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Graguated Middle School
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Marry Sesshoumaru and get through high school
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Well, I can speak different languages. So far, I can speak Spanish, French, Japanese, and I'm learning Russian.
| ghettostar0492
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
hey all! you kno how i said that i was doing a final fantasy theme to celebrate that it is coming out? i thought.... wait.... inuyasha was my favorite before anything else! so now i am doing a theme on inuyasha the movie 3, wich is coming out in, i believe, August? anyways whenever it comes out, i'll be there to get it. this theme for inuyasha is a very special demon to me......
FLUFFFFFFY!!!! yay!! *throws confetti* i will try to visit sites today, so look out for me! hope you have a great day!!
Question of the day!
Why do you think Sesshoumaru has human ears, when he is indeed a demon, and inuyasha has demon ears, but he's not all demon? care to explain?
dewa mata!!
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Hay All!!
hay, today is friday and my dad has to leave again. he is comin bak wen he was supposed to last time, wich is in August. i dont think he was supposed to come here. but it's sw33t that he did. i am gonna miss him. Shadow is siiting here with me. i got a call from one of ym best friends yesterday. she just got back from Camp. it was mice to hear from her. she told me that she got accepted into a Magnet School. my other friends were going to that school as well. turns out that she will not be going there. because she has to move. now she has to make new friends, because her other friends are not going to that school. so, it was a really sad day for her. i really miss all of my friends.... including that special person. well i have to go!
dewa mata!!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Well that waz unexpected.......
wassup erybody? there waz an unexpected surprise yesterday. MY DAD CAME HOME!!! we didnt expect that. he waz supposed to come bak in august. i'm real glad that he's bak. oh, n 'bout that tree that fell on the car?? it maneged to do some damage. it broke the front window. i didnt c it cuz the tree n branches were in the way. i hope they can pay 4 it..... well i have nothin more to say.
hope u have a good day!!
dewa mata!!
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Hurricane Dennis!!
hay everyone!! sorry i havent been one at all today. i would have posted much earlier. well a tree fell down on one of my neighbor's yards. me n shadow heard it last night but had no idea wat it waz. wen we woke up, we saw it. it barely missed the house. it fell on their car, but there waz no damaged that u can c. i'm not sure. rite now they r tryna cut the tree. i waz wwatchin the news n i saw houses that were totaled from the hurricane. down were my annoying couzins stay, their garage waz flooded.their dad, my uncle, called n said that he couldnt get out of the house. ich i think is pretty bad. i didnt ant anything like this to happen. couple minutes ago, me n shadow were tryna play Grip from inuyasha on piano. really good song... oh, me my mom n shadow wwalked down to the store wen it waz rainin. that's jus us, cuz we is used to that. the rain had turned in to a drizzle, then shortly stopped. then afterwards on our way bak, it started to pour down on us. Shadow waz having a blast while i waz jus walking. Shadow acted like she waz 8 yers old out in the rain. we had no raincoat or umbrella. i wore my favorite pants. after we got home we were soaking wet. i guess that's wat i get fo tryna look cute!!! ^_^
well i learned my lesson.
i have to go!!
check y'all l8ta!!
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Konbanwa everyone!! good news... i DID get that sleep that i've been craving. if felt so good to. I wanna thank lordsesshomaru for having that "learn Japanese" site thing on his site. me n Shadow r learning a lot from it. jus a few minutes ago we were practicing the writing in Hirogana. the site is really cool. it shos me thing that i didnt kno. so ARIGATO lordsesshomaru!!! ^___^ right now, i think we r feeling the wrath of hurricane Dennis. our light keep flickering on n off. luckily the computer didnt shut down. well i have to go. me n my mom r baking me a whole chocolate cake 4 my birthday. i cant wait.... smells good...
dewa mata!!
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Friday, July 8, 2005
wat a miserable night.......
good morning y'all. i had such a miserable night last night, i havent gotten a wink of sleep. i jus oke up to my stomach hurting. it passed, but now i was up. here it is 5:45. i dont normally get up that late. my eyes r all red, i keep yawning..... yet i cant go back to sleep. i tried n i tried all night. tossin n turnin. i get to sleep 4 bout 5 minutes, then i wake bak up. i dont get it!!! i said my prayers bout 2 times... that didnt seem to work. if u dont c that i have posted, updated my site or anything at all today...... pleeze make note that i am..... probably sleep.... in fact i think i might turn in to try n go to sleep. if u find that i have updated note that i still couldnt get bak to sleep.
good night *yawning
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
hey all, i havent upgraded in a while, so i thought, since i cant wait for it to come out, i'd put Advent Children on my site. i waz watchin the uws(news)n my school waz on the there. they said that my school was dangerous. me n Shadow were like WTF!!?? we have been there through the whole thing n nothing like this has ever happened. they also said that there was an arson, kidnapping , n battery this year. there has been nothing like that. it's amazing wat people will put on the news jus to get attention. i cant believe them!!! well i have to go. hope u all had a good day.
ps. y'all are mean!! y'all didnt even comment on my 13 birthday post. u could have said something!! meanies! *sticks out tongue.
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Monday, July 4, 2005
hey y'all, things were not going good with my site AnimeTwix, so i decided to come bak here. for those wwho have signed my gb, i am so sorry 4 not gettin to u. so i guess im here 4 good. boy, now i'm really glad that i kept this site. something was tellin me not to delete it, so i'm glad i listened to myself. well if u look to the left, my BIRTHDAY IS FINALLY HERE!!!. i am finally 13!! yay! *throws confetti* well i didnt really do much today. but thats alrite, i wont let that bring me down! Shadoww is here burnin herself. (cookin) well i kno that 13 isnt alot to those who r way older than me, but.... THAT'S JUS ME!! hope u had a great day!!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
OMG! my cousins are bak for the summer! they r really getting on my nerves! at first they weren't getting on my nerves but now, the oldest one, Josh in gettin 2 2 smart. we were over my grannys house one day and they were making her cook like Emeril.XD there was one pack of noddles left an they were arguin over it. well there were 3 of'm, but it was mostly the youngest, Taylor, she is 4, and Josh, 11. he should kno better. so granny told him to give it to taylor cuz she the youngest. so i caught him buckin at my granny when she had her bak turned. i didn't appreciate it. he has so much mouth but last night he was cryin over something so stupid. his brother Chris, told him to give him his gameboy bak.
whhooooo! i swear if he get smart with me he gon feel the backhand. esp. wen i'm 2 years older than him. i wish he would.
well my song is on.
We Belong Together by Mariah Carey
"i feel like kickin ass"

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Monday, June 13, 2005
My Survey! i hope u find me interesting!
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