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In front of my computer or the tv
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Fred Fredrick Blank
Getting almost 100 manga books
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Fruits Basket, Pita ten, SCT Frog, Psychic Academy, Bleach, Host Club, Full Moon, Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Death Note, Di Gi Charat, and lots more
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eatting and slepping
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| GetYourOwnRoxas
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Friday, July 14, 2006
Thanks motoko!!!
Yeah I am happy motoko isn't mad at me!!!! I don't want to make this update to long. By the way when I said I had 15 loads of laundry that was just my sisters. ^^; I had two loads of my clothes and plushies and thats not counting all the bedding we had.
I finished dolls and there are a bunch of them!!!! So that is going to be my pics for the day!!!!
Me: Roxas I thought you died!!!!!
Roxas: Crap she saw me.
Me: *hugs roxas* Crap I can't hug you. You have lice
Roxas: *runs away*
Me: *grabs Roxas* *puts lice stuff in hair* Now it has to stay in your hair for 10 mins.
Roxas: *10 mins later* Is it head to come out now??
Me: Yes *takes it out of Roxas hair* Now i have to comb the stuff out (the bugs)
Roxas: Joy
Me: All done!! Now I think you need to put some gel in your hair
Roxas: *takes gel**puts gel in hair* all better now.
Me: I still have to wash your clothes!!!!
Roxas: Great here we go...
Me: Put this on *hands Roxas clothes*
Roxas: EWWWWWWWWWW their sora's clothes!!!! I would rather wear my boxers
Me: Since real men boxers! Real men are not gay either!!!!
Question time!!!
Q: Who is your favorite Kingdom Hearts 1/2 character??
A: Roxas, Axel, Namine are my main favs, but I like more people!!!
Picture time
By the way the chi one was my first!!!
Fred out!
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
Hmmmm.. back hurts!!
Ok well I would have done the dolls, but i had to wash all my sisters clothes and her stuff animals. Which was like 15 loads of laundry. I am still doing her stuff animals.
Other then that my neighbors were here for 4 hours. I talked to motoko and watched tv. My mom owns me sooooo much for doing what I did today. So now she has to buy me the naruto game or grand theft auto! I really want a new video game.
Question for the day!
Q: Do you have a video game system/s
A: Yeah I have a PS2, Gamecube, Nitendo 64, Xbox, 3 gameboy sps, 4 computers, and a PS
So here is todays pic!

P.S. I just found out at about 1:30 am Motoko has lice!!! I am so sorry!!!! For giving it to you.. If you need any help I will come over and help!!!
Fred out
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Ok today I have a better reason for not putting the dolls up. If you read the post you will find out!
Ok here is my day. Went to bedat 3:30 am (Yes I am going to bed pretty late) Woke yup are 9 am. Went to people's sites and went back to bed. Woke up at 2. Went to more peoples sites and then went to the grocery store!!!!!! We went to this store next to the grocery store and got my chinese dress. The store didn't open till 3:30 pm that day, but since it was about 3 we went to the grocery store and when we were done we got my dress!!! We got home and their was a message on the answering machine. It was for my mom, so she told my neighbor back. And then my mom makes me go to her bath room and I think "Oh crap what did I do" But I wasn't in trouble. My mom was check me for lice. Since she just found out my neighbor's got it. And so I have/had lice. This is the first time for me. I don't have it to bad. Since my mom had straighten my hair a few days ago and heat kills lice, and also my lice are brown since we dyed my hair brown the other day.
Anyway thats why I didn't get the dolls up since I have been doing that almost all day. And I really want to post 4 but I only have 3 done.
Todays question is...
Q: Have you ever had lice?????
A: Duh I just got them a few days ago..
Todays pic is of.. I don't know the anime or who it is, if someone tells me I am going to be like "Ohh I knew that" this I most likely am going to know. So if anyone knows the anime or person tell me!!!

Fred out
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
What to do.. What to do...
I am talking to motoko!! Its midnight here!!! Well in tomarrow's post I will post some of my pixel dolls!!!! Other then doing pixel dolls today, I didn't do anything.
Except I had a doctors appointment at noon, but I stayed up till 5 the last night. And my mom woke up 10 mins after the appointment had started. So I didn't go, but I have to go on the first of next month.
Omg school starts at the end of next month and i have to start reading and writing my reports. *grabs FMA book* *shows everyone book* I am going to do the first FMA novel for school and the second book I am going to do I have no clue what its going to be of!! I know I really need to pick.
If anyone has knows any really good books that are about 150 pages or a little more. Please either pm me or put it in your comment!! The books for my report have to aleast be 150 pages, but I don't really like reading books that aren't manga or for school.
Philup thanks again for the art!!
I think that is a good enough post for today!!
Before I forget I am going to ask a question everyday starting now!!
Q: Do you collect trading trades??
A: Yes, I collect Zatch Bell cards! Call me a nerd all you want, but I like to collect things and that is the only thing I can keep with out losing. Also my dad most of the time buys them for me!!
I think everyone will get a laugh out of todays pic!!!

Even though Roxas and Axel are not gay
Fred out
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Monday, July 10, 2006
hmm what to put here...
Well lets what did I do today. I slept till about 2. Then watched tv and watched move tv.
I downloaded this progame called pixia and it is really cool!!! When I am finished with what I am working on with it. I will post it!!!
Other then that I didn't really do anything.
And like I hear a lot tomarrow is another day!
I don't know what I am going to do tomarrow most likely finish my chi doll I am working on and start a freya one!!
Ohh yeah for those who don't know since I never really said it. The wedding is the 22nd of this month and it is at night. So I will most likely post either when I get home or in the morning.
Does anyone know how long weddings last???????

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Sunday, July 9, 2006
15 comments WOO!
Well this morning I had to wake up at 11 and I went to bed at 4. We had friends coming in. They stayed for about 3 hours.
Later at about 3 my sister went to her party. By the way some of you thought it was my sisters birhtday, but it wasn't it was a girl name emily's birthday.
At about 4:30 ish me and my mom went to see a movie. I forget what the movie is called. The movie theater was packed.
After that I tried to straighten my hair. It worked!! I also try to cover my highlights, but that didn't really work. This is for the wedding by the way.
I made a banner for giving me 15 comments!!!
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
Nothin really happened today. After my mom picked me up from Motoko's we went to the mall with my sister to find her a dress. We did!!!
Other then that I hung with ed till like 4 and got home at about 7 and then I watched tv and chilled.
Tomarrow my sister is going to a birthday party.
At the mall we had to get her friend a present. We got her neopets, but thats not the point my sister spent $10 on a High School Musical poster. She got two free posters with it. I didn't want one since I hate High School Musical. So we gave it to this kid who was there and wanted. And the lady who worked there thought I was weird since I hated Troy from the movie.
She has only slept at home once this whole week. God she is a party animal.
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Friday, July 7, 2006
Well I am staying at Motoko's again!
We went to the mall today. At the mall we went on a hunt for aerith skirts and a yuffie shirt. GUESS WHAT!!!!!! WE FAILED!!!
Random moment in the car watching for Motoko's mom:
Me: I want MickyD's!!!!
Motoko: I want MickyD's too!!!
Motoko: Axel wants MickyD's!!!!
More Silence....
Me: Reno wants MickyD's!!!!
Some more Silence.....
Me: Roxas doesn't want MickyD's!!!!
I have decided that todays pics are going to be of GIR!!!
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
Wakka Wakka Wakka Wakka Wakka Wakka Wakka Wakka Wakka
Let me first off say I am at motoko's house!!!
Well not long after I came over. One of motoko's friends Jessica imed us. She invited motoko over a few days ago, but motoko doesn't really like her, so she never told jessica that she could or couldn't go over. We didn't want to tell Jessica that I was here, so we told her that Motoko had bf named Riku (The riku from KH2) she belived us and we told her that Motoko was busy every day since weekend even monday. (if you don't know she is really really super really annoying) Anyway we were going to go to K-mart and Jo-ann fabics, but we decided not to since we have to watch up at 9:30 and that is too early for us.
For those who don't know 3v1l-m1nion = motoko/ed
Todays pics are of Pyoko

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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
All I did today was sleep till 2! ^^; and then i took a shower and left at about 3:30 to go to my aunt and uncle's house. All I did was listen to the adults, but aleast we were only there for like 3 hours.
I am so glad I haven't seen my sister in over 24 hours, but tomarrow she is coming home. T_T
Before my sister comes home my mom said she would take me to see a movie. We aren't really sure what movie yet.
Todays pics are from Final Fantasy X and X-2 enjoy!

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