Gender •
Female Location • USA Member Since • 2004-03-09 Occupation • student Real Name • Jailein
Achievements • Graguated Middle School Anime Fan Since • forever Favorite Anime • Goals • Marry Sesshoumaru and get through high school Hobbies • Drawing, wathcing anime Talents • Well, I can speak different languages. So far, I can speak Spanish, French, Japanese, and I'm learning Russian. ghettostar0492
Friday, August 11, 2006
I am sorry I didn't visit anyone yesterday. My internet was out, due to the thunderstorm we had.
We had to have the Bellsouth people come over and restore it (our phones were out too at the time). One man came and, I guess, he didn't know what he was doing. He kept walking in an out and in an out. Not to mention tracking dirt in the house! Then he called someone else to help him out, and he tracked dirt right along with him. Now, we had 2 clueless men in the house. *shakes head* It took them long enough, because when they did one thing, something else went wrong. Finally after about an hour or 2, they finished their job. Oh, one of them, I actually caught in my room (they were supposed to be doing their job) watching T.V. As soon as I walked in he jumped and started back at his work.
They had the nerve to give us their card and told us call them anytime. Yeah right......
Activity Time
Can you guess what celebrity this is?
The answer will be revealed Monday! ^^
Well, my dad left today. Boo hoo.
I got news from one of my friends on here that my layout won't work because of the HTML or something like that. I was so mad, because I spent so much time on it. Well, now they are helping me out, so it isn't a big letdown.
Here a video I found on youtube. It is for lordsesshomaru, who said that his ideal pet would be one who could use the toilet. Lol
I hope you get a kick out of it! Lol. would put anything on there.
That's it! I shall waste your time no longer!
Interesting fact about me
The most "boring-est" book I've ever read was "The Gammage Cup".
About you
What is the worst book you've read, if you've read any?