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in a small room, with a bed and computer, rocking back and forth in my chair, 'must be the best.'
Member Since
Real Name
sam, so now i guess you think you know me, do you. well yep you do thats all ther is to know.
writing first book (still writing it)
Anime Fan Since
anime is that what they call it.
Favorite Anime
dunno, ninja scroll, trigun, outlaw star, vampire unter D, you know the usual.
to some day escape from this room and actually meet people.
i loove listening to music and doing other stuff, i.e surfing, writing, drawing.
its pretty hard being me it takes a supremely talented person. (head swells up) what can i say im just gifted.(floating now) most people will pay me a fortune just to be seen with me.(there i go off into space somewhere)-_-#
Ok well ive been away for some time (two years) so heres a quick update, im in my second and last year of college. Am doing English (still writing) Psychology and History, am hoping to go uni in sept at plymouth.
Still watching anime of course and hope to set up some shrines on here to my fav shows.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Yay i finaly got my GCSE results!
After what seemed like ive been waiting for ages, i finally got my GCSE results, im pleased with what i got, so ere they are:
A,B,B,B,C,C,C,C,C,D ^_^
nine altogether, i am getting some money for eery pass and so am goinog to splash out on some more anime dvds, try and complete my zone of the enders collection.
anyway thats all i wanted to say.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Everyone seems to make sense but i dont thik my temperis that bad , #GGRRR#
 You're like a Dragon!
?? Which Mythical Creature Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
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i got back and all tese new things are on, such as private messages and most of my words ave turned blue, im kinda of freaked out. ive been away for too long.
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Im back!
Although some of you may not have noticed that i had even left. i am back now from a very long six week break.
Alot happened to much to bore you with, but ive been alot of places in the six weeks and ave had loads of fun.
also im gonna be putting up some new drawings soon, and i might add more to my stories.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
I havent really talked about my self much, maybe its because im too secretive or because i feel that no one cares. (sigh) T_T
So here goes. Ive only got three exams left and then thats it. yay finally. ^_^
im just glad that its all over. My 'leavings ball' or prom is next thursday and ive got nothing to wear. i guess ill have to rent out a tux or something although i cant imagine myself in one, im too small. lol
Im getting restless lately and want to join a martial arts club or something from stopping me going insane. unfortuanetly im one of those people who are overly energetic or are completely tired out all of the time. (at the moment running round screaming) too much sugar lol.
any way ive got maths higher tomorrow and its really hard, although ill be fine,(there goes my head)^_^
So thats it my life, i may not sound but much but thtas only cos it isnt.*_*
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I've decided to add this story that i did, for my english coursework, to see what you think. i got an A* by the way.^_^
This is only part of it, i cant find the begining soz. A word of warning not for the easily offended, contains scenes of hooro ect.
Sargeant Hillson and Deputy Troy walked down the damp, long corridor of the Winster flats on Tether avenue for the second time that night. The lights emitted a paliid yellow hue glow, Which allowed shadows to partially exhume the young mens faces. Joseph Hill was a sharp looking man nearing his 25th. Next to his partner he appeared small of stature and had a slight chisselled softness to his features with soft hazel eyes, a scar lay under his right cheek. He was unlike Dennis Troy a hulk of a man nearly breaching 6'' 4''. His face was wide like his nose, which sat squat and off center in the middle of it. His eyes which were a shade of dark indigo looked like black gleaming pools.
'' Why do we end up getting stuck, coming to pits like these.'' Deputy Troy looked up at his partner. His face twisted as though he had been sucking a lemon, his voice carried a dry note.
'' Christ. If i knew i was gonna run around delivering messages i would have been a plumber.''
The last bit he said under his breath.
''Why do the i have to look after a God damn rookie anyway. ''
Dennis proceede to look ahead his mouth opened and out came his monotonous voice.
'' I guess its because theres nothing else happening around here.'' He looked down at the Sargeant.
''Thats the point there is something happening though. Theres a friggin murderer running around, there must be something we could do.''
They turned around the corridor and into an old lift with faded yellow doors.
'' But I guess its not my call any hows, now that they brought in that new inspector from Boston. If he's a s good as they say he is then he should know what he's doing.'' He glanced up at his partner who continued to stare at the wall, after having pressed the button for the fourth floor.
'' Have you heard bout the ' bruxton', murders that happened here on the north side of the town up at the Derry barn. You know the one next to the lake. Must have been 'bout seventeen years ago.''
The sargeants face looked tense as the lines folded on his forehead, a sense of seriousness took over his face and seeped into his eyes turning the soft stare cold.'' Dennis looked at the sargeant now and his eyes scanned the sargeants face and took in the seriousness of the his expression. The cold glare from the eyes sent a sharp shiver spiraling down his spine. As he shook his head trying to shake it off, he spoke.
'' No i haven't. I just came from a town 23 miles west of here, just been shipped over here over two weeks ago. New lot's the name of the town you heard of it?''
'' No, i'm afraid i haven't.''
'' Well its not that big, can't say that i was actually needed there.'' He returned to looking at the wall as if calling up memories of his town.
' I guess you ought to now bought an incident involving this town some time ago since youre new here. So that you hear the truth of what really happened back then and not some of the shit that the older residents of the town are sporting.'' Just like Dennis he set his eyes up against the lift walls, they were mottled with mould and like the whole of this putrid place they smelled like a damp cellar containing the corpses of a few small mamals. Again he wondered why he was here.
''Well like i said before it must have been seventeen years ago, making me bout eight years old. Just like me, my dad was in the force and was acting for sherriff of the department at the time. A single young man named Jack Stiller took up residence in the old Derry farmhouse. Now not many people live up near there so the only time people saw him was when he came down into town to stock up on supplies. From the few conversations that people had with him he was considered to be a friendly, laid back chap who was up that house alone.''
He paused to take a break. Dennis watched him with the look of awe a child has for a big lolipop, spread across his face. The sargeant noticed this and continued.
''He lived up there for bout two months and then thats when the first weird occurence began. Many people reported a black figure stalking round in the shadows a couple of nights in a row and then some dogs go missing the following week. After to many dogs had been reported to have gone missing the police began an investigation to find a suspect. Many people had their beliefs at the time of who it might be but people like my dad also had their doubts. A couple of weeks later the same thing happened again but this time with children instead of dogs. The police increased the investigation and after crying was heard at the farm from a passer by the police decided to check it out. After checking through the house and finding nothing they heard a soft whimper protuding from the barn.''
He collected a deep breath the calmness of his voice wavered as he recalled the buried memories, sending them rushing to the surface. A wet glint sparkled in his eye.
'' My dad and two other officers came into the barn following the whimpers they suddenly came across a boy suspended from the rafters. I layed there as tears streaked my eyes, A hook peircing skin on my back suspended me 2 foot off the ground. My face was swelled up and covered incuts and numerous bruises a 4 inch cut lay under my right cheek. Where i had been slashed at with a crop cutter. My left arm twisted back at a 90 degree angle was broken in three places. I had been the lucky one for my brother and four other children all of whom were boys had been beaten like me and then they were starved to death on a hook parrallel to mine. My brother lay next to me dead his closed eyes puffed up his jaw hung lose snapped and the rest of them were at the bottom of the lake just like the dogs. Just like the dogs.''
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
This is my favourite quotes of the week.
'The Blackest Eyes...The Devil's Eyes' -
Dr. Sam Loomis (HALLOWEEN)
Halloween "You can't kill the boogeyman!"
Evil dead 3 "well hello Mr. fancy pants. I got news for you pal. You arent leaving but two things right now, jack and shit and jack left town.
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Part 7 'the duel' wow this one sounds like a Yu-gi-oh episode.
'Will you allow me to pass if i except your challenge.'Nazetsu stared at the man and wondered if he would ever be able to to make a trip without having to fight. He knew the answer, it was certain, it was, no. Afterall it was in his blood to fight and no matter what he did. The fights always found him.
'Of course, i just wanna test my skills, and for once you look like a worthy opponent.' The man covered his eyes, from the glare of the sun.
So that is it Nazetsu thought, i keep on fighting because im a 'worthy opponent' he nearly smiled the thought amused him a litte. Then it dawned on him he only fought, solely because it was his destiny. His mission.
'Before we start it would be polite if i asked for your name. Mine is 'kes'its short for 'soaring kestrel' thats my nickname around here. I am the demon hunter, in these parts.'
'I am Nazetsu and i accept your offer.'
'good, then let us begin.' His smile widened. As Naz thought to himself, that he was fighting an inexperienced fighter who had no conrol over his emotions and possibly his actions. They both got into theyre positions, both facing each other, a couple of yards apart. This wasnt so much as a duel because Naz didn't have a gun, it was more of a sparring match.
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This link will take you to a site were you can download movies from the ffac film! it may take sometime to download!
ffac movie
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Agian technology wins!
Im no computer wiz and so i cant find a way to put a trailer of ffac on my site if any1 knows how to plz tell me. icould just put a link to the site though i guess ill do that for now.
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