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| ghettostar0492
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Yesterday, my day couldn't have gotten any worse! The "McDonalds Teacher" as lordsesshomaru calls her, gave us double homework because she swore that she gave us work over the Spring break, which she did not! So, she gave us all the homework that she supposedly gave us over Spring break yesterday due today! Lord have mercy. We had to read chapters 9-13 in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. I am not going to lose sleep for her! So I decided to use the infamous Sparknotes!! XD
I hope your day went better than mine yesterday! lol
Oh! I got 11 comments yesterday! Thanks! That is an all-time high for me. Some people might be used to 25 and up. Baby steps first!
I am not supposed to be on the computer, but I thought I'd post. I have to go now before my mother comes out! ;P
Hope you have a nice day!
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Well, my spring break is over and I have to go back to school. *sighs* it was good while it lasted. Wonder if my teachers will go easy on me.
I was able to visit everybody's site who updated yesterday! I even left a comment for...mainly everybody! What a new achievement for me! lol
Now that I am back in school, the time I have on the computer might be limited, if you know what I mean.
I will try to get to sites today, but its not guaranteed.
Have a nice day!
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
Yet again I post early. Its not because insomnia either! lol
Well, I didn't post yesterday, because I basically slept the whole day. Remember when I went out all day with my aunt? Yea...I was totally bushed after that.
My aunt had gotten us passes so that we could come with her to her Christian Convention Special. It turned out that we were in fact having church!
It was a lovely ceremony. I on the other hand feel that I am nore spritual than religious. But I appreciate her inviting us! ^_^
That lasted about, what, 4 hours? Yeah. 4 hours.
After that we decided to show my aunt around. We went downtown, and into this little "accessory" (however you spell it) store. Both me and Shadow got a necklace that had our first initial's in front of a heart. (It was like, the same chain, but 2 pieces to it, the initial and the heart)
Then we got some exotic Indian bracelets. They were handcrafted and, omg, they were so beautiful!
After the store, we decided to get something to eat.
And later, escorted my aunt back to her convention thing. That was about it. You can imagine how tired I was after that!
So, now you know. That is why I wasn't able to visit sites today. Gomen Nasai!
I may not be able to visit sites today either, unless, it's like, late. We (me, mom, sister) plan on going to the movies, so I pretty much have my week booked.
Stupid Dare
During the church ceremony, my aunt got some nachos with extra Jalepenos. We shared, of course. When there was nothing but Jalepenos left, my aunt dared me to eat a spoonful of them. I don't back down from dares (unless the are dangerous, mind you), so, like and idiot, I did it. My mouth was burning like crazy!! *sighs* I need to learn to think, before I do things! lol
Well, yeah....I guess I will ttyl!
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Thursday, April 6, 2006
Time: 12:00
Normally I don't post this early. I am in bed by...lets just say, earlier than this. i just can't sleep. Oh yeah! My aunt came today! She came with her convention. We knew that there would be a whole bunch of people there, so we called her before hand. She said that she would be wearing white.
Come to see, everyone who was at the convention was in white!! (she couldn't be more specific? i.e. Everyone is going to be in white.) So we went around looking for her group. My position was at the front gate, while my sister was patroling the sides. My mom was just looking everywhere. lol.
In the end, we ended up spending at least 2 hours looking for her...and DIDN'T find her!!
I was so mad. I couldnt even see her today.
We got home and my mother called her. She said that she was at her hotel. @___@
All that time looking for her and she was in her hotel 8 minutes away?! But, I can't blame her. I should have known that something like this would happen. *sighs*
Today, we plan on seeing her today. This time we made sure that we know where she is.
We might be out all day! So, if I do not come by your site today, I apologize. If you are currently updating ("early posters") then I shall visit. But to those of you who aren't, I again apologize.
I will try to get some sleep. I might as well, seeing as I may be out all day, and I don't want to be falling asleep during the good parts! lol
I don't know why I can't sleep.
Oh well.
End: 12:13
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Today I found out that my favourite aunt is coming to see us!!! YAY!!! She is so much fun! My spring Break may be saved!!
She tries to get as much fun in with us as she does with her own children! lol
But my cousins, her children, aren't coming. Actually my aunt is coming here for a convention. She says that the convention will not interfere with her spending time with us!
I can't wait until she comes! My mother said that she will be here tomorrow! YAY!! I am so happy!
By the way, what have you guys been up to?
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Monday, April 3, 2006
Spring Break....Doesn't feel like it.....
Hello everyone. Star here.
How goes your day so far? Well, today officially starts my spring break. It really doesn't feel like a break...I mean, sure, i get to stay home, but, what else? It is so boring!!!! AHHHH!!! I cannot stand being bored. There is not good on t.v. and nowhere to go!!! The Amusement Park is getting boring ( it starts to get boring like, around the 3rd visit)
So, I guess I will be online all day....or I might play my game.
Ok, on Saturday, I said that I would tell you about the teacher that was screwing around with my work.
Let's rewind
Where: School
When: After School
Teacher: Gay Science Teacher Mr. Sanders
What: Screwing with my work
OK, What I mean by him screwing with my work is that when I was out with the flu ( I am feeling much better) Shadow had to give him my work that I had done. I had to do a Sketchbook, where I would free-hand all of the pictures in the book, and then I had to do book work which was about 4hours of work!!
The day that I am feeling better, I have to go to him. I asked him for my sketch book that Shadow gave him for me. He tells me to look in a pile of sketch books on his desk. I looked through every single one of them and mines was not there. I asked him where is 4th period (period i go to him) and he said that he gave all of them back. I then had to explain to him (he is too stubborn) that my sister gave hime my work. He tells me that she gave it to someone else to give to him. WTF?
My mom just so happened to be up there. When she heard about it she threw a tantrum. It was halarious!! One thing I know about my mom is that she does not play when it comes to my grades in school. All of a sudden her *remembers* something
Sanders: i remember her sister trying to give me something. I told her to put it on the table by the computer.
Mom: So you ARE going to give her credit, right?
Sanders: I believe that I already graded it.
Me: So, if you graded it, then let me see what you put.
Sanders: Let's see....0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.
Me: O__O NANI!!??
Do you see all of those zeros? Yes, all of that was an individual assignment! Then, he has the nerve to tell me that my average is a freaking 55!! When I know for a fact that it was higher than that!!
See what I mean? He had better give me a 100 on each of those *counts*...11 assignments!
Well, now you know. This Spring Break is gonna be so boring...unless something interesting comes up....
Well, this was a long post....longer that usual I suppose...
Dont Click Here
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
Spring Break Begins!
Konnichiwa Minna san!
Boy, I haven't been here in a while. Sorry about that. You see, I haven't had enough time to come on here and post, what, with school and such. School seems to be getting harder and harder by the day.
I would like to fill you in on school. My Language Arts teacher was being so unfair to us. (p.s. teacher who asks others to bring her food)
She gave us a practice test packet with only 5 parts to it. I finished 4 of the 5 in one class period. The next day, she tells us to finish it. When every started talking she asked us if we were finish. Some of my friends including myself said "yes". Apparently, my voice was the only one she heard. She called me up to her desk, told me to bring my work, called another student, took her work, and examined them. "Hmmm....These answers are completely different" she said. WTF?? How can my answers be the same? Of course they are different!! Stupid *mumbles*.......
As a result of us me finishing early, she gave us a whole bunch of homework. Ok, class is over. As i leave, I hear her mutter "Let's see you finish that in a hurry." I just wanted to freaking punch her!!!
We also had a school basketball game. Teachers vs. Seniors. We had to pay $4 for a ticket. I didn't go. Shadow did though. Since I didn't go, the principal had all those who weren't going to be confined in the cafeteria. Yes "confined". We weren't allowed to go anywhere...not even to the freaking bathroom!! My friend was there. We talked, and she fantasized over this really cute guy. He already thinks that she is stalking him!! Umm...doesn't that ring a bell that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't want anything to do with you?!! But...that's my friend for you....such a dreamer. At the end, turns out that the teacher beat the student. Girls 13 to 7. Guys 22 to 9. So, it was a waste of money.
Why should you have to pay during school? That's dumb....
Spring Break starts for me on MONDAY!! Hooray!! Yay!!! We did it!! *starts Dora the Explorer's annoying end theme* lol
After all of that, I think we deserve a break. As for the teacher.....who cares?
I have no idea what I plan to i guess....I'll have to improvise!!! heh...
Well, that pretty much sums up what has been happening. Except for the teacher that has been screwing with my work, but I think that I will save that for next time. My post is pretty much long as it is, and I'm sure you have other things.
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
New Computer!!
Yes!! My dad finally to the time to go and get us....well, its my moms....a new computer!! yay!!! It is a Flat Panel computer from emachines
I love it!! I mean, I know that i kinda bad mouthed my old computer i.e: crack-head computer. ^_^;;
As many of you know, I didnt post yesterday. Thats because we (mom,sis, and me) went out to see a movie. At first we were each going to see our own movie. Shadow was going to see the noew movie UltraViolet, I was going to see
Tyler Perry's: Madea's Family Reunion, and my mother was gonna watch what ever peeked her interst! lol.
When we went to the ticket booth we saw that UltraViolet was sold out and not coming on until late at night. and the only movie we saw that we wanted to see was Madea. So, that was our pick. The movie didnt start until 1:30, and it was 12:45 wich mean that we had some time to look around.
*time passed and the movie is over*
Overall, it was a great movie/comedy/drama. If you like these genres, i would recommend it!
Looking around
After the movie, we decided to look aroung, and not buying. We looked in a store called Parisians. Lord have mercy!! The prices were ridiculous!!! It is pretty much a "rich-people" store. Their motto "If your not here to buy, dont come at all" what i heard most of the people talking about.
Another store that we looked in was BeBe. Very expensive. I loved the fashions though. Shadow was looking at a skirt *....why skirts?*..and she thought that is said 24.00. JUst as she was about to pull out her money(birthday money) she saw that the skirt was in fact 240.00!!! lol!!
A skirt for $240? Come on now. Would you actually pay that much for a skirt?
Well, this pretty much ends my post. I will try to visit sites today.
Hope you have a great day today!
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Friday, March 17, 2006
I was Violated by a bird..... O_o
hey guys...and girls...women and men too, i suppose....anyway
On my way to my grandmother's house, I was violated by a pidgeon. I was walking my normal pace, along with Shadow....when all of a sudden a pidgeon just unleashes his lunch....if you know what i mean....all over my jacket (which was not mine, but Shadow's) hahahaha!! and on ly forehead. luckly, it missed my hair! i had to wait until i got to my grandmother's house to freshen up, because i had nothing to wipe it up with. *sighs*
This might just make me loathe St. Patrick's day. Maybe this happened because i wasnt wearing green. I detest the color!
Just a few minutes ago, i was at the site of LordSesshomaru and on his post, he said that he doesnt like to be pinched. I am the same way!! I cannot stand for people to pinch me. It just....i dunno....i just dont like it! Which is why i wont give in to wearing the color green. I dont care if it is a holiday.
oh wait....there is no school for me today!!! it is teacher's planning day!!! hoora!! (yes hoora! not hooray.)
i havent been on because something has been wrong with this crack-head computer.
i guess that's it....
ja ne!
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Random post....
yeah i kno that i am posting kind of late but i really didnt have anything to talk about.
That is....until i checked my mail!!
While checkingmy e-mail, i saw a mail title "If Bush was a Girl" i saw,and i literally fell off of my sofa!!!
I want to share my mail with you guys!











hope you liked it!!
well, that all for-- wait!! idid visit site today but my darn computer was acting up and everytime i tried to comment, the comment box would not come up. so... yes, i did visit!!
thank for understanding!!
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