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Friday, August 18, 2006
Post Last Updated: 2:18 am
Life Update
I FINISHED MY THEME CHANGE!!!! So, what does everyone think? It took me the longest to find the pics for the buttons and post box, but I think it was worth it! Nothing special has happened lately... Band practice was cancelled for Monday! I don't have practice until Tuesday. That is a good thing and bad thing... Good thing, I don't have to see horrible lines! lol Bad thing, I don't get to see LB, unless she can come over Monday. Not sure what is going to happen with that... We were planning that she comes over Sunday, but she may not be able to. So, if she can't come over then, then we are hoping that she can come over Monday. Ok, that is all for now. I'll post the quotes of the day in a few minutes.
Oh yeah, please help support Juz Cuz and her friends by visiting their joint site. Our Last Days
Good luck LB!!! Keep on reading! You can do it!!!!
Quotes of the Day
"Hold on to those who support you, but don't choke them."
-Little Birdie
"So troublesome..."
Question of the Day
What would be better for a Gaara AMV, Foresaken by Disturbed or Enter Sandman by Metallica?
My Answer
I like them both. That is why I am asking you guys.

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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Post Last Updated: 1:51 pm
Life Update
Hey Everyone!!! As you can see, I'm in the middle of changingmy theme. I am working on making a Shikamaru theme. So, what do think so far? What about the music??? I heard it a couple times on Mr. and Mrs. Smith and I always liked the "Mondo Bongo" part in the song. So, I decided why not? It should go ok with my theme. I think I'm going to change the wallpaper though... I found one that I like much better. The main one you see will be in my gb. I'm not going to add the question or quotes of the day today... I'm busy with my theme change, but i will post your quotes tomorrow with any others that I get today. Sorry about that...
(Du nut wiuraraya, O wiolal chahaenagi ot bechak fur ushar uni yaisher! Tahaet os wihaya O chahaenagid ot, su tahaet wiolal be sapichoshel)
For those of you who can't read/understand that, it's ok. It's not meant for you, but if you figure it out, tell me. I will be very surprised.
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Post Last Updated: 2:21 am
Life Update
Hey everyone! I'm so bored right now... I think I'm going to bed after I post this. Right now, it is extremely hot in my basement! Normally it is much cooler. If it is this hot down here, I'm afraid to go upstairs. *sigh* So, what did you guys think of my newest AMV? It is on my intro and is the one that is called Naruto- Ten Thousand Fists. It took me somewhere around 5 or 6 hours to finish... I guess that isn't too long. The one that took me the longest is the one that I made for LB, Kare Kano- When You Say You Love Me. Today I went school clothes shopping. We went to Steve and Barry's. That was the first time that I have ever been there, but that is where my mom has been buying me clothes from recently. I liked it. Most of everything was nice and cheap! I think everything is like $6.98 or something like that. I liked it. Band practice was ok, I guess. A lot of people weren't even trying to work. Very annoying... T.T
I hope everyone learns their stuff before tomorrow night (I guess it would be tonight...), our first performance. We have a parent preview. That is where we show everyone what we learned at band camp.
I'm very sorry about not getting to everyone's sites... I've been meaning to do that, but end up running out of time... I'm really sorry.............................. ................................. ....................
Ok, that is all for now.
Quotes of the Day
"woman who puts carrot and pea in same pot is not sanitary."
-my aunt dar
-Angel Asuka
"When your feeling down eat pocky!"
"You're a headache and I have a pistol full of aspirin. I have half a mind to shoot you and the other half agree..."
-One of the people from Red vs Blue
Question of the Day
Do you preffer anime or manga?
Video games or movies?
My Answers
Anime because I don't have many manga and anime take less time. I like both, but I would choose anime over the manga.
hmmm... this one is hard... I enjoy movies because I don't have to do anything, but I enjoy video games because I get to do what I want. I get to shoose what happens. (sort of...) I can't choose between the two.
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Post Last Updated: 4:24 am
Life Update
Hey everyone!!! hmmm... where should I start.... Oh yes, how about Friday? Friday I went to the Cincinnati Bengals training camp to watch them practice. It was their last day there and my dad has been promising my brother to take him. So, we went. it was also my dad's birthday that day, so I guess it was a gift to himself. lol I don't know. I was looking forward to meeting T.J. Houshmanzadaz (I'm not sure if that is spelled right or not... T_T) but I didn't... Oh well. I got to meet the head coach. That was cool. If there are any football fans reading this, you should know that Chad Johnson had to do something stupid and he did. When practice first started, he was trying to wrestle a lineman. (For you non-football people, Chad is a wide receiver and is very small compared to a lineman)
I'm pretty sure he lost. Everytime he caught a pass, he would start screaming and trying to get as much attention as he could get. HE IS CRAZY!!! I didn't get to meet him, but I did get to see his gold teeth. Well, a glare from the sun was coming from them. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was kind of cold and was sprinkling off and on, but it was still pretty fun. That's what happened Friday.
Saturday went as it normally does. Wake up early go to LB's house, and then go to church. (Yes, this is Saturday.) AFter church, we went back to LB's house and had lunch. Then at 4 IMNo1Bishounen had to go to a hospital for volunteer work. He was there until 8 or 8:30. While he was there, LB, her little cousin, and I just kind of sat around and watched Vegetales! (Don't diss the Veggies!!!) Then we went to a cello concert. It was really relaxing and I almost fell asleep... *yawn* I'm tired now too! Anyway, after that we went to a Chinese buffet. We didn't get back to LB's house until 10:45 pm... NOw, before I left my mom said not to be home too late. I didn't think that 11 was too late, but i'm always wrong. (you can ask LB) So, I got in trouble... Nothing much, but my mom still seems a little annoyed around me.... *sigh*
On to Sunday (aka: yesterday) I was going to post yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to because of my brother... Once he gets on the computer, no one else is going to get on for quite a while. So while I was waiting for 2:00 to come arround I decided to watch a movie that LB and IMNo1Bishounen let me borrow. Card Captors: Sakura the movie 2. It was kind of depressing at the end, but everything turned out alright!!! LB had a concert with the Dayton Philharmonic band. Those are a bunch of proffessionals and LB is so good that she was shosen to perform with them along with three other students from our school!!! Like IMNo1Bishounen said yesterday, LB is the best high school clarinetist that I have ever met! The concert was nice. There was a variety of music. From soft sleepy music to high energy. Tehn we went to Nothing bu Noodles. That is an awesome restaraunt!!! i've only been there a couple times, but it is amazing! If you haven't been to one, you should go! When I got home, I was actually able to get on the computer!!! HAPPY!!! I checked my pm's and then decided to start on my next amv! IMNo1Bishounen let me borrow some of his Naruto discs. It is almost done. I've been working on it for about 5 hours non stop. Once I get it finished, I will post it. Som epeople already know what it is, but for those of you who don't, you'll just have to wait and see! I have another amv idea once I'm finished with this one. ok, that's it for now... I think... I'm too tirted to think! It is 4:20 am!!!!! Whoa!!! I had no idea. Yeah, I need to fisinsh up here and go to bed or LB and my mom will kill me!!!
Quotes of the Day
~When I look into your eyes,
it's like falling in love all over again.
-Juz Cuz
"Things take time, so should you"
Question of the Day
I can't think of a question now... Maybe I'll post one later.
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Friday, August 11, 2006
Post Last Updated: 11:43am
Life Update
Nothing special has happened today... I got to see LB yesterday! It was only for an hour, but I'm glad i got to see her. I found out last night that I won't be able to see her today... I was looking forward to that too... Anyway, today is going to be very boring for me... My dad wants to take my brother and I to the Cincinnati Bengals training camp to get some of the players signatures. I'm not a big football fan. I'm more of the person that would rather be playing the sport than watching it. I find watching most sports are boring... The rest of my family loves to watch football and I'm just kind of sitting there or somewhere else. I really don't feel like going to Cincinnati. That is a fairly long drive... oh well, maybe it will make my dad happy. I guess that is the only reason, I'm not trying harder to stay home. I'll try to make the best out of today! I'll try to be HAPPY!!!!
I have a song lyric that I would like everyone to know. It is a song that has a lot of meaning to me. It is the song that comes on when you guys come here.
"When you Say You Love Me"
By Josh Groban
Like the sound of silence calling,
I hear your voice and suddenly
I'm falling, lost in a dream.
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,
You say those words and my heart stops beating.
I wonder what it means.
What could it be that comes over me?
At times I can't move.
At times I can hardly breathe.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive
You're the one I've always thought of.
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You're where I belong.
And when you're with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive
And this journey that we're on.
How far we've come and I celebrate every moment.
And when you say you love me,
That's all you have to say.
I'll always feel this way.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
In that moment,I know why I'm alive
When you say you love me.
When you say you love me.
Do you know how I love you?
Well, that's that song. Isn't it a great song? I really enjoy it. i remember the first time I heard it. I'm sure LB does too. *Remembering* Good times, good times.
No one said much about my new theme... Does the Shikamaru idea sound good? OK, That is all for now. I'll talk to you all later!!!
Quotes of the Day
~Love is a moment that lasts forever...~
-Juz Cuz
"I learn something new everyday. Life is my classroom and the people around me are my teachers and peers."
Question of the Day
Who is your favorite Naruto character?
Which Naruto character reminds you of yourself?
My Answers
My favorite Naruto character is probably either Naruto or Shikamaru. I like Naruto because he is so persistent and is always working so hard towards his dream. i almost wish I was more like him. He gives 110% in everything he does. (mostly) I like Shikamaru because he thinks and plans before attacking. He takes his time and that is a good thing.
A Naruto character that best describes me is probably Shikamaru. I like to plan things out before rushing into them. I enjoy taking my time and just sitting and thinking is fun. I do that when I'm really bored.
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Post Last Updated: 12:45pm
What kind of lover are you? (Beautiful anime pictures)
 You are a devoted lover. You are willing to throw your life away to protect the person you love. You can be pretty protective at times and love to be around your significant other. Take this quiz!

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Life Update
Sorry for not posting yesterday... My brother is being a computer hog... I got to visit like 2 people's sites and I don't know if I will be able to visit too many people's sites today or not... Sorry for not visiting everyone. I feel horrible about it. I will try to visit your sites whenever I get the chance. I hope everyone understands. Nothing too exciting has happened lately. I had to get up early this morning so i could go get LB's band uniform. She needs it Sunday and her parents wouldn't be home today until later and the guy who was getting it out of the trailer (it is where we store the uniforms and instruments when we travel) had to leave for Chicago around noon. So, I told LB that I would pick it up for her. I'm kind of tired right now... i completely forgot about having to get up this morning. I mean, I knew that I had to when I went to bed, but when I woke up to my alarm, I was kind of confused. Oh well. I'd do anything to help LB. I wonder if she knows that by now? I hope she does. Ok, that is all for now. I'll try to get to people's sites today. Talk to you all later!!!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'm going to change my theme soon. Any ideas? I know Idon't want .Hack again and I don't think I want Bleach either. Right now, a Shikamaru theme is the only thing that comes to mind. What do you guys think?
Quotes of the Day
ummm.... sorry to those of you who sent me quotes. Do you think you could leave them in your comment today? Thanks. I guess I'll leave a quote for everyone.
"When you say you love me, the world goes still, so still inside and when you say you love me, in that moment, I know why I'm alive."
-"When You Say You Love Me"- by Josh Groban
Questions of the Day
What song would describe you most?
Who is your hero?
My Answers
I'm not sure what song would best describe me. I just thought that it would be a good question.
My hero....I'm not sure about that one either... There are a lot of people that I look up to. My parents, my grandparents, LB's parents and grandparents. Those are just the people that I know personally.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Post Last Updated: 12:16 am
Life Update
Hey everyone. Sorry about the depressing post a couple days ago.... I was just feeling overwhelmed and had to get it out. I'm better now. I would post about Band Camp, but you can get all that info from Little Birdie's site. She is posting all about that. If you really want to know about it, just go to her site. I'll post more later. I'm too tired to do much. Sorry... Talk to you all later
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
THIS IS SO ANNOYING!!! When I changed my layout, I forgot to save the code for my post box thing... Now I don't remember how to do it... That doesn't help my mood any at all... If anyones knows the code, could you please email it to me? Here is my email address:
Band camp was pretty fun, i guess. Some interesting thing happened like a dead lobster in someone's bed and then us getting punished for it. It didn't feel like a punishment though... It was close to or over 100 degres F the whole time and we didn't have air conditioned dorms... We had two pool partied though. (LB and I only particiated in the first one) They were at night so they didn't help the heat. The second one replaced the karaoke. LB was really looking forward to that because she was going to sing. She was going to sing for me! I don't think I am very good at singing, so I normally don't sing for anyone, but at band camp I sang for LB. It wasn't much though... I guess I will tell more about band camp later. I'm not exactly in the mood to talk about it.
Right now, I'm not in a good mood. Some thing happened a little more than a month ago and has been bothering me ever since... Anything that has to do with a certain promise brings the pain back. I could be in the best mood ever and then something reminds me of that promise and I lose my good mood... Most of you have no idea what I'm talking about. I think only three others know about this... and one of them is the one that made someone make this promise... This has affected me so much I can't even watch my own Kare Kano AMV without feeling bad.... I am so upset that last night, it took me forever to get to sleep and once I got to sleep I couldn't stay asleep... I woke up this morning and I don't feel like doing anything at all. That includes eating or drinking and I can't stop shaking.... No, I don't have an eating disorder or anything. If you have ever been really upset, you would know how I feel. I've only felt like this one other time before, but I don't feel like telling about that... My hands are shaking so much that I am having a hard time typing this.... I don't think i am going to add anything else today and I'm sorry to those who pm'ed me your comments... I don't think I am going to visit anyone elses's sites today... I don't know if I am going to get on anymore today or not. I'm sorry for being all depressed and all, but I can't help it right now. I guess I will talk everybody later...
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Post Last Updated: 4:23pm
Life Update
Hey everyone! How do you like my layout? I'm not going to keep it for very long... I'll change it back once I get back from band camp. This is the layout that I was telling you about that somegirl was helping me with. I thought, what the heck, why not use this layout when I'm gone? So yeah, that's why I'm using it. There are still some things I want to fix with it though. Oh well, I can do that later. Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow for band camp and I don't think I will have access to a computer, so this is probably going to be my last post until Sunday. So, today has been long. I woke up at 8:00 am because I couldn't go back to sleep and I would have to get up soon anyways. I had to be at my school by 9:50 so I could be at the airshow by 10. I saw LB there, she was selling programs the shift before me. All the members of band, kickline, and color gaurd have to seel them... We get in free though, which is cool. I sold all 25 of mine. At first the people in charge put me and my mom in a place where everyone that wanted a program already had one, so that was a waste of time. Then we decided to walk around a little just to see what was there. I almost walked up to the marines and asked them where the navy stand was! That would have been funny! I don't plan to be in the military, but I don't really like the marines because everytime I talk to them they aren't very nice... Anyway, after we walked around a little we decided to go to the front so we could be right there when people walked in. We sold all of ours in like 20 mins!!! That is 50 programs in 20mins!!! (my mom had 25 too) That is like 2.5 programs a minute!!! (i used a calculator) I'm a little sunburnt and tired, but I made it through the day alive! No planes crashed on me. lol That would have been bad... That is all that has happened today. I know you guys do a lot for me, but could I ask a favor of you guys? Could you visit LB and my site? We made a site that we share. Here is a link for it: KareKano4EVA. We would greatly appreciate it. I'll add the Quotes of the Day and other stuff in just a sec.... The only problem with this layout is that I can't see comments, unless I make a link for them.... So, if you can't comment right away, please come back in a few minutes so I can make the link. Oh yeah, one more request.... Could you guys still visit my site even though I won't be updating? You can just leave comments, so I will know who are my true friends and who are the ones who just come here to get me to come to their site. I know there are some out there, but who??? lol That is all. THANK YOU!!!!
Quotes of the Day (Week
"Planning ahead of time is good... impromptu stuff is good too!"
-Little Birdie
~Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows.~
-Juz Cuz
"One time, at band camp..."
Questions of the Day (Week)
What do you think is worse, being sun burnt or gettin salt water in your eyes?
When I get back I'll have a bunch of questions to ask and maybe I'll try my personality test that I made on you guys and I want to see how acurate it is.
My Answers
I think they are both painful and really don't want either of them. I guess sun burns are worse because salt water will only hurt for a littl bit, while a sun burn can last for days! Sun burns also itch and it hurts to scratch them... Yeah, sun burns are definitely worse.
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Post Last Updated: 11:56 am
Life Update
Sorry about not posting on a regular basis... Yesterday, I wasn't home for very long. I had to wake up at 8 am!!! That was horrible... I had to go to my aunt's house to get my hair cut, since my older brother's weding is tomorrow. We were at my aunt's house from 8:45 until about 3:15ish. It was ok, I guess. I ddi get to see my little cousins, who I haven't seen in a while! There are three of them. One of them is 10, another is 3, and the other is only a couple months old. I've only seen Gracy, the youngest, twice now. She is so cute! Maybe I'll post a pic of her sometime. It seems that she likes the song (if you want to call it a song) Can't Touch This. I like that song, just because it is fun especially if you use it at the right time! I was playing tag with my little sibblings and cousins and they couldn't tag me, so I styarted singing that song. Everyone who was watching and playing started laughing because I was atampting to dance to it whil dodging the others. It was fun! Anyway, back to yesterday. My youngest cousin wouldn't stop crying, so I picked her up and made her start dancing to that song and she couldn't stop laughing! It was funy because she laughs like Woody the Woodpecker! Then my second youngest cousin, Olivia (she was adopted from Russia) wanted me to play house with her because no one else wanted to play with her... I was like, ummm.... maybe. Then she just said ok, your name is eric and my name is allie. I'm like WHAT!?! Then she said, "you are the oldest brofer and I am the oldest sister" She was too cute. I couldn't resist... (I know what you're thinking, but HEY IT WAS FOR HER SAKE OF NOT BEING BORED!) She only wanted to play that for a couple of minutes and then the oldest cousin living there wanted to play guns... Everytime that happens something bad always happens... This time, I got shot! I had no idea that he had a loaded air soft gun and he walked right up behind me and shot me in the elbow! That was my first time being shot and it wasn't pleasant. he shot me like 5 times with that and then he decides he is going to get his paintball gun! He says, "I'll give you to the count of 5 to run." A thing you should know about my cousin, he is a very violent person and if he says that he is going to shoot you, HE WILL! So i startedrunning and he yelled FIVE!!! and started shooting. He only hit me 4 times with that gun. And then my brother got a gun and started shooting at me! His was a semi-automatic paintball gun. I had no gun at all, so I was pretty much screwed. I felt like Forest Gump that day... If you have ever seen Forest Gump, the part when something "jumped up and bit him" yeah, something jusmped up and got me too, in the same spot at point blank range! I have welts in the spots that I was shot... Now, I'm supposed to be cleaning my house, but i thought that I would take a break, just for you guys! Wow, I didn't realize how long this was.... Sorry about that. I will get on to the other stuff....
Quotes of the Day
"Lean on a firm foundation... you might fall over..."
-Little Birdie
"Something jumped up and bit me!!!"
-Forest Gump
"Sometimes you need to make sacrifices to better yourself and help others"
Questions of the Day
Who invented the gun?
Why do we ask question?
My Answers
I have no idea...
one of these answer for the second question...
1. to annoy people
2. find something out
3. to be stupid
4. sound smart
5. all of the above
My Stats
I'm not going to post my stats until they get it fixed or if something awesome happens, like over 1000 visits.
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