Gegan Noin (11/29/05)
thankx for signing my gb..and ur site is awesome...I'll add u as a friend...i'll yeah....
metal-inuyasha (11/27/05)
cool site
it looks good that it does^_^,
now that I said that
I will say that you can pm this one any-time you want
if you want help with any-thing
or if you just want to talk
or what ever
i will let that be up to you
if you stop by this ones site
don't forget to comment on some-thing
and after all
I don’t want to hunt you down for not commenting ^^
J/K,,,or am I?
now this one must be going
see ya
~may Peace be with you in a world of Zombies
soulreaper227 (11/22/05)
sweet site i really like it come see mine and ill add you as a friend!
Darkantonio (11/18/05)
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook, your site is cool too, love the purple. Well i'll see ya around.^^
-Antonio chan
BNCF Shadow star (11/16/05)
Hello! Just a friendly member!
yellow snow (11/16/05)
ur site is awesome ur awesome i hope we become friends
AnEnDtOmYsToRy (11/16/05)
Hey This IS Jess,
Well it looks like Ed signed your GB. I love your site but could you lighten your font color please so it is easier to read and I dont have to squint. Well, I love that you have put poems and other tings on your site. Im adding you as a friend. Well I will talk to you later.
signed JD, Naruto
EdwardElricThe2nd (11/16/05)
*Hey! awesome site!! Love it! Do you wanna be meh friend??? Drop by meh site sometime. I'm not one of those stupid ppl that demand to be visited everyday, but just like once a year would be nice. lol n_n So yeah...n_n' lol hope we can be good friends! ttfn! CULATER!
Idiots do cool things.
That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lions strength..."- Edward Elric
† ‡ †
Ðå Fullmetal €heerîo King knowz bestiestz. dð watz rite & don't do da drugž! ¤.¤ thanxiež! n_n
- ¥our friend Édwª®dŒl®Ì¢Thè²nd ♣♠♣♠
Devil boy (11/14/05)
Chrz 4 signing my gb.
Here 2 return the favour.
Friends, yeah? Cool.
See u in hell.
msyugioh123 (11/09/05)
hi there come visit my site