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Member Since
Radio Operator in the United States Marine Corps
Real Name
Crank Havok
Graduated High School, found the path of the God and Godess, Graduated Marine Corps Recruit Training
Anime Fan Since
can't remember
Favorite Anime
Far to many to list
make E-5
Martial Arts, reading, gaming, and strategy games
Spells, charms, and whooping ass in Risk!
| GhettoWizardHavok
Hey Otaku's, this is Crank Havok. Im just a regular guy, into rap, hiphop, rock, sci-fi, fantasy, and of course anime. Come on to the site for interesting anecdotes, occasional stories, video game news, and all kinds of different stuff you may find interesting.
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wow, traded far east for the middle east. . . .
Okay so i havent posted in forever, but ive got real good excuses. First, i was supposed to be going to Okinawa, so i went home for a little bit and my ISP decided to mess up my payment, so no internet. I didnt have time to get it hooked up cause as soon as i got back on base, we were told that are deployment to Japan got cancelled. The day after that we were told that we are going to Iraq. Thats right, this otaku is going to play in the big sandbox in a couple months. Dont worry though, we have been getting some relly intense training for it. Just throw out some prayers for us when get in country. Its all for you, this thing I do. Peace
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Bout time
Internet is working again, ill be on today and tomorrow, Peace.
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Saturday, October 28, 2006
Here I am. Doing things that no one else will do, that no one else can understand. Thats why they look at me with disgust and the question, "Why did you do it. Why are you risking yourself?"
I smile, and I tell them that they will never understand. Because I wear this uniform that has stood between this country and its enemies for almost 300 years. A unifrom steeped in blood, sweat, tears, and undieying determination. I stand wearing this uniform, even though it brings me pain every time I put it on, and bare the knowledge that it will always take me far from home, far from the loved ones that sit at home wondering, "Is our boy ok? Will he come home?" I continue to stand in this uniform, till it is as much a part of me as my own skin, and shoulder this pack as long as it takes to ensure that all of those sitting in front of there tv's, computers, cars, homes, and families will continue to have that chance to love. And in my heart there is a longing, an empty space that duty doesn't quite fill. Because there is no one back home, willing to listen to the horror stories, the dreaded reality, the sickness of men gone mad, and give a warm bed and warm arms to enfold me in sanity and love. And yet I perservere, with the glimmer of hope that what I do gives someone else that chance, to love, to live, and to hold. I do this for you. Spread the word, me and my brothers and sisters will endure every poke, prod, and jab of pain you can give and still we will fight for you. We will hold up our end of the deal to the highest of standards, hopeing that one day you will all understand, and give us credit due. We do this for you.
To the families and friends who support our neverending vigile, we thank you. Your love gives us the energy we need to fight day in and day out. We miss you from the farthest battlefields and the closest of homes. Thank you.
LCPL Simonet
3/10 I BTRY
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Featured Quiz Result:
Amazingly true, especially when my natural element is Air.