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Graguated Middle School
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Marry Sesshoumaru and get through high school
Drawing, wathcing anime
Well, I can speak different languages. So far, I can speak Spanish, French, Japanese, and I'm learning Russian.
| ghettostar0492
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Been a while......
Ohayo minna-san! how are y'all? sorry i havent updated in a while. i really let myself go. my ratings went up/down (wichever way's the bad one) plus i've had to read books for schoool so that i can take a test. why is it that Shadow has been out too, but her ratings stay the same? ITS NOT FAIR!! but i cant blame anyone for this, it is my fault. i have to leave for school today....but not officially. jus for an oreintation (how ever you spell that) i have also been busy making wallpapers. none of them come out looking right. so i start over. We jus got Paint Shop Pro (dont you say a thing), i kno i kno i'm slow, i kno that most of u been had it. i have been having a blast!
i jus need to kno wat is wat. oh, well, i guess i'll figure it out. well u guys have a great day!!
thank all of you (for wat? i dont kno ^____^)
oh yeah i managed to make Bankotsu into one ugly drag queen! i'll most likely post it up when i get back. Sorry Bankotsu!
Tell me, do you ant to see it?
Why do stupid people do stupid things?
C YA!!!
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
school yesterday was better..... only 1 more day
ONLY ONE MORE DAY TO GO!!!! ^_____^ yay! i only have one more day to go till i have a week off!! but that's still to much. i wish 2day waz frieday!!! ok, yesterday was kinda better than the 2 b4. the bus actually came and picked us up, (after my mom got thru wit 'em.) she said that she was tired of having to walk 3 miles to the next bus stop. yay mom!! whoooooo! ok, i hope the bus comes today. i would have posted about yesterday yesterday, but i didnt have time in the mornin to post. i feel so tired. my eyes are burning!! literally. i guess its bcuz my body is used to a lot of rest, wich i usually get but..... not now. i have to go to sleep. bye! i'm off to school. tomorrow i'll tell u bout the new rules that there puttin up.. maybe... if y'all wanna hear bout 'em. Do u? anyways bye!
Is/has anyone going/gone thru this?
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
school yesterday
hay erybody. schoole yesterday was..... so boring. but the majority was ok. my class puts the GHETTO in Ghettostar. they are so ghetto. the classes that i have to take are.... awrite. the lunches suck tho. sorry i didnt visit sites yesterday. it took us(me n mom) a long time to get home. we had to catch the bus. now, normally the bus would come up to the school. but it didnt. so we had to walk all the way down the biggest hill i'll ever c. and hike our way to the next bus stop, wich was like.... 3 miles away.... wich is a lot wen u are walking! so we was so tired. wen the bus finally came at bout 4:30. i fell asleep on the bus. wen it was time to get off, my hole right leg was numb. we had to hurry to catch the train, and i couldnt move my leg. man that was the worst way of getting home, wich we got to at about after 7:00. man...... i hope today is better.
From any Anime, who do u think is the best couple?
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Monday, August 1, 2005
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
hey guys! sorry i havent been posting 4 a few dayz. i have been extremely busy. i have been making wallpapers. it is my first time making these. i hope u like them. oh! please leave comments so that i kno wat u think. my bratty cousinz are leavin, maybe today or monday. i'll miss em, even tho they get on my nerves. DARN i have to go back to school on monday..... well not really school school. i have to go cuz i am goin to the 9th grade. the school i am going to requests that "all freshman must report on monday" sheesh! i have to go cuz they are givin us a little taste of wat to expect. Shadow is not making it any easier. Shadow: ha ha u have to go to school. she can b so mean at times. man, i have to go for a whole week! couldnt b 1 day,, no. has to b a whole week. after that week i have to go back to school to officially start school. i cant stay up *mom really strict wen it come to school work* i cant watch shows that i want to watch. i'll have to study, study , study!!!! MAN!!! this totally sucks!! that's y i probably, and i'm not sayin i wont, but, probably wont b able to come on the computer n c wat's goin on wit 'cha'll. i am so sad. its like, so bittersw33t. my cousins will be gone, but i have to go to school. it sucks big time. if ya'll kno wat i'm goin throu.
lend a voice.
check ya l8ta.
Why does Sango, and Koga have swords but never use them?
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Healthy facts about INUYASHA
KonBanwa everyone! i jus thought that u night be interested in these facts bout inuyasha that i jus stumbled upon. they are mainly bout the meaning of the names in inuyasha. jus so u kno.
1) did you kno that Naraku actually means "abyss" or "hell" in old Japanese?
2)Kikyo's name (Kikyô) means "Chinese bellflower," a plant that is commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine.
3)SESSHOUMARU= The kanji of 'Sesshô' means 'to kill or destroy.' 'Maru' is usually a suffix that is often added at the end of a Japanese name for young males in samurai families. They would use this name until they were recognized as adults, whereupon they would adopt a new name. However, it is said that 'maru' can also translate as the word for 'circle', which is a common Japanese motiff for what in the west is called 'the circle of life.' Thus it is widely assumed that the name Sesshomaru translates literally as 'destruction of the circle of life', or 'end of the circle of life.'
4) Saimyôshô actually means "insects of hell".
5) Miroku= The character is named for the predicted Buddha of the future, Maitreya, who is called Miroku in Japanese.
6) (here are a list of seeshoumaru's attacks, case u didnt kno)
Dokkasô (Poison Flower Claw): Sesshomaru's claws release deadly acidic poison which can melt flesh. Sometimes he uses it like InuYasha uses his Sankon Tessô attack, but he can also use it to spray venomous acid from his fingertips.
Whip of Light: Can generate a thin whiplike strand of energy from his finger that will cut anything it touches.
Flight: Can hover in mid air or generate a sparkling dust cloud to ride.
Taiyôkai: Sesshomaru is a full blooded inu taiyôkai (dog demon lord). While he usually appears in a human-like form, his true form is that of a giant dog.
Tenseiga (Heavenly Life Fang): Uses Tenseiga to revive the dead or heal the living.
Tôkijin (Fierce Fighting God): Sesshomaru can also attack with the sword Tôkijin, crafted for him by the evil swordsmith Kaijin-bô from the fangs of Goshinki.
Staff of Heads (also called Staff of Skulls, nintôjô): Locates his father's grave, also generates fire and, in one episode of the anime, water as well. (Held by Jaken.)
Facts from
MY Day
well, nothing really happerned today. cousins came over as usual. only this time, it was different. I, ME actually got along with them. we stayed up all night playing card games. talk about bonding. if that's wat u want to call it. ^___~. but it's a start.
Shadow is so cold. she didnt even wanna play with us. MEANIE!! *hope ur reading this* she said that she dont wanna play cuz they cheat tu mutch. (wich they do, but still) ok, enough of that, i gotta go watch family guy on Adultswim!!!!
dewa mata!!
there will be no question of the day today, well, it's actually night time. ^_____~.
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Friday, July 22, 2005
hay guys/gurlz! today i finished learning how to play Grip.... only... this one was jus with one hand, like the melody. the one with 2 hands is MUCH MUCH HARDER today me and shadow uploaded a pics. mines is bout Full Metal Alchemist, while Shadow's uploaded a wallpaper with Aeris. i hope they come on soon, if mines is the right size. wen they do, i would like you to tell me how it looks. it is my 1st time doin this, so it might not look so good. right now i am beatin the snot out of Shadow ina game of Tic-tac-toe. she sucks, jk! i have to go brush up on my inu-fact. lordsesshomaru questions might become wwicked hard, n i want to win so, ima have shadow quiz me. well i have to go! hope you all have a good, insomia free night!
dewa mata!!
Question: What is your favourite anime?
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
bored to death
wat up guys? nothing has really ben happenin lately. i feel as tho, i am in a dark wet closet waiting for something exciting to happen. totally boring... that's y i'm glad i got y'all!! tee, today i fed the birds. there was this one bird who fought any bird that came close to the food. it was halarious! me n Shadow have been jus messin with the computer, and found out how to enhance your picks. y didnt we learn that sooner? i made a pic that i would like for you to c. it is an article. i dont kno what for, but i was bored like i metioned b4, n jus felt like doin somethin.
so here it is

hope you like.
dewa mata!!
Question: from the ad above, would you buy this outfit?
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
hey all!
hey you guys! sorry that it took so long for me to post. i couldnt come on early today. and i'm not supposed to be on now, so i thought i'd quickly stop by a few site's and come off. hope fully i will be able to come on 2morrow. since i couldnt come on, i started practicing my anime songs on my piano. i finlly finshed playing Kaoru's theme from Rurouni Kenshin. i jus keep gettin better and better. Shadow was disapointed cuz hardly no one signed a comment on her fanfic, wich i thought was really funny, so i dont think she will be on today. if you want to support her on her story please Click Here
dewa mata!!
Question: do you think that of Inuyasha had never met kikyo, or kagome, that he would be the all powerful demon he once talked about?
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Monday, July 18, 2005
hey y'all. sorry i didnt post yesterdy. i didnt have anything to post about. did nothing happen. and i still dont have anythin to talk about. pretty much nothin is goin on. OH! but i learned how to play Four Seasons(current MP3), Sango's theme, Kikyo's theme, Inuyasha and Kagome's theme, and Shadow is teachin me how to play Grip. most of the songs i try to play r from inuyasha, of coarse. but i am currently working on Read or Die Opening OVA. it is way harder than it sounds. wicked hard. my hands have to get adjusted to playing fast like they have on there. if i want to master it, i have to learn how to play with 2 hands better. Shadow is working on 1/3 from Rurouni kenshin. oh and my Japanese is getting better! i have to go.
hope you have a good day!
dewa mata!!
Questions: Why do you think that they haven't shown or said anything about Sesshoumaru's Real mother?
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