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Friday, February 23, 2007
17 Months!!!
Yesterday was mine and LB's 17 month mark. Yep, 17 months! (17 is my lucky number!) I posted on our joint site yesterday, but didn't have time to update mine. lol oh well... I tried. Our relationship isn't perfect, but we are working on it. There are a lot of things I can improve on and I'm trying... I don't want anything to ever happen between us.
I'm still working on fixing my site. I still have a couple minor changes, but nothing big. Maybe a table around my posts, so it is easier to read. I just need to find the code for scroll bars. lol
I don't think i have anything else to say except
Quotes of the Day
"To forgive and forget is divine."
-- I don't remember where I heard that...
-- Little Birdie
"In the absence of the sun, there doesn't have to be dark -- just turn the light on!"
-- GhostlyNinja
Questions of the Day
1. Would you rather play music or listen to it?
2. sing or play an instrument?
3. what is your favorite drink?
My Answers
1. play music. I'm a musician, what else can i say. :P
2. ummm.... BOTH! just not singing in public... I'm kind of shy about that one...
3. I don't know... there are a couple that I really like. (I bet i can guess what LB is going to put. XD)
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Updated: 2.20.07 @ 8.49am
hey everyone... well, school is cancelled for em today... again. It is too foggy to go. woohoo. *sigh* normally i would be excited about this, but yesterday, to say it kindly, sucked for me... I feel like a complete jerk/idiot/whatever else you want to call me... I don't feel like saying what happened because I will be in an even worse mood... Maybe i just need to get my mind off of things... maybe that is why I am posting or maybe i am just posting because need some comforting comments... i don't know... I have been pretty happy lately, but today is probably my low for this month...
I should probably be excited, but right now, not much will get me back to the normal high of life... I just got a call from Bowling Green State University. They want me to be in their bacd. yaaay... I'm glad I got that far, not I have to make it into the school. *sigh* STRESSING OUT HERE!!!!! I think I'm going to go waste my time in front of my tv, waiting for 2pm...
I'll talk to you guys later...
Quotes of the Day
for those of you who are new to my site, I used to post quotes of the day and people would submit the quotes. i want to start doing that, so could you please submit some in your comment? I would greatly appreciate it. They can be serious or funny, whatever quotes you like.
"Everyone is even a little bit selfish... without a little bit of desire, how would anything get done...?"
-- Little Birdie
"In this strange world of right and wrong, I'm guilty until proven innocent..."
--a song I made up
Questions of the Day
1. Would you rather go to the moon, or a secret city in the clouds?
2. would you rather be a shinobi(ninja) or a shinigami (ghost/soul reaper)?
3. What is one thing that you would never give up?
My Answers
1. secret city in the clouds. I would feel much more comfortable there
2. both. I can't choose between those two or i wouldn't be GhostlyNinja... I would only be ghost or ninja :P
3. I would say friends, but i have already done that... I guess my really close friends and of course LB... I love her way to much... It is very hard to imagine my life without her... Just thinking about it depresses me even more than I am already...
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Monday, February 19, 2007
Updated: 2.19.07 @ 12:41am
Hello everyone, again! Wow, I haven't posted this often in a loooooooong time. lol Thanks for all of the comments. I was very surprised to see more than 3, but i have bee proven wrong before. :P
I have a college visit today. I am going to check out Bowling Green University, which is about a 2 hour drive from my house. I really hope they have what i am looking for... I was a little dissapointed in the last college i visited. Yeah, i felt really comfortable there, but they didn't offer exactly what i wanted and my starting salary right after I graduated would be somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000 a year... I actually want enough to be able to support myself (and future family) and live comfortably. So much stress... I try not to show it, but I'm kind of worried that i'm not going to make it to college. Then i would be letting so many people down and I can't do that. I would feel lower than dirt... *sigh*
I guess that is all. I'm actually going to post the quotes and questions of the day!
Quotes of the Day
"Luna, is there really a rabbit on the moon making mocchi?"
- Usagi Tsukino
-Little Birdie
"Hard work never hurt anyone... but I'm not going to risk it"
-my t-shirt
Questions of the Day
1. Do you like dogs or cats more?
2. Do you like Bleach, Naruto, or One Piece the most?
3. Using your answer from #2 who is your favorite character from that anime?
My Answers
1. Cats -- I don't know why... maybe because there are more myths about them than dogs and their purring relaxes me. -_-ZzZz
2. Bleach -- I have seen the most episodes of Bleach than the other two, so I am more familiar with it. The concept is awesome too! Naruto comes in second because ninjas are so much better than pirates! XD lol
3. Hitsugaya Toushiro -- he is just awesome! Not much else to say. I think my second favorite is either Nova or Ichigo.
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
Updated: 2.18.07 @ 2.35 am
Hello everyone! By everyone I mean the 3 people that comment... Since only one person voted on my new theme, I am going with that. My next theme will be Bleach. I think I might get the nav bar on the left back. I haven't had one on here for a while and some people get lost in here. :P lol The new theme should be done by next week.
Question: how come no one comments anymore??? I used to get at least 8-20 comments per post. Now, I am lucky to 3.... *sigh* maybe everyone is getting bored of me.... or is it because I don't post everyday? Maybe it is because i stopped the Quotes and Questions of the Day... I quit those because no one was giving me anymore and i was running out of them... If you want me to do it again, please submit some in a comment or pm.
I submitted a wallpaper earlier. It is dedicated to LB and it is of Sailor Mercury (LB's favorite Sailor Scout) Maybe if you guys get time, you can check it out and tell me what you think of it.
Ok... I'm done typing for tonight... I'm going to bed. Good night/morning/afternoon everyone!!! (all depends on when you read this)
Oh yeah! Today is my mom's b-day!
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day!!!!
Well, I guess my subject says it all. lol Again, I have a snow day and i'm hoping for two more. lol I'm not sure how well Valentines Day is going to go for me though... I don't know if I am going to get to see LB today or not... I haven't seen her since Saturday night at Turnabout.... *sigh* I feel kinda bad too... I wanted to go yesterday to get her something, but... my parents wouldn't let me drive any where to get her anything... I hope she doesn't get mad at me for it... I'm not allowed to leave the house today unless I do have practice, but I still wouldn't be able to get her anything....
Today is also IMNo1Bishounen's birthday today, so maybe you guys could go to his site and send him a pm or something. I wasn't able to get him a b-day gift either... I was planning to do that yesterday too, but.... well, I already told you.
I guess that is all for now, I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day!

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Sunday, February 11, 2007
Updated: Feb. 11, 2007 @ 2:01pm
HELLO OTAKU!!!! How is everyone doing??? Me, I'm doing GREAT! lol I think I am a little hyper, but that is ok!, right? I think I am just in a great mood right now. Do you want to know why? Do YA???? lol :P Last night was the Tunabout dance at my school and at first I didn't hink that LB and I would be going because of the ACT that LB took this morning, but then we did end up going. It was fun. I think they have too many dirty songs though. I would preffer more slow songs over 3-4 dirty songs for every 1-2 slow songs... That was the only part that i didn't like. Maybe I will post some pics up later.
Well... I think that is all I have to say. I will try to updated more often... I try to, but something always comes up... Oh yeah! I'm going to be changing my theme to either Naruto or Bleach. Can you guys decide for me? I think I might go back to the old layout without this box thing, but i don't know. I can figure that out later. :D
ok, now i'm really leaving.
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Friday, February 2, 2007
achy and bluh...
i hate being sick... I stayed home from school today because i am sick. I woke up this morning and could barely talk because so much crap was in my throat... My throat hurts, my ears hurt and the cough is just annoying... Other than that I am happy and well. lol, it seems strange me saying that and I feel like crap. So, how is everyone doing? I hope everyone is happy and healthy. That would make me happy, like this guy:
:D.I know I've used that before, but hey I like to. I don't really have much to say, so I guess I can give a quote or two.
Quotes of the Day
"Don't judge people until you really know who they are and their story..."
-because of my actions toward one of Juz Cuz's friends yesterday...
"The sunrise and the sunset are completely opposite, but they are still both beautiful"
-just think about it
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Monday, January 22, 2007
16 Months!!!!
Today is another special day!!!! Today is mine adn LB's 16 month mark! woot woot! To bad we didn't get much time together today... so sad, but happy at the same time if that makes any sense at all. :)
Here is the post from yesterday so hopefully more people will comment on it. B)
I was finally able to submitt one of my own pics!!! Click HERE to see it. Please comment on it and vote for it!!!
PLEASE!!!! ^_^
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
My First Fan Art!!!!
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Monday, January 15, 2007
Last Update: 7:56am
Hey everyone, how are you all doing? I hope you are doing great! I'm going on a college visit today. I hope that it is what I am looking for, but i have a feeling that it may not be... I will be leaving soon. I've been up since 6:30 and I have been up late the past couple of nights. I have finals this week.... I haven't even been able to study yet! Maybe I can study on the way to Cinci. lol Oh yeah!!! I have paint shop pro and I can make wallpapers now!!! If anyone has any requests, just let me know. I made one for LB, but I have to change something for her. lol I would do anything for her. Does anyone know what that feels like? That no matter what, you would do anything to make someone happy.
Ok, That's all for now.
"Help those who suffer. Praise those who succeed. Support those who fail."
Little Birdie
"Leader is just a title. Anyone could be a leader if they have people willing to follow."
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