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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Hey everyone!!! Sorry about not posting in a long long looooong time... (i think i say that everytime i post...) I guess i will catch everyone up on what's happening to me now
Yesterday I went to Kings Island, it was awesome!!! I rode every ride there and even did a bungie swing thing!!! That was a great thrill!!! Not much to say about it except that I had a great time!!
Tomorrow morning I'm moving to Bowling Green, OH for college...! I'm getting extremely nervous and excited about it... I want to move on with my life, but I don't want to leave everyone and everything here behind...
I hope everyone has been doing great!!!
oooh,I haven't done this in a while, so i will post a couple quotes and questions! lol
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I hace overcome the world."
--John 16:33
"Smile, even through your tears"
-- annonymous
1. What should I change my theme to?
2. What is your favorite weapon?
3. What do you want to do after all of your schooling?
1. I don't know, maybe something completely random lol
2. my body, I already know how to use it, why learn with something else???
3. Still working on that... hopefully game designer, but we'll see what happens. :)
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
Changing my theme
Hey everyone!!! How is everyone doing today???
So, I was thinking about changing my theme, but I wanted to see what you guys thought first. I'm thinking about changing it to Kakashi from Naruto. If anyone can think of a better one, I'd like to hear about it. I have an open mind right now and am willing to listen.
Oh yeah, if anyone has a myspace add me!! Click HERe to check out my site. If I do change my theme, it will probably be very similar to that or I may make my own wallpaper.
I'll talk to you all later!!!
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
So July 4th was LB's birthday and I didn't even think to say it here... Sorry everyone.... Yeah, she had a party that day and everything!!! See, she is special!!! Everyone celebrates her birthday with fireworks and cook outs. XD lol she is now the big 1 6/ sweet 16!!! Congrats!!!
I know it's late, but let's sing happy birthday to her!!!
*directs everyone who wants to sing*
I hope that makes her happy. ;)
*throws confetti and shoots off fireworks and whatever else LB wants me to do for her*
0:) B)
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Friday, June 22, 2007
21 Months!!! 7:50am
Wow, I haven't updated you guys on how long LB and I have been together for quite a while. lol
Anyway, it has been 21 months since that really hot summer day when LB and i started something very special together. A project that has taken a lot of time and effort, but the rewards have been very fulfilling. Imagine waking up knowing that there is someone out there that loves you very much and actually wants to be with you! I know that feeling every morning!!! I feel like I am one of those lucky guys who has a girl that he can brag about and can be proud when being in public with her. Love is the root of happiness, right? So I guess that makes me very happy!!! lol She can make my day shine brighter with just one smile and a hug can make it blinding. I can trust her with anything, which is a great thing to have in a relationship.
Right now she is summer school getting ahead of everyone else in her grade. lol
Ok, I'm going back to bed now. Just thought I would post before it got to late :)
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
The World's pain... 2:57am
So here is what has been bothering me for quite a while now... I have now fully realized that there is always someone in the world who is hurting mentally, physically, and/or emotionally.... There are people losing people they care about all the time and there isn't much we can do about it. I feel terrible right now that I have been ignoring some of my friends both online and in real life... Some of those friends may have really looked up to me or cared about me in some way and I puch them to the back of my mind. I feel so bad right now that it is making me feel sick to my stomach... The thought of people in pain because of my actions tears me apart and i can't change anything that I have done in the past. Sometimes I really miss the past and the people that were there, but then I realize that I may not be with the people that I am with today and that makes me feel bad too. I wish there was a way to stop all of the pain in the world... Most of these feelings started to become very clear to me after watching a certain anime that is quite depressing... I don't know how to fix things between some people and others I know, but am a little nervous to try. I was just sitting here thinking of all the people that i have become friends with in my life time and how many of them I have let go... the thought is very depressing and it hurts me so much. I'm asking myself, why did that have to happen or could I have dome something to different to make things turn out better? For example, shouldn't I have noticed the signs of when my dog was getting sick and had him treated??? Why didn't I notice? Was I too busy with other things? Did I not want to notice? Did I not give him enough attention!?!?!
This is goin through my head about every body that I have ever talked to or had some connection too. I don't know what to do right now... I'm just going to go to bed and hope that things will be better tomorrow... but I realize, better is an opinion and no matter how i feel, there will always be mourning and pain every where in the world. Not just in my little circle of knowledge. I can't change the fact that the sun rises and falls no matter what any of us do, it won't change until the time when everything ends.
*sigh* I could use someone to talk to...
I'm just going to go to bed now... Hopefully my next post will be better...
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Random Update
I have realized that I haven't updated in quite a while, so I thought i would today. lol
So far my summer has been border line between ok and good. I did get a job. The job is a pain, but it pays fairly well. My uncle owns a concrete sawing business called B-Line. He needed some help and i needed a job, so he offered me the position and I took it... I got toasted my first day on the job... My shoulders are peeling at a disgusting rate, but at least they don't burn anymore. XD My job isn't hard, but what is hard is meeting everyone of my uncle's demands the second he asks for them. I have never done anything like this before, so I don't know what everything is yet, so it is a little hard to get what he needs if I don't know what it is or where it is at. I'm still alive though and a couple hundred buck richer, so it is all good. :P
If you know my girlfriend, Little Birdie, and was wondering how she was doing then you now know that she is doing pretty good. She is in summer school now and for the complete opposite reason of having to redo a class. She just wants to get ahead. lol
Ok, well I think that is all for now. if I think of anything else, I will post again. :)
I hope everyone has a great summer
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
I graduate tomorrow!!! It's such a weird feeling though... I'm happy and a little depressed at the same time. I'm happy beause I am moving on with my life and getting ready to experienec new things and meet new people. Kind of depressed because now I'm going to have a lot more responsibilities... it's going to be so different.
Another depressing thing is that i will only get to see LB on the weekends, if that... Maybe I'll get a web cam so I can see her more often. XD
WEll, that's all I had to say.
talk to you later!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
What?!?!?! I'm Updating? *gasp*
Hey everyone!!! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is doing good. If anyone wants to know, I'm doing pretty good myself. lol
hmmm, I guess I'll give a brief summary of what has happened to me since my last post.
NOTE: this may not be in chronological order (if anyone cared)
I'm now out of high school!!! My graduation ceremony is Friday night. My last week was very stressful since i had two major art projects due, but i go them done!!! go me
My dog had to be put down because of some sort of liver problem... I had him since i was in 4th grade... he was put down 2 days before his 10th b-day. I'll always remember you, Sassy
I helped LB's parents move into their new office. (they are both doctors and they have their own building now)
Well, I guess that's all the major things that have happened since last time.
Here is mine and LB's prom pic, what do you guys think? Doesn't she make the picture look so much better?

ok, that's all for now. Hopefully I'll post again soon. lol but we'll see.
Talk to you all later!
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
Update: 5-13-07 @ 4:33am
Hey everyone! Prom and after prom was amazing! Of course, I am dead tired right now, but I think this post is worth the time. Please ignore any spelling mistakes... I'm really tired and my eyes are killing me...
So, LB and I went to Sake for dinner. It was nice. If you don't know, Sake is a Japanese steak house that cooks habachi style in front of you. We chose to just have a regular dinner and I'm glad we did. I enjoyed being able to sit down and just talk to her face-to-face. We don't get that chance very often.... Then we went to prom and had an amazing time. I would have rather had prom last until now than after prom, but that is ok because after prom was fun too! A lot of gambling with play money. I didn't really want anything from the raffle, so I gave my money to IMNo1Bishounen and so did LB. He ended up with 6 million dollars or something close to that. He was happy, but he still didn't get his quasadilla maker. sorry man, maybe I'll buy you one for your b-day. :)
I got home a little after 4... tired...
One more thing, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to everyone's mom and all the mother's out there. I hope everyone spend time with their mom today and tells them how much they mean to them.
ok, that is all. Talk to you guys later!
-_- ZzzZzzZzz
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