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myOtaku.com: ghoshiagenrei

Monday, April 17, 2006

  I feel drugged...heh....*hold head* stupid animals....I have a cat and dog in the same house together...The dog barks and barks at the cat and the cat kicks the dogs ass....I have a headache from it...my mom came into my room while i was sleeping and then the dog came in and the cat was laying right there next to me and the dog jumped on the cat...she knows that my animals don't get along...heh...and and....*thinks*...oh yea....them stupid kids are gone and they are back home....Teaca hates me now b/c she says i hate her kids....i don't hate them..i love them...i just hate the things that they do....i can't hate kids b/c some day i plan to have kids myself...which i never wanted to do but some thing lately has changed my mind....but when she called me an asshole for watching her kids so they didn't kill each other and break stuff in my house i just got so pissed off..i didn't talk to her or my mom...i even refused to say i was sry...mom said "the least u can do is say sry to the kids..u don't have to say sry to Teaca just the kids"...i said i was sry to them...then Teaca had to go and try to make it out like she called us all assholes..she said "i ment to say that u all were acting like assholes not to just call u one...Its just every word u say to them is mean..Why do u not like us anymore...I rememeber when u were younger u used to love playing with them and coming over to stay with us..Now u just seem to hate us"....i was so mad that i decided to be the better..well almost better person by not entirly not saying anything....so b/c of that insident she left with all her kids and went home..i know i am mean....but i am not mean enough to call her an asshole....but my mom said something to her and she now hates us...i just simply said "u can hate me now all u want b/e i'm not here for u to like me...I don't hate u..but i love u guys and u hating me won't change anything"...thats how i view it....but now it so quiet..i can sleep in...no kids running around the house screaming their heads off...No kids getting yelled at....just my mom Danielle and me....just three ppl....so yay....i love kids....and some kids love me...i just lately decided that when i properly get my life together and go to college like no one else in my family did then i will settle down with some one and have as many kids as i or the man can handle...lol....now enough with my troubles....how is everyone?....and sry for all the trouble i cause....the om thing is so screwed up right now...so its hard to pm...heh....so i'll talk to all later...bye love all of ya...and i would like to talk to 1nonlycloud..and another person and he knows who he is...
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