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Sunday, December 30, 2007
Happy Holidays
Well, it seems Christmas has already past, but i can still say Happy Holidays. ^_^
So, how was everyone's Christmas/holiday? Mine was pretty good. I got Rock Band for 360!!! It is a lot of fun especially the drums and vocals, but I have mostly been using the guitar and my brother covers bass.
I also got Assassin's Creed, Ace Combat 6, Balls of Fury (Fun movie), and two Jeff Dunham DVD's.
So, everyone heard about LB and me breaking up a couple months ago, right? well, we are back together!!! XD I did not know that one three letter word could bring back so much happiness. The word, yes. :)
I guess I'm done typing for now. It is getting late and I'm tired, so I'll hopefully post again soon.
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
This week brings bad news and good news.
Bad news: Finals week
Good news: Last week of school before break! XD
My finals schedule is really weird. I had two exams yesterday and then I don't have anymore until thursday, when I have two more... Oh well. Just two more days!!! woot woot
well, I think I need to change my avi... I don't feel depressed anymore or whatever, so I need to find/make another one. Too bad my trial version of paint shop pro ran out... I was just getting used to it too. Oh well, I'll find another free trial of something else. lol Why pay for something if you can get it for free!?
So, how are all of you doing? I hope you are all doing great or better!
well, I guess I don't have anymore to talk about... So, I'll add some of the old traditions again.
"Life is like a roller coaster, it has it's ups and downs and sometimes it throws you for a loop."
What do you think about most, the past, present, or future?
What stands out to you most, your mistakes or your achievements?
My Answers
For me, it's a mix of all three. When I'm busy, I think about the present. When I'm laying down at night I think about the past and the mistakes I have made... And when I'm bored I think about the future and what I can possibly do to change someone's life for the better.
My mistakes seem to have longer effects on me than my achievements. I don't normally think, "Wow, I'm a great person because I have done this and that"
I normally think why did I do that? It didn't help me much and it hurt others... or about things I should have done but didn't.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hey everyone!
It's been a little while and I have been meaning to update... darn, I'm going to say it again... I'm sorry...
ok, anyway I've been pretty good and hopefully it has been the same for everyone else. Did everyone in the US have a good Turkey Day? I ate waaaay too much, but it was worth it :D
I have been on break for thanksgiving since wednesday and I have enjoyed the extra sleep and free time, but... I have to revise two papers for english and I think I might shoot english in the face. (the whole language lol)
I only have a couple more weeks until "winter break", you know what, screw political correctness. I'm tired of it. Let me re-phrase that, i on;y have a couple weeks left until Christmas Break!!! Woot woot! Then I'm transferring to a school closer to home and much cheaper which will help my parents out a whole lot.
A good thing about being closer to home is that I get to be closer to a very special someone. I hope she knows who she is. =^_^=
ok, that's al for now. Feel free to tell me about your break/thanksgiving/life. I'm good at listening. :)
Talk to you later!
What is your favorite song?
Comatose by Skillet
it has a good beat and the intro is fricken sweet. Just listen for yourself, that is what is playing while you are here.
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Monday, November 12, 2007
Theme Change
I had no idea what to change my theme to, so i made it black, the controversial color. I'm not sure what it means for me now, but I'm not really sad, so it isn't that and I'm not goth/emo, so you can rule that out.
Anyway, how is everyone doing? I haven't asked that in the last couple posts... sorry...
Well, I have the day off for veterans day and it has pretty much been a wasted day. I haven't done anything except just sit around changing my profile and playing with photoshop :D
not much else to say, so I'll bring some old time traditions of mine.
"Now, let me tell you something. Let me tell you why women, why you win 99.9 percent of all fights. Yep, yep. And I'll tell you why right now. Here it is. Because you are mental terrorists. You are brain ninjas. And you know how to get in there with your katana; and just cut us and disappear into the night."
--Dane Cook
who is the most influential person in your life?
Everyone, everyone I meet has an influence on me. It's like a part of them rubs off onto me. I have a social theory, everyone has one thing similar with everyone else in the world. It may not seem like it, but after you get to know someone, even if you don't like them, you find that you have something in common. Maybe that thing is the thing that you don't like about yourself... That is my theory about that.
ok, that's it. You can procrastinate somewhere else now ^_^
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I was just about to change my theme from this depressing crap to something happier, but... things are back in the dumps... I hate feeling like this and I don't want people to feel bad for me because I'm sure I probably deserve everything I'm getting right now.
I just need someone to talk to and some prayer. It always helps...
O em suraraya Jisasoche... O em jasat e jirak enad O du nut disiravi yaushar luvi... I nivir haevi...
O wiolal elawieyaus luvi yausha...
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Fall Break
Hey everyone... I guess I'm doing a little better than last time. I still feel pretty crappy, but at least I'm not as bad as a couple days ago... That was an extremely low point and I don't want to ever go there again...
Anyway, today is my last day of school before fall break. Of course it is only an extra two days added to my weekend, but hey! I'll gladly take it. :) I really need to make up some sleep and I havne't been able to play Halo 3 yet!!!! My 360 is at home because my dad wouldn't let me bring it up here with me... I have it pre ordered and everything, so i should be able to get it tomorrow morning. :D
Oh yeah, when i was all down and everything the other day, i ended up making a greeting card. Here is if anyone is interested...

I took the background picture if anyone wanted to know. :)
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
i'm not doing so well... I don't what to think about anything anymore... I need some help...
I don't even know what to say... I'm hurting and I know Jessica is too, but it seems like her and I are becoming less and less like friends and more and more like enemies... We are always argueing and nothing seems to work right. I miss her so much and there is nothing I can do about it. I just want to hold her and never let go, but i don't think that will happen...
I'm not not good enough for her and I've known that for a loong time... I thought love was enough to keep us together even though we are separated by two hours.... I feel like maybe the best thing for me to do is to just dissappear... It would be better for everyone...
I've never hurt like this before and I don't know how to handle it...
everything is building up and i can't take it apart... stress, physical pain, emotional pain...
I'm so confused that I don't know what is what anymore..
is it day or night?
light or dark?
hot or cold?
crowded or lonely?
black or white?
loud or silent?
shiny or dull?
interesting or bleak?
energetic or tired?
up or down?
I can't tell the difference... I only feel pain and regret for letting her go... I miss her so much...
I love you Jessica...
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
it is over... it is finshed.....
At 10:46pm Saturday September 15, 2007 something terrible happeded... LB and i broke up... We were together for 723 days, one week short of 2 years...
We are still going to be at least close friends, which is a good thing. We made this decision together. It was a very painful decision to make and isn't really helping me much, but i am always going to love her as long as i live
My uncle died monday night... and his funeral was today and it has been pretty painful. he has been fighting leukemia for quite some time now and was undergoing chemo therapy.
This weekend has been the worst weekend of my life and i'm partially to blame for it... I should have been a better boyfriend... but i failed
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sorry about not posting yesterday morning... i forgot when I posted last time that it was friday and i wouldn't be able to post on saturday... so I am posting now.
So, about college. I'm lucky enough to have two friends from my high school going here, so it makes things a lot easier. I wasn't very good friends with them before this year, but we were friends. Now we are becoming really good friends. Too bad they are both girls because I couldn't room with either one of them, so I got put with a guy that I never met before move in day. He is pretty cool, but I don't really know him yet... like I said (I think i already said this) he is quieter than I am!!! You can imagine the loud conversations we have... lol
I'm all the way up on the 4th floor, so all of the heat from the bottom 3 floors comes to us... It gets hot!!! I'm going home next weekend so i can get another fan and anything else I may find essential for my survival, like a PS2. lol
Right now, I'm kinda lonely because my room mate is at one of his friend's dorms right now and I'm stuck by myself... Oh well, it gives me time to think about stuff.
My real classes start Monday, so wish me luck. :D
if anyone is near Bowling Green OH, you should stop by and say hi. I would greatly appreciate it. lol
I will give you a special treat today:
I'm sure you have seen the pic above of me and Jessica, right? Well, i'm going to post an updated pic of me!!! AHHHH!!! I know, so exciting. lol If Jessica were here I would post one of her too or us together, but she is 2 hours south of here... so depressing.
I guess I should do something to make this seem more special, like give a background story!!! :D
so, i was sitting in my dorm, bored out of my mind, playing with my new phone. I just got a samsung sync from cingular. (if anyone wants my number, just ask me via pm :)) I was curious about the quality of the pictures since it could have effects like black and white and sepia. I have realized over the years that i look better without color, so I decided to try out the black and white and here is what it came out to be:
*drum roll*
I don't do this for just anybody... so you should feel very special.

i know, nothing special... sorry for the anti-climatic ending...
lol sorry for wasting your time with a bad pic of me in my dorm...
I'll talk to you all later!!!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
College Life
So i moved in yesterday and everything is so much different here than I was expecting... Some things are a lot better than I expected and others are worse, but I think I can survive here. lol
Of course I got stuck on the 4th floor, so it is blazing hot!!! There is even a sign that says, "welcome to 4th floor Darrow, where it's hot!"
I say the sign and i wanted to tear it down. lol But I wold get in trouble for vandalism, so i didn't. -_-'
My room mate is pretty cool. He is quieter that I am!!! and I'm pretty quiet unless there is a certain group of friends that I am around. :)
Well, I have to go now, I'm going to walk around campus to show them around a bit. I know it better than them
Talk to ya all later!
(I'll post more tomorrow morning)
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