around 4ish and then I would have had to leave by 12. Which is when we tend to wake up.
Yea, thats what i'm hearing. I think I will stick to babysitting on the weekends.
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Why me?
Ok warning long rant.
Ok so I guess i forgot to say on post two days ago. My best friend Lisa and I are fighting. We've been friends for 10 years. I guess I'm kind of being a jealous bitch. But thats just how I get some times. Our fight started out with Lisa, chloe, and I talking on the swings lisa was talking about something and didn't wanna finish and it had to do with two people in our class so chloe and I guess everyone and she wouldn't tell us, so I got up. And walked over to this other group. Then I thought to my self for a bit and then I told Lisa I was upset how shes always talking about this one girl kayla even though she doesn't go to our school anymore and how shes always telling her stuff and not chloe and I. And so I haven't been speaking to her more then a few words and I hate fighting with her but its the truth. I also feel like shes trying to push me out. Because shes always with these other girls and doing things with them and not as much with Chloe and I. I don't know what to do. I think I am being a bit Jealous, but I like being told my friends problems which none of my friends do.
Sorry about the rant.
Ok so I can't go to Motoko's cause Yuki invited her to friends party. Which I find kind of stupid. Why invited YOUR friend to someone they've never met's party? And the party is from 3 to 8 and I would have to leave motoko's by 2 and I don't even get to her house until 3 on friday and I don't like seeing people unless I know I can see them for about 24 hours. And now I won't be able to see motoko for about 2 weeks cause I need to meet with my Mente next weekend for History stuff.
I had a science test on tuesday and I got my test back yesterday and I got a 74% and I wanna re-take the test and my friend who got the best grade out the 7th and 8th graders lent me her guide to study.
Something funny happened at lunch today. A bunch of the younger boys were running around making each other do stupidly funny things and I got this one kid named Ian to tell this one kid to eat a piece of sticks and he did XD It was funny. Cause he really put it in his mouth.
Tomarrow hopefully will be better. I have manga class and newspaper.
I hope lunch doesn't suck. I can't eat with my friends cause they all eat with Lisa and I'm not talking to her. So I'm eating with my two anime loving friends and my teacher most likely.
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I hate thursday cause we have a lot of work we have to do at school. I wish I could have a job. But I'm way to young. I can only babysit and I'm still kind of young for that. My group doesn't need to meet until next weekend now. And I got no plans anymore, so I don't really care.
Angel Zakuro:
Woo! Weekend!! Almost here!!! Thanks. I'm really glad I don't have to write the report. Thanks I hope I can get it soon toooo. Well thats good!!! ^-^.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursdays ewwwww!!!!
Ok so its thursday! Not much happened at school yesterday. But my group is doing pretty well. We just have the report to write and like it seems everyone forgot to get information to me. Because its due today and only Cole has finished his and Rachel started hers.
I really wanna get My sims for the Wii and DS and my mom said I could, but then the next day she was all like "You don't get it until you clean your room blah blah you should have done it over the summer blah blah" and she was being annoying. It made me mad cause she said two days ago I could get it and then a day later she says I can't.
But this weekend will hopefully fun unless my mom doesn't let me do anything even meet with my history group which is school stuff. And she was saying she was going to call my principal about me not be able to go and he doesn't even teach History and my History teacher usually has nothing to even do with our groups meeting. But anywho! I might be seeing Motoko this weekend. If she will tell me what time. Cause she has some party thing and I have homework so I don't know if I should go friday to saturday or saturday to sunday. I plan on doing most of my homework before I go but I will still have some.
I think this post is going to be shorter then yesterday.
So how have you guys been? :D Did I miss anything good?
Anyhow! I think thats the end of this post. I will try and post tomarrow again.
Comment reply
3v1l m1nion:
Fred isn't being a copy cat. Shes had the idea to do it for a while, but no time to update. Thanks again! ^-^. No idea most likely candice two days or Yuna two days, but luckily the people shipped the stuff last night, now to wait a while.
Thank you! ^o^ I'm sorry you didn't get a part in your play.
Angel Zakuro:
I'm sure going to try!!!! Thanks!! I will! Thank you again XD. Thats ok! At least its a comment!!
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Fred is sorry!!!
I’m very sorry!! I wish I could update somehow at school, but the only time I would be able to would be during lunch or after school and were not allowed inside at lunch and were not allowed on most sites unless its for homework.
Ok so heres a quick re-cap of the last three weeks XD.
So we had additions for our play. And the play is Aladdin and my drama teacher added two parts and I got one of the added parts. I play Mohammed whos another bird. So its Iago and Mohammed. And both parts are really fun. We read through the script yesterday and it was cool I have some funny lines XD.
Ok another thing we have history group projects due in a couple weeks. Its really hard because theres not a lot of 6 people to do and Frazier and I have to grade the group on how they did cause were the leaders. And one of the girls in our group has been out all week and the week before. And we have no idea how to get intouch with her D:. So its hard cause we have a lot of the stuff done already. Cause we are kind of cheating we have the art project done. We are cheating cause Rachel has done stuff on the Calusa Indains and were using her art project instead of making one XD. So that’s done and then Rachel and Frazier are writing the play. Jessica is doing the report. And I’m doing the poster board and helping were ever they need help. And Cole and the other girl Hadiya have nothing to do so its hard to grade them.
On a note not about school. I finally figured out who I will be cosplaying as for Janicon. I’m going to be Fairy Yuna, Candice, and hopefully Hunny. I might not be able to be Hunny because the patch and bunbun I ordered are coming from Hawaii and the person still hasn’t shipped it and its been almost 4 weeks. (tomarrow it will be 4 weeks). So I’m going to talk to my mom because I’m starting to get impatient and annoyed. But I’m happy now cause I get to take my two best friends and then my one friend who lives an hour and 30 minutes from me will be there!!!!! Except my friend Brittany (shes the one who doesn’t live near me) Has this stalker guy who has been stalking her since last year and he’s saying hes going to hang out with us and he’s really creepy and he has a girlfriend and hes hitting on me D:. Also I have nothing wrong with people younger then me. But hes a year younger then me and two years younger then Brittany and hes hiting on us both O_O.
Ohh~~ I have something funny that happened after rehearsal cause we got out like 20 minutes earlier.
Kanna: *reading*
Kanna: Why?
Me: cause I said so.
Kanna: Tell me why or you don’t get the sticky note.
Me: Fine its for math.
Kanna: Ok.
Me: HURRY I’m DIEING!!!!!!!!!!!
Kanna: *gives it to me*
Me: Stupid you got the wrong one *uses it anyway*
Ten minutes Kanna has left cause her dad came
Karra: *yelling at the other people on the other side of the room* BE QUIET!!!!!!!
Me: BE QUIET OR I’LL ------ *dying*
Karra: Fred? Are you ok?
Me: I told you I would die today.
Yea and that really happened. XD We are so cool.
Ok I think that’s all. I’m going to try and update every morning and then I wanna try to do a comment reply thing so that will go around here ^-^.
I will get to sites before and after school!!
Bye bye!!!
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Friday, August 24, 2007
School started.
Well school started and its Friday morning, and I need to get ready soon since my dad says we have to leave by 8 since he has something at work he needs to do at 9 which is when my school starts. And 8 is only like 15 minutes before we normally leave.
I guess I can just give a recap like what Motoko did on her Myo. And we are speaking again which is good!
Tuesday: Pre-day. We don’t start until Wednesday. But all the 8th graders had to go to school to help pick seats, look at history groups, make our board, do clean up groups, and watch the little kids. Tuesday was fun. I like my group! And not all the 8th graders were there, but my seat is good too!! I got to pick it and our table is shaped like a U instead of a normal long table XD. Because there are so many of us XDDD. But its good cause I’m like right in the middle of the U.
Wednesday: We started school. It was fun! We had the same talk like last year, we had our math placement test, which I think I did well on and I hope I’m in group 4 other while I will be sad DX. We found out this girl named Lily isn’t coming back like the day after we made the history groups, so my group had to lose my friend Evan to my friend Coco’s group because she needed a smart person other hten herself and we got Cole and he keeps saying Frazier’s groups sucks and I’m with Frazier and I keep hitting him XD. Lunch sucked though DX. My friend Kanna wasn’t there since she didn’t get in from Oregon until like 5 am so she wasn’t at school until 2nd period. She was going to get back on the 20th but her flight got like cancled and the soonest flight was like 21st and she didn’t get here until the 22nd. But I still got to see her. Then my friend Lisa isn’t eating with us for some reason and so it was just Karra, later on Coco once she made her lunch, and me. It was fun I throw my goldfish at them XD. Then we went and ate with some random people and my teacher. I throw goldfish at them too. It was a way of eating at our table XDDD. After that my friend changed classes so she didn’t take the same class as my friend Coco and me. After that Lisa stopped talking to me. No idea why and my friends were trying to ruin the third book in the Twilight series for me so I got mad and then they were goofing around making up fake stuff XD. That was about it until after school we went to get my mom from Kemo and like we got there and had to wait a bit. And like my mom comes out and falls DX. I was freaking scared of my life. So like now she has to get a wheelchair cause shes really weak in her legs at times, so they are sending one over soon. Also my mom’s had cancer before. She had breast cancer two years ago. And shes has like a whole bunch of different cancers now and I’m really worried about her and I can’t tell like any of my friends because they all seem to hate me DX. Except like three people and the boys out of my 8th grade class don’t seem to hate me. The other kids in the class don’t hate me either, but most of them aren’t good friends.
Thursday: Normal morning, had Spanish and Reading. Then we had a study hall in which we had nothing to do since we didn’t get like any homework yet. So like I talked to my mente and helped her and stuff. And I’m trying to be a good mentor still with all the stuff going on. Well like around lunch time. I my lunch was weird but my friends gave me some food and I wasn’t to hungry cause I had breakfast. But like my friend Lisa didn’t eat with us again, so we got worried and with my friend Ceci we went to look for her. When we found her she was going to the parking lot and like didn’t want us to go with her and so we went to eat with my teacher Jill and we had a funny talk XDD. We talked about all the different places babies could come from after my teacher left and we ended it like right before she came back XDDD. I had science first period so I went and sat at this one table and asked my friend Coco to sit with me and she did then my friend Lisa changed tables from the one we were at cause like shes mad at me so I’m mad at her DX. Shes not speaking to me and she thinks I’m mad at her. So like we went to golf, Coco took a different class, so I was with Lisa and like 8 other 8th graders and 2 7th graders. I’m going to change classes I think need to talk to Coco. Because I was with this girl Halle and I wasn’t doing to good and she got all mad at me and stuff and started to tell everyone I sucked so I’m going to change classes.
That’s been my week so far. I hope Friday will be better. We have our first college bowl and I have manga class and newspaper, which are my two favorite classes. AND WE WILL NOT DO NARUTO!!!!!!!!!! My friend Karra whos running the class with Jill, hates naruto and a bunch of the kids going all love it DX. So we have to do naruto one week most likely. I would just be sick that day but I want to have perfect attendance. But one week we should do the girlyest anime and manga ever and have them all wanna leave the class XDDDDDD. They would all hate Furuba and Pita Ten XDDDD.
Oh yea and incase your wondering “What the heck she has lunch then first period!??!?!” I go to a small private school with about 123 kids in the whole school Pre K – 8th and we have morning classes which are called our morning classes. Then we have lunch then first and second period. Just wanted to clear that up incase any of you were wondering.
I will try and go to sites before I leave for school and when I get home.
Sorry this post is kind of long. I just don’t know other then my friends on gaia who to talk to out of my “friends” at school. I think I will talk to my teacher Jill and let her know whats going on cause shes always there for me and stuff. And I will tell some of the people at school who like would have my back I guess. =/ I don’t know what to do anymore.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
You: Fred where did you go? Fred: I went to anime conventions!!!
Wow ok so sorry for not updating in forever. My summers been busy then not busy DX.
So lets see. I went to Metrocon 07 and had lots of fun and stuff lots of good times from there. Did some summer homework. I need to do more now. Then I just got back from AFO 07 2 days ago. That was fun. I hung out with some people from gaia and I hung out with my two friends from school.
Oh and the big thing that happened this summer is my “friend” and I got into a huge fight and stuff and were not speaking. My friends who are also her friends are telling me shes calling me a hypocrite because the two friends I know in real life I hung out with and I told her if she went with me we wouldn’t really be hanging out with them. She also never heard me tell her why I hung out with them. Main reason was because they were the only people I knew besides my little sister who got annoying fast and I didn’t want to just hang out with her and they were like the only people I knew really well and could hang out with all night. I ended up sleeping in their room Saturday. I had my own room I just wanted to hang out with them! It was fun they stayed up all night and I got two hours of sleep. XD. They were getting mad at the anime channel cause it wouldn’t stop playing death note. I kept going up to the tv and hugging it when Light came on XD. My friend and I made a deal she gets L and I get Light. Also like all my friends who are hers and the people who don’t really know us well most of them aren’t taking sides which is good unless you’ve heard both and like none of the side takers have heard both sides. I know I have some side takers on my side, but I wish the people who are on my side heard both sides of the story. Like I really don’t like fighting with people, but shes being like not her normal self and I hate that so I’m like really mad at her. I thought we were just not going to talk, so we wouldn’t fight but then she gets reason to be mad at me.
But other wise then the friend problem my summers been pretty boring. Right now I’m planning on going to a convention about an hour and 30 minutes away called Janicon. I hope my mom lets me go cause a lot of my friends from the intrenet who I’m met in real life are going and I am pretty sure on who I’m taking. It took me a while to pick. But I picked two friends from school. Both have never been to a con before, so I plan on showing them how fun conventions can be and stuff. I really need to find out if the second friend can go or not, so I can buy the tickets and room and tell my mom how much I really wanna go. The only sucky thing is my sister really wants to go but I don’t wanna watch her again and I don’t want her going since its my birthday. And she keeps giving me long talks about how I’m always at her birthday parties. But I’m 13 and shes 9. I need more spaces then her.
Right now I’m in love with Rozen Maiden and Tsubasa. I spent like $80 on Rozen Maiden stuff at AFO. I got like 5 figures, 6 keychains, and a pencil board. And I don’t draw. XD.
Like in my next post. Which will be before school starts I will post pictures from Metrocon and AFO. I love getting complements on my costume!!! Like a bunch of people kept telling me I’m the best Kairi cosplayers they have even seen and that they love my outfit! I went to the Rave at AFO covered in glow sticks and some guy took my picture because I was colorful! It made me happy!! =D!
I really wanna update more but either I don’t have time or I don’t have anything to say. I’m going to try and update atleast once a week even if I don’t have anything to say.
I changed my site to be Rozen Maiden Themed! I love that anime and manga so much!!
If someone could tell me how to make my post in a box, I would love you forever!!!
So yea how have you people been?
Sorry if my post is long. Here are some pictures of my Kairi cosplay from Metrocon. I need to find someone who took my picture at AFO.

I’m the Kairi with Roxas and my friend from gaia is the Misa.
Thanks for reading my super long post!!!
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Its been to long
SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM VERY SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot has changed since I last updated!!!! One I am not cosplaying as Eureka and Anemone anymore. We are cosplaying as Shia and Misha in their pjs from Pita Ten. Umm my old boyfriend and I broke up.
SCHOOLS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metrocon is in 30 days!! I am seeing the naruto movie tomarrow with my friend Chloe and Motoko might meet us there.
I am getting braces most likely before July. Going in next week for them to tell me everything and get me ready for them and tell my mom and dad how much it will cost.
I’ve gotten a lot of new manga series since I last updated. One being Tsubasa!!! I love that book! I haven’t gotten into the Anime yet. I am in love with Shuffle! and Gravitation right now for Anime. Kumagoro is the cutest bunny ever! But Mokona is pretty cute even though its not a bunny!!
Hmm what else do I need to say here. Oh on my last writing for the year the older kids (being the 8th graders) check our writing and my friend Kayla graded mine and she gave me a 98/91 which is two grades and is really really good for me!! So I was really happy.
Note to Motoko: Don’t let Ryu-san act like Yuki!! If you wanna know go to her sit it’s the first or second friend on my list I forgot which I think its first the second is her old site.
Stuff I like for the time being:
Anime: Shuffle! and Gravitation
Manga: Rozen Maiden and Tsubasa
Soda: Dr Pepper
Person: My panda girl rpc
Song: Hey there Delilah by Plain White T’s
Can’t wait till: Metrocon!!!
Misha and Shia in their pjs incase you don’t know who they are

♥ Have a good day all!! ♥
♪ Fred ♪
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Sorry I don’t update like everyday, I just don’t have to time too.
Ok in my post I posted two times ago. I only got two comments and then on my last post I got 4. What the heck is happening here?? I am commenting on like 8 or more peoples sites and I only get 4 or less comments. WHERE IS THE LOVE??
Lets see well, I got my mom to let me buy the Eureka Seven series. I just have to clean the whole back porch, which was a huge mess till I cleaned almost all of it. I will do almost anything for anime!! I think I am going to cosplay as Eureka (from Eureka Seven) and Kairi (from Kingdom Hearts 2) this summer at the cons I am going to!! I can’t wait to bad they aren’t for a while. I ran into a person, who hates double cosplayers of what she is cosplaying as. And it just happens to be she is cosplaying as Eureka on one day and Anemone other. Which are one of the people I am going to and my friend are going to cosplay as. She wants me and my friend to go as Anemone and Eureka on Friday, so we don’t mess up her plans for Sunday and Saturday. But I wanna be nice and let her get her way and all since I already have my Kairi Costume, but the thing is she is making me do this at both cons. And I wear my Eureka costume on another day then Friday at atleast one of the cons. I think I might be mean and let her get her way for Metrocon and then at AFO (both Florida cons by the way) Go as Eureka and Anemone for Saturday, cause I don’t wanna be my person just on Friday. Sorry about kind of ranting about that but its been on my shoulder all night and its been bugging me and I just needed to let it out somehow.
I will put pictures up this summer when I get back from the one con in July (Metrocon) and when I finish my costumes I will try and put pictures of them up here too. I just have to find the camera.
Hmmm…. There is something I wanted to put her but I forgot. ….. maybe it had to do with Eureka Seven. I think it did. I have fallen in love with Eureka Seven!! My friend showed me an episode and I loved it!! I like Renton and in the episodes my friend has (she has like 4) he cried in all of them but one.
If anyone who reads my site lives in Florida pm me so I can drag you into going to an anime con with my friends and me!
Roxas: God you have been talking about the anime conventions none stop
Me: So??
Namine: Yay!! Chloe gets to be me!!!
Roxas: Do we really need another Namine?
Me: Yes!! Chloe would make a good Namine like I would make a good Kairi. To bad Chloe is the opposite from a bitch for Anemone.


The only reason I am not Anemone is cause Chloe loves the color pink.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wow I am sad. My boyfriend said he wants to stop dating me right now and stuff and he doesn’t know for how long. But its still makes me sad and stuff. Cause he gets mad at me when I cry and its not my fault if I cry. I am a girl and I can get really emotional and stuff. He just can’t understand that GIRLS FREAKING CRY! Also I was his first girlfriend which is kind of sad for him and stuff. It really didn’t hit me till like the morning and stuff that I don’t really have a boyfriend now and I didn’t really cry till this morning too. I keep thinking its my fault, but then its not. He didn’t talk to me for a while, so I got worried, when I called him and stuff he didn’t answer. I don’t know. Lately it seems like everyone hates me. *tear tear* Sadly the only people right now (other then Motoko of course, and my two best friends) who seem to care are the people from the internet I have never met in my life. They are way kinder to me then the people I know in real life.
Well on a happier note. I got four new manga books on Tuesday! I got Negima! Vol 1, Bleach Vol 17, Prince of Tennis Vol 1, and Loveless Vol 1. My school testing is still going on and it is going well I think! I read 10 manga books on Tuesday, which is like a record for me. I need one more manga book and then I can have 120!!
Here is something funny Motoko and myself were talking about last night.
Me: I want a cow wherever my friends go
Motoko: How did that start?
Me: We got key chains in Cape Cod and then you got me a cow that says “Las Vegas”
Motoko: Oh yea
Me: Lisa is going to get me a Cow from Sea World. I doubt she will be able to find any though
Motoko: She could get you a sea cow
Me: I already have one.
Motoko: Well they are the same
Me: No they aren’t Sea cows don’t give milk
Motoko: Yes they do
Me: Do you drink sea cow milk?
Motoko: No
Me: How do you know its real then?
Motoko: I just do
It was pretty funny we kept cracking up the whole time!!!
I need a new anime to rent off of Netflix cause my dad is making me rent something, cause I haven’t been and he is getting worried because I am in my room to long. If anyone has any good ones tell me and I will tell you if I have watched it or not.
Thanks a bunch! I will get to everyone who updated before I leave for school!!
Have a good day! I hope my is ok!
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Sorry Sorry Sorry!!!! I am sorry I haven’t updated in awhile, school got to me. Which is a first and kind of sad too. Nothing really happened, except that: My mom is gone for a week (She went to Mississippi and I live in Florida so it’s a 10 hour drive from here), I have my school testing this week, and I am going to TWO ANIME CONS!!! YAY!!!! I am going to Metrocon with two of my friends!! I am also going to AFO later in the summer. Tell me what you think of our skit for Metrocon.
Motoko + Coco: *playing clapping game*
Fred: *runs on stage* HAVE YOU GUYS SEE SORA???
Coco: Nope *puts her hands down*
Motoko: Haha! I win and you lose!!
Coco: Why do you need Sora anyway?
Fred: I need him because he left the ‘how to save the world’ guide here and I don’t think he can save the world without it *holds up guide*
Motoko: Lets look at it *takes guide from Fred and opens it*
All: *looking at the guide* EWWWWW LOOK ITS PORN!!!!! *throws guide on the ground and freaks out more*
Sora: *comes in* Have you guys seen my guide?
Coco: *picks up guide and shows it to him* Yes and why is there porn it??
Sora: Its not mine I swear, its either Riku’s or Roxas’
Riku: *comes in* Hi guys
Motoko: We need to ask you something about the guide
Riku: Umm… what would that be?
Riku: That’s where I put it … I mean I need to be going now!
Fred: Hold it right there *Riku runs off stage* GET BACK HERE!!! *all the girls leave*
Sora: I keep my hentai under my bed
Motoko: I heard that! *throws guide at him*
Fred = Kairi, Coco = Namine, and Motoko = Yuffie. We still need a Sora and a Riku, but I am close to finding someone to be Riku for my friends and mine skit. Do you think we should say Porn or Hentai?
Anyone know any good songs Kairi and Namine could sing that are PG and not from Kingdom Hearts, but still funny? We found a good song we just don’t think its PG for the other con my friend and I are going to. Its called Gay boyfriend and we think that our skit for AFO has to be PG. Which kind of sucks.
Roxas: *comes in eating food*
Me: You almost were in our skit till me said you were to nice
Namine: I AM IN THE SKIT! YAY!! *dance around the room*
Roxas: That’s nice *keeps eating food*
Me: ROXAS IS GAY!!!!!! *takes his axel plushie and throws it on the ground*
Namine: *comes over and jumps on Axel plushie*
Roxas: MY AXEL PLUSHIE *picks it up and hugs it*
Me: I KNEW HE WAS GAY!!! *glomps Roxas*
OK well I gotta head off to school now I shall talk to you all later!! I will comment people who updated before I went off to school and I will comment the rest of you when I get home!
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