Gender •
Female Location • USA Member Since • 2004-03-09 Occupation • student Real Name • Jailein
Achievements • Graguated Middle School Anime Fan Since • forever Favorite Anime • Goals • Marry Sesshoumaru and get through high school Hobbies • Drawing, wathcing anime Talents • Well, I can speak different languages. So far, I can speak Spanish, French, Japanese, and I'm learning Russian. ghettostar0492
Monday, March 6, 2006
Oh HELL no!!
uh uh!! today some gay girl tried to hit on me!! i am not gay!! no! man i am so pissed!! Gay gurls hitting on me.....feh! i told her that she had better back the hell up! boy.....let her try to do that again tomorrow.
she came up on me saying weird things like....ya kno....things... certain things that cannot be said over MyO. bitch if u dont back the hell up!
i am strongly against gay-ness. i mean its ok...for those who are...i guess....but dont put me or assume that i would be aroused by such things. that is just totally gross! *shudders* ok, let get off of this topic.
i was totally unprepared for my class(es) today! OMG! at least we didnt have a book/folder check.
Oh what a day!!
ok, besides the gay thing that was just under discussion, my language arts teacher wasnt here today!!yay!! you kno....the lady who asked the student to bring her a chicken sandwich? yeah her. O, what a glorious day!!
Currently, i am listening to Shadow's MP3 player. i think i should take it back! jk. :P
so, far, it is an Anime Mp3, filled with the kinds of anime music that we both love! so far, we have "Sotsugyou:~Sayonara wa Ashita no Tameni" by Tackey and Tsubasa you may kno, or have heard this song from the episode 124 on Inuyasha when Kikyo dies....the sad music. "Ghost in the Shell:Stand Alone Complex","Ai no Uta","Bratja"(extremely hard to find), and "Rewrite" from FMA.
ok, that's all the time that i have for now. oh, ans,uh....excuse my language! ^__^;;
Below is a video of Tackey and Tsubasa singing "Sotsugyou:~Sayonara wa Ashita no Tameni". Hope you enjoy! They sound so nice, ne?