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Fred Fredrick Blank
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Fruits Basket, Pita ten, SCT Frog, Psychic Academy, Bleach, Host Club, Full Moon, Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Death Note, Di Gi Charat, and lots more
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Monday, August 7, 2006
New layout!!!
Do you like my new layout????
mewmewlover55 (a.k.a. Rachel) I need some more help with it though.
Anyway while Jessica was here, there is this guy I know from the internet and had a crush on him, so jessica was telling him creapy things. He told us he was horny and we started screaming and told motoko and shane and they both said I should block him and motoko wanted to kick his ass. So after we told him all the stuff we told him was a lie we sent motoko to kick his ass and now he hates me. Thanks motoko!!!
Other then that I started my book report, Jessica lent me a book for the second one and the movie was good. Thats about it!
Roxas: You meet some weird people on the internet.
Me: I know!!!
Demyx: *singing I want that top song*
Roxas/Me: DEMYX SHUT UP!!!!!
Axel: Hi people!!
Me: I wonder how motoko's axel is with out his manlyness?
Roxas: I bet he is more of a wuss then Demyx.
Demyx: Hey!
Question of the day!!
There is no question of the day since I am to lazy to think of one.
Picture of the day!

Fred out
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
Jesse McCartney has a new song on the radio *dies* I Hate him sooooooooooooooooooooo much *kills Jesse McCartney* Anyway Jessica is coming today!!!
I finished my book for school that I picked!!! Jessica is going to help me start my report on it and she is going to let me barrow some books! What a nice friend!
Ohh yeah I forgot My shot didn't hurt at all. These people made this thing were they put this spiky thing on your arm, but it doesn't hurt since its rubber. And then will its on your arm it makes it so it doesn't hurt when they put the needle in. And my arm doesn't hurt any more, but my back does.
This guy from my school Eli is such a loser he keeps calling me a loser and iming me and now he is saying my sister is in 1st grade and she is in 3rd. And my sister doesn't really like Jessica, but I told my sister what eli said and she got really mad and asked me if Jessica liked eli and I said no cause she doesn't. Now my sister likes Jessica!!! YAY!!!!!
Here is what happened to my sister today and her three friends who were going to sleep over
One friend, Makenzie got bored and called her mom to see if everyone could sleep over their and she got to sleep here or at home and she picked at home. Then cory wanted everyone to sleep over at his house, but his brother kept telling him that his dad was sleeping and then after the fourth call his dad got mad and made cory go home. Then Jessica (I have a neighbor with the same name as the Jessica who is sleeping over today) wanted everyone to sleep over at her house and her dad was fine with it, but my dad said no, so Jessica went home and now no one is sleeping over with her and she is all sad.
But she might get to go with my neighbor Jessica to her mom's.
Thats it for this post!!
Question of the day!!!
Q: What is your favorite subject in school??
A: Math and lunch!! I like math cause my teacher is really nice and gives us candy and ice cream!! And lunch since that is the only time me and all my friends can be together!
Picture of the day!!
I got this picture off someone else myo!

Fred out
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
I am going to try to make this short this I have to go to bed really soon. Since I have to go to the doctor in the morning.
Me: I hate going to the doctor!!!
Roxas/Demyx: Why??
Me: A. Because I have to wait there forever and I could be doing other things with that time. B. I am going to get a shot tomarrow for 7th grade. And I hate shots.
Roxas: They aren't that bad.
Me/Demyx: Yes they are!!!
Roxas: Wusses.
Me: I heard that!!!
Anyway my friend Jessica is coming over on saturday and we are going to go and see John Tucker Must Die. And she is sleeping over.
Other then that I have to do both my book reports before i can get a DS. So I am going to finish the first book either tomarrow or the day after and then start my book report. Then I am going to beg my mom to let me read the second FMA book for the second one. And then see what happeneds after that.
Question of the day time!!
Q: What type of group of people do you hang out with?? (like preps, goths, and you get)
A: The group that isn't like everyone else.
Picture of the day!!
Its really cute!!!

Fred out
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Monday, July 31, 2006
Gosh its been a week since I last updated. Nothing really happened this week. Except today me and my sister clean my whole closet and if I clean my last book case, this little spot near my bed, and my floor I get an iPod, with money for itunes every month if I keep my room clean. In 4 months and 3 days its my birthday. My mom said I could get a DS for my birthday!!!
My sister is getting one in about three weeks or less.
The only reason I really want one is becasue my neighbor who is the most spoiled girl i know got one for her birthdaty one because her aunt is rich.
I will stop ranting know.
Roxas: Well you are the one that seems spoiled.
Me: Thats not true I only have have a computer and game boy sp to call my own. I need an iPod since my MP3 player can't even hold 50 songs and i have almost 500 songs on my MP3 unlike motoko who has 1000 something. I need a DS because there are like a million games I want.
Roxas: fine *coughspoiledcough*
Me: I heard that!
Demyx: Are you two fighting again??
Me: No! *glomps Roxas*
Roxas: YES!!!!!!
Mickey Mouse: Hi everybody!!
Demyx: Oh god he is here... *twich twich*
Roxas: Make him go away.
Me: Die mickey mouse *takes out machine gun*
Mickey Mouse: *died on the floor*
Me: Yay!!! He is died
Question of the day!
Q: Do you read Fruits Basket??
A: Yes, I am waiting for the 14th to come out so I can go and buy it!!!
Picture of the day!!

Fred out
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Guess whta peoples.... *waits for ever* Since its taken you guya for ever to guess. I am at motoko's housey!!!!!
If I didn't get to your site yesteryday its because my dad said I had to read to page 38 of my book or I couldn't go to motoko's. I read to page 50!!! So now I am at motoko's!!!
Some of you might remember the time were motoko didn't eat like anything one day, well I did the same thing today. I ate like three M&Ms, but when I got to motoko's I ate dinner and I felt better. Now I am hungry!!! By the way I am watching the Food network and they are making salmon my favorite.
I want food damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!
Other then that stuff above nothing happened.
I am going to go and beg motoko to give me food now, so bye bye!!
Question of the day:
Q: Do you like sushi???
A: Duh when ever I go to the store that has sushi I make my mom get me some!!!!
No picture since I am at motoko's house.
P.s. I will not get to most people's sites till i get home later.
Bye Bye
Comments (15) |
Sunday, July 23, 2006
It was fun!
Sorry I didn't get to your site if you commented after 4. I had to get ready from the wedding!
The wedding was pretty good. I didn't really dance since all the song were the crapy songs from the 70's and 80's. While me and my dad were waiting for my mom and sister to get done dancing we played one doller poker. Its were you take a two dollers and then you see who can get the most of a higher number on the code thats in green. Even though I didn't have a doller I won and I got to keep both doller, so now I need to give my dad a doller, but I am not going to.
We didn't get home till like 11:30 and my mom and sister didn't even come home with us. Which mad me and my dad kinda mad, since we were waiting for them.
I just found out that our friends that came in. The daughter Ceci, her friend didn't come. Her friend didn't come since she got grounded. And when my dad went over to say Hi and stuff they had already left. I might get to see them tomarrow, but I won't be too sad if I don't.
Thats it for this post!!
Question of the day
Q: Whats your favorite color??
A: Blue and green
Sorry there is no picture of the day since I am to lazy to find one and I am tried.
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Nothin happened today. Motoko is making update, since I am being lazy and don't want to go to people's sites, but I guess I will updated and all. Anyway if I don't get to your site is most likely because i am at the wedding. So if you don't comment on my site first I most likely am not going to comment on your site. Sorry..
Other then that nothing is going on tomarrow/today
Question of the day:
Q: Do you have an account gaiaonline?? If so post your username so I can add you as a friend!
A: Yes I do and if you do I want to be your friend!!!
P.S. Motoko don't answer the question since I know your user name on gaia!
Picture of the day:

Fred out
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Friday, July 21, 2006
*comes out of the blue*
I AM BACK!!!! Sorry I didn't update for the past couple of days. I was really lazy and didn't want to update and also nothing happend.
Demyx: You are about as lazy as motoko.
Me: We don't say things about how lazy I am. *hits him on the head*
Roxas: Hahaha you got hit on the head!!!
Me: *hits roxas on the head* Now its fair
Roxas: *dies*
Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't die roxas!!!! *uses phoenix down on Roxas*
Demyx: Why do you love him more???
Roxas: Because I am special!!!
Me: I love you both *glomps both of them*
Roxas/Demyx: God here comes the glomp fest...
I want the wedding to come, but the wedding reminds me I have school in a month, two book reports and I have math too do. Also my dad's collage buddy and hes daughter are coming. (he also has a son, but he isn't coming) His daughter is 16 and she is bring a friend, which makes it like a million times worse, since they are like 3 years older then me. I wanted motoko to come over, but she can't since they are coming while we are at the wedding.
God this sucks! I will just lock myself in my room the whole time and just not talk to anyone.
Sorry if this post is so long.
Ohh yeah before I forget Motoko's mom doesn't hate me anymore, so I can see motoko!!!
Question of the day:
Q: What is your favorite kind of soda??
A: I like coke, pepsi, and some more which I can't think of right now
Picture of the day:

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
For once!
For once something cool happened!! Ok lets start with I didn't updated since nothing happened. Also I got a new neighbor. She is about my age a few years younger and she is pretty cool. I went to the mall today and I took games with me to get store credit, so i could get the naruto game!! I end up trading $170 worth of games! Since they had this deal were if you bring in 3 of the same sytem game you get a $10 bouns unless they are sports games. And you no what we only own 1 sports game! So I got my naruto game and my sister (who wasn't there) got this game for the gamecube called Chibi Robo!
Since she is sleeping over at the neighbor's house I started playing it and its a lot of fun!!!
Before we went to the mall we went and got wedding presnets!!! I needed new sheets and stuff, so i got new bedding, for both my beds, but the second set of bedding was missing a lot of stuff, so my mom took it back. But they didn't have anymore of the same size, so my mom ordered me a new one and it should be here in a week!!
Other then that and the fact the wedding is one saturday and we have friends coming in the same day. Nothing is really new.
Question of the day!
Q: What kind of Cheez-its do you like best??
A: Weird question I kno, but still I like the cheese flavor that are orange!!
Pic of the day!!

Have a good night/day!
Fred out!
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Sora has no pants!!!!!!
For people who don't know the joke about sora and the pants. I was making a sora doll from KH2 and the pants are really hard, so I have only done his shirt.
Other then making plushies all day I did nothin and my mom still hasn't take me to get my video game..
Roxas: Why do you want a video game, so much
Me: Because I need a new game!!
I really have to start reading my summer books and doing my math.
Me: I want popcorn!! *goes to get some* Yay!! I got popcorn
Roxas: Can I have some??
Me: Sure!! *gives Roxas popcorn*
Rock Lee: Can I have some??
Me: Hell no I hate you!!! *kicks rock lee*
Question of the day!!
Q: Who is your favorite naruto character???
A: I like Ten-Ten!!
Picture of the day!!!

Have a good night/day!!!
Fred out!!
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