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myOtaku.com: ghettostar0492

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

I must apologize for yesterday. It seemed that no one could see my AMV. Again, I apologize.
I guess something was wrong with the link.

Ok, lets try this again. I will, instead of showing it to you on my site, give you a link to it.
My Video.

I am sort of bad with links, so if that did not work, we'll have to go "old school".
Go to youtube.com, and type in my username which is SesshoumarusJuliet.
Knida sounds like me, but I did not make up my name. One of my friends decided that that is what I should name my account. (She knows I am loco about him! ^^

I am currently in the process of making another AMV. To make up for yesterday, I will even tell you the anime. It is for FMA! yay! Boy, making them can be so addictive, because it sorta tests your creativity.

Other things

Well, my sister is back in school. Yes, I said "school". She decided to take a course during the summer. Since she is also a member of the famous "Math Haters", she decided that in order to shorten her math years in real school. She has to take Advanced Algebra and Trig.
In my case, I turned it down, because, #1, I refuse to do math during my break. lol

I have a sharp neck and back pain (left side). I don't know how I got it, but I got it yesterday, and still do today. It feels like someone just openly ripped out the muscle or whatever tissues I have there, poked at them until the bruised, then put them back. I thought for sure that a good night's rest (finally) would rid me of the pain. Wrong.


Both me and my mother decided to stand out on our porch and watch the little kids play. It was about 8:50. This one girl, about 8 or 9 y/o, found a condom on the floor, already opened. She picked it up and threw it a this little boy. Then they decided to play "catch" with it. When the boy threw it back at her, she put it back on the ground. "Phew", we thought. About 5 seconds later, she started to stomp her foot on it. "Good job, little girl" we said again. About 2 seconds later, she picked it back up, put it to her mouth, and started blowing in it like a balloon!!!! DISGUSTING!! We could tell that they had no home training whatsoever. My point was, where the hell was the mother when this happened?! Who know what that girl could catch....disgusting....

Anyway, I hope the link worked.

I also want to thank Akira Hiwatari, for helping me with my HTML problems, along with the others that helped! Thanks!!

Well, ttyl

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