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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Update: 5-1-07 @ 18:33 (6:33pm)
Hey everyone! Sorry i haven't updated in a while... I need to get back into the habit of updateing regularly...
I only have 3 weeks left of school!!!... and then summer + job then finally, college! I need to take a couple placements tests today. ganbarimas!!! (I think that is how it is spelled...) I'm goint to take the C lvl (highest lvl at bowling green) math placement test. It seems kind of backwards though... since A is the lowest and C is the highest... oh well. Anyway, I have an hour time limit on that and then I am going to start the writing which is just one essay that is around 800 words. (i think it is 800) I better check on that one. I guess wish me luck! ^_^
Well, I'm sure no one is still interested in what I did over spring break. (that seems so long ago! lol) If anyone still wants to know, then i might post a very short summary of the whole trip.
ok, that is all for now!!!
Questions of the Day
1. are better at playing an instrument or sining?
2. would you rather sing or play an instrument?
3. the answer to #1 or drawing/painting?
4. the answer to #2 or drawing/painting?
My Answers
1. I don't know... I guess you would have to judge :)
2. It depends on what is around me and what my mood is
3. drawing, easy
4. I wanna do them all at the same time!!! NOw wouldn't that be an accomplishment?
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
It has been 19 months today that LB and I started going out! That is a long time, but relative to eternity, it is very short.
People ask me all the time how LB and I have been together for so long and there is only one asnwer that comes to mind, love. Without that, we wouldn't have lasted nearly this long together. I'm not saying that our relationship is perfect because it is far from it, but we find ways to work through our tough times and it seems to be working.
There are a lot of things that I need to work on to make things better for us and I'm trying very hard because I honestly don't want to lose her... she is the most important person in my life and means so much to me. There aren't any words in any language that would ever be able to describe how I feel about her. She is my number 1
Here is a gift for you LB:

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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Update: 4-15-07 8:45am
Hey everyone! Sorry i haven't updated in a while. I haven't felt up to it or something like that....
Anyway, I promised that i would tell about my trip to Gatlinburg last week, so I guess I'm going to keep that promise. :)
So the trip there was fairly good. We stopped in Kentucky and the air smelt heavily of coal and smoke. Here, in Ohio, we have laws that limit smoking in public smoking, almost banning it. ( I agree with it)
Then we continue into Tennessee (I think I slept most of the way, I can't remeber)
Trying to travel through Gatlinburg was a pain.... No one was using cross walks and just jumping out in front of traffic to get accross the street. I think there was some special thing going on. Then we got to our mountain and started to ascend it. My ears were popping like crazy... My dad took a wrong turn and we ended up at a dead end with this crappy looking cabin. lol My dad thought that was it and was kind of mad about it. Then we turned around and found our section. Our cabin was pretty cool, but I don't have a pic of it... We went inside and it was really cool. The best part about it was the view. If we looked out our back window, we could see the mountains! Sunrises were amazing and the thunder storm was insane! WE didn't do anything special after we got there.
I tell the rest the next time I feel like updating because I don't know how many people are actually going to read this all the way or even at all....
Well, here are some quotes for those who want to read
Quotes of the Day
"Everyone wants to be happy, nobody wants pain, but you can't make a rainbow without any rain.'
-- BlackSmoke
"In the vastness of time, who are we to be the ones who control it?"
-- Annonymous
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Friday, April 6, 2007
Hey everyone!!! How have you all been??? I've been pretty good. It's actually snowing here now... which is stupid because two days ago, I was in 70+ degree weather which was awesome! I will post pics and tell about my trip another time. I will post one pic and that is one that I did in photoshop. lol
This is me just doing my ninja thing
(yeah, that's a real katana) lol

When I was in Gatlinburg I ended up buying two Katana's. The other one has a Dragon as the hand gaurd. It's pretty cool, but I though that one didn't go with what I was aiming for. lol
I'll talk to you guys later!
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
Hey everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't been visiting people's sites... I don't have a good excuse for that... Anyway, this week is Spring Break and I won't be home. I'm going to Gatlinburg. My family rented a cabin on the top of a mountain that overlooks a ski resort. It sounds awesome, but the only down side is that LB is going to be in Chicago and we won't get to see eachother until next weekend or Monday... I really hope I have cell phone reception on the mountain so I can at least talk to her. *sigh* I'm going to miss her a lot, but I also have something to look forward to...
Seeing her bright smiling face when we see eachother again! XD I can't wait to see her again, but i do wish that spring break would be longer than one week... oh well.
OK, that is all I wanted to say. I'll post about my trip when I get home. Talk to you guys later!!!
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
1 1/2 YEARS!!!! (+3 days)
Hey everyone! Guess what??? (Pretend that you didn't see the subject)
LB and I have been together for 1 1/2 years! aka 18 months! I know... I'm 3 days late, but hey, I'm still posting it! It's funny, sometimes it feels like we have been together for a very long tie and other times it feels like it hasn't been very long at all. I do know that I enjoy every second I have been with her. She makes my days seem much brighter and adds a much needed flare to my life. She has done so much for me that I can't even begin to tell of everything. I still feel like I need to do more for her, but i don't think she agrees with that. When i'm with her, time decides to go against me and speeds up so it seems to me thatthere isn't enough time in a day to spend with her... I'm not saying that our relationship is perfect because it's not. We have our ups and our downs just like everyone else, but we talk our way through them. Though it may be very hard at times, we get through it. I am so lucky to be with her. I feel lucky just to be wanted by someone like her. Take the girl of my dreams and multiply it by 10 and you get LB! (it's a proven mathmatical formula. I've proven it many times. XD)
I'm tired now, so i guess I will add the question and quotes of the day now. I'll talk to you all later!!!
Quotes of the Day
"Darkness isn't the opposite of light, just the absence of it."
- part of a discussion between a Christian college student and his evolutionist professor... ^_^
- Little Birdie (aka LB)
"I love, I really really love my pancreas!"
- a song by Weird Al. lol
Question of the Day
1.) Have you ever heard of Weird Al???
2.) If so, what is your favorite song?
3.) Are you tired???
My Answers
1. Yeah, that's why I asked ^_^
2. either the pancreas song or White and Nerdy lol
3. yeas, very much so. If you are, then
seriosuly, you should
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Updated: 3-13-07 @ 20:36 (8:36pm)
The computer guy who fixed it said that there were 400+ viruses and stuff on it... poor computer *rubs the modem* lol
The only problem with it now is that most of the programs that let me watch AMV's and listen to music have been deleted... Now I have to try to get those back...
oh yeah... I got a letter back from Bowling Green State University....
... I was accepted!!!!
HAHAHA I tricked you all! lol I'm going into digital arts! I read the overview of the major and it said that most people that come out of that major end up starting their own companies!!! I hope I can be one of those!!!
My best friend received a letter from Miami University and he was accepted there too!!! That is his fallback school, so I'm sure he wil get into one of his top choices. (He applied to Harvard)
On to the next order of business/rambling. All this week I have a three hour delay from school!!! The freshmen and sophmores have testing the first three hourse of school, so th rest of us get to go in late!!! I feel bad for LB though... She has to go in all day...
Ok, I'm finished for today. I don't feel like posting the quotes or questions of the day today. I'll talk to you all later!
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Sunday, March 4, 2007
Updated: 3-4-07 @ 1:37
I'M BACK!!!! lol I had fun for the most part. I think I had most fun on the trip there and on the way back. lol the director was awesome, but i think i liked the last guy better. He was a little more fun, but this guy was cool too. I'm so tired right now.... lol My arms are really sore from playing the big bass bells for so long. It was worth it though! NOt much else to say or I can't think of anything, I don't know. :P
To LB: Yausha satolal haevi nut govin mi maya gifat yait! ^_^
O em wieshotonag! XD
Quotes of the Day
"I want a dragon for my birthday!!!"
-- i really wanted a dragon... lol
-- GhostlyNinja
Questions of the Day
1. Would you rather sky dive or scuba dive?
2. Fly a jet(F-18) or a helicopter?
3. what is your favorite car?
My Answers
1. both. pne is more of a thrill and the other is more for sceney, but both would be awesome!
2. F-18 I've already been in a helicopter
3. I like a lot of cars! Can't choose just one, but if i had to, i would choose a Mustange Shelby Cobra!
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Thursday, March 1, 2007
Updated: 03-01-07 @ 20:31 (8:31pm)
Hello everyone!!! Sorry for updating so late... Ok, so maybe it's not that late, but later than usual. lol
Anyway, I just wanted to post now since I don't know if I will be able to post anytime this weekend. I will be out of town and probably away from a computer for the weekend. I am going to Virginia (i think...) for a bell conference. It is where a bunch of bell choirs get together and play together. It really is awesome to hear and even better to be part of it!!! I just wanted to let everyone know, so if you pm me and I don't reply... I don't want you guys to think that I am ignoring you or anything. (The people who do regularly pm me, that was for you XD)
Movnig on. I posted another wallpaper!!! It is of Shino, past and present. (present in the series running in Japan) You can check it out by clicking the link to my portfolio or go to wallpapers and type in GhostlyNinja. Please comment on it. Last time i check only one person commented on it and it was someone that I don't even know...
Oh yeah! Do you see the cool little animated gif/banner that says GhostlyNinja with the cool effect? I made that!!! I have a program that I can do that on. Since I am such a nice person and all, =^.^= I can make people buttons and stuff like that if you want me too. If you want one, just pm me with the url of the pic you want or what you want the banner to say and I will do it. I will try to get it done asap. If you ask me to make one, I will add your button to my friends links in my intro.
ok, I'm out of things to say. Talk to you guys later!
Quotes of the Day
-- Sailor Mars, when they found out Chibi-Usa was Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen's daughter... hilarious!!! XD
-Little Birdie
"O luvi Jisasochi muri tahaen sahai luvis mi!!!"
--most of you won't understand this :P
*If you understand my quote, then pm me, I would like to know how you know.*
Questions of the Day
1. what is your favorite subject? (doesn't have to be school related, but can be)
2. what is your least favorite subject?
3. How did you find my site???
My Answers
1. Either art, physics, or music
2. all english subjects!!!
3. ummm... I made it
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
I'm FINALLY FINISHED WITH MY SITE!!! well, I mihgt change some things, but not for a while. I'm happy with how it is now and I have learned a lot more about tables. lol I've had to work with them for a while to get how I wanted it. lol
I was thinking about putting a bg image in this table, but then I realized that it would be hard to read, so I didn't. I could have made it fill only half of the table, but i didn't want to do that either. :P
The only thing that I want to do is add some special friends links on my site... I'm still looking for the codes of the buttons that I made... *sigh* I think they are saved on my account on this computer... (My whole family shares a computer and I'm not logged into mine...)
I have some hw to do, so I need to get started on that. For physics i have to make a top that can spin for at least 2 mins!!! I still need to find materials... I'm going to post the quotes and questions of the day and then I'm going to get statred on that...
So, here they are
Quotes of the Day
"You can do anything if you work hard enough"
-- I don't remember where I heard that
-- GhostlyNinja
Questions of the Day
1. do you have a cell phone?
2. if you do, what model is it?
3. who is your service provider?
My Answers
1. Yes
2. Black RAZOR
3. Cingular
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