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Sunday, January 7, 2007
Happy new Year! ( I know I'm late...)
Hey everyone!!! I realized that i havn;t updated since last year, so i thought, 'what the heck, why not update?" so here I am. Not sure if you are happy that I'm updating or not, but I am anyway. I think I'm just rambling... anyway, so far this year has been pretty good for me. The only thing I don't like is the homework.... My first day was The 2nd.. that wasn't fun. Oh well. I get to see some friends that i didn't get to see over break which is cool and I get to see LB a lot! YAY!!! lol How has everyone else's year been so far??? I hope they have been full of fun and great memories already! Ok, that's all I have to say for now. ttyl
Quotes of the Day
"It's not the price of the car or the size of the engine that wins races, it's the skill and will of the driver that gets first place."
Question of the Day
What do you think is the most important part of a relationship? (boyfriend/girlfriend relationship)
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
New Quiz!
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Updated: 1:54 am
Hey everyone. I'm in an ok mood right now, but hey, it could be worse, right? Anyway, yesterday was my first day of Christmas Break. I was busy trying to build a trebuchet/catapult for physics... I just want to get it done so I don't have to do it later. I just wanted to update, but i don't have much to say, so I'll just post the quotes of the day.
Quotes of the Day
"A lifetime of a thousand years means nothing if you waste them."
- a variation of a quote I heard a LOOOOOOOOOOONGG time ago but can't remember... ^_^' ...
-Little Birdie
"With enough will power, we can get through anything..."
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Last Update: 12:48am
Hey everyone! I'm not going to say much because I'm tired and I have a little more homework that I want to get done before I go to bed. MOstly my myth hw... So, what do you guys think of my theme/layout/what ever you want to call it? lol I got bored.... Sorry about the messed up post part of the table... my scroll bar code didn't work... If anyone can help me, PLEASE HELP ME!!!! lol
I'm going to be busy tomorrow... but that is ok, I get to be with LB!!! That is always fun.
ok, I'm leaving now. I'll talk to you all later
YOu have to listen to this it is so stupid/funny! (You may need to stop the song that is playing now)
“Electric Ninja”
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
Updated: 9:14
I'm actually posting, AGAIN!!! lol I don't normally post so often, but I just felt like it today. I checked to see if there were any submitted quotes and there weren't any, so I guess there will only be one today.
So, I got the snow that I wanted! but... I'm at school. I woke up after a terrible nightmare (I'll tell you about that after this) did my normal morning stuff and then I went outside to start my car and it was snowing like crazy! There wasn't very much on the ground, but it was really slick. I started my car and moved it closer to the garages, so I wouldn't have to walk as far. When I came back out after 5-10 min. my tire marks were gone!!! Then I was driving to school and my car was sliding down this fairly steep hill. There were two accidents in front of me! It was crazy. Then I couldn't even turn without sliding and I was only going 5-10 mph. It was stupid. lol I was hoping for a delay at least, but there was nothing...
Anyway about the nightmare, I'm sure it would be considered the worst and last day of my life if it were real... In my nightmare, I woke up late, so I didn't get to eat breakfast. I madeit to school on time and I went to wait for LB where I normally do and she was late, so I started sprinting to my homeroom so I wouldn't be late. Right before I got into my homeroom, I slipped on a piece of paper and I was considered late. Then I normally see LB after homeroom and I didn't see her... Her stuff was in her locker, but she wasn't anywhere near. I got to first period and I realized that I forgot all of my stuff at home and I had a quiz and completely failed it. Second period wasn't much better. Then after second I went to LB and my meeting spot and she wasn't there either.... So, I ended up being later for 3rd period. After 3rd I went to look for LB because I was getting worried and I find her flirting and hanging on another guy... I asked her aboutit and she said that she was just playing... She didn't tell me why she wasn't at our meeting spots and got mad at me for asking so many questions. I knew something was wrong because LB isn't like that at all. 4th period was terrible because we had a big test and I didn't have my notes to turn in and for some reason I wasn't able to take the test because I didn't have my notes.... LB and I normally meet after 4th per. but she wasn't there, again. 5th period is my art class and my art project got completely destroyed and I couldn't redo it, so I got an F on that.... At lunch, I found LB with that same guy... and she completely ignored me. I ended up being late for 6th per. because I was just feeling like crap and didn't care if I was late or not. Then 7th period, I found LB kissing the guy that she was with the previous times I saw her. I couldn't take it and I left school. I was driving crazy and I ended up getting into an accident with a semi and I was put in the hospital... No one came to visit me there and my will to live just left and I died... Somehow I was still on Earth and I overheard my mom say that they were just going to cremate me because they didn't want to waste money on something so worthless.... They didn't even have a funeral for me...
I woke up this morning feeling like crap, but then I realized that it was a dream and i was so thankful for haveing a loving family and loyal girlfriend. I was thankful for life and all of the small comforts that I have. I'm not sure why I had a dream like that.... I was happy when I went to bed. Maybe it was the hot chocolate I had before leaving LB's house last night. lol I don't know. Maybe I had that dream for a reason. To teach me a lesson about how forunate I am to have what I have. i don't know.
Sorry for the long post... I just wanted to share my nightmare with everyone.
I hope everyone has a great day!!!
No time for quotes... Maybe I'll add them later!
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Updated: 10:10ish
Hey everyone! I don't have much time to post so, I will post the quotes of the day next time I update. Just wanted to say hi to all of my loyal friends here on MyO. I'm going to be changing my theme soon. It is coming along pretty good. I don't think I am going to have the buttons on this next theme though... I have a better idea. I just hope it works... It is hard to describe the bg because it is very different. I was going to use a Tenchu theme, but decided that I would do that next time.
So, how is everyone doing? I'm doing better than I was last time I posted. I hope everyone else is doing great or better! I'm still tired from the weekend.. it was very busy for me, LB and, IMNo1Bishounen. A lot of running here and there for concerts that we were performing in. They were fun, for the most part. Only two more weeks until Christmas Break!!!! (Winter Break, if I wanted to be politically correct...) Three weeks off of school sounds realy nice about now. I hope we get a lot of snow, or maybe even a blizzard!!! Of course that would be so much better during school so I can get a snow day! Oh well, either way, I WANT SNOW!!!! lol
I have to go , the bell is about to ring.
I'll talk to you all later!!!

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Saturday, November 25, 2006
Angles of Life Updated: 7:02pm
Hey everyone... I'm feeling kinda lousy right now. I'm not sure why though... I don't know what my current mood is, but I do know that I'm bored out of my mind and I don't want to do anything... I came home and just stared out of my kitchen window for about 20-30mins. Nothing exciting was happening outside, but I had nothing better to do. I was mostly watching the the fountain in my back yard and how the water kept moving... I told you, nothing exciting. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make me feel better or just something for me to do? I'm open to suggestions... Maybe I'm just tired, maybe I feel guilty about something, maybe I'm feeling hurt, maybe all of the above... I just keep watching the time go by and realize that I just wasted another couple minutes of my life watching the hands go round. I'm not wanting anyone to feel bad for me, I just need to talk. I'm pretty sure that I won't get many comments or anytihng so it doesn't really matter what I talk about....
On a happier note, how was everyone's Thanksgiving? I hope everyone had a good time. I know I did. I had family come over and then I went to LB's house and ate again... I ate way too much... Then we were playing some games and then we all watched a movie.
Here is a Thanksgiving Riddle for you:
What did the turkey say to the computer?
Google google google!
I thought it was funny, but I'm weird, so yeah...
I guess i will talk to everyone later
Quotes of the Day
"Happy belly!!!"
- the dude on the Pop Tarts commercial... XD
-Little Birdie
"Why worry when you can be thankful?"
-my preacher

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
14 MONTHS!!!!
Hey everyone! Today is a special day for LB and I. Can anyone guess? (Look at the title of this post)
Looking back on all that we have been through, there are a lof of things that I regret... The most recent was yesterday... I don't want to talk about the bad because there has been more good than bad. She has helped me through some hard times and is always there to comfort me when I need it. I would say she is perfect, but she doesn't want me to say that so, I will say that is "perfec". lol That is close to perfect. She makes me so happy and I really I hope I do the same for her. I just want to make her happy and help her with as much as I can.
I wish that I could see her today, but i don't think that is going to happen... I'm not sure when I will be able to see her next. I know for sure Saturday, but that seems far away... I guess it isn't that long of a wait, but I guess you would have to feel this way about someone to know how I feel. I really do love her and I would do anything for her.
Today I got my senior pictures!!! They are ok... I didn't get to choose them though. My mom went without me... Oh well, I guess... I'm not the best looking person around and I know that. I'm not a vain person and mostly don't like my pictures. If you told me to pick my favorite picture of me, I would have someone else do it for me unless one of the pictures has some meaning in it or someone special in it. (LB *cough cough* lol) Sure, a lot of adults say tha I'm good looking, but not very many people my age say stuff like that. LB does though!!! That means a lot to me. Maybe I'll post my pics up when I get a scanner or I could go to LB's house.
So, in other news, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and everyone gets to go up an extra pant size! lol Here is a tip, don't wear a belt, your stomach won't be able to expand as much! Oh well, it's not like it is all the time that we get to eat as much as we want. One more hint, if you stand up while you eat and move around, you can eat more!!! (I do that)
Ok, I'm done now
Quotes of the Day
"To be someone perfect is not as good as being the someone you were made into."
-Little Birdie
~Moving on is simple, its what you leave behind that makes it so difficult~
-Juz Cuz
"Not speaking at all is better than speaking a lie..."

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Angles of Life Updated: 8:22 pm
Hey everyone. Sorry for not posting in while... I don't really have an excuse, so I'm not going to give one. So, how has everyone been lately? I hope you have had a happy healthy life since I last talked to you. Righ now, I'm just glad that I'm not in pain. Yesterday I had two teeth pulled and it hurt after the numbness went away. First they gave some laughing gas. I was staring at the ceiling and then everything around that point seemed to turn into a dome and I started feeling all tingly and almost numb. It was crazy. Then they gave me four shots. Two in the roof of my mouth and then one in each cheek. (the ones in the roof of my mouth hurt...) Then the doc left for a while and when he came back it was weird. It seemed like one of those movies where the main character is drugged and the villian says things that sound crazy. He said it was a secret or something like that. lol It didn't take too long to get them out, but after he did, thet were bleeding like crazy! They gave me a lot of gauze and they said that it would be more than enough, but... it wasn't. Luckily my mom had some extra and I nearly used all of hers up! I got tired of holding gauze in my mouth so I ate two frosties hoping that they would stop the bleeding. For the most part they did. My eyes were hurting, I had a headache, and my jaw and teeth were killing. My mom told me to stay home today, so i did... When I woke up this morning, my pillow and my shirt had bllod on them... It was pretty nasty. Oh yeah! Before all of that happened. Last week, I was eating a breadstick and it broke one of my brackets off of my tooth. I went to the orthodontist and they were about to fix it and then they realized that they put the broken one on the wrong tooth!!!! If it wasn't for it breaking, I would have never went to the orthodontist and I wouldn't have known about the misplaced bracket and then we would have had a little trouble at the oral surgeon! lol I laughed at that. I call it a miracle, but you can call it what you want.
Besides the pain, I've been pretty good. I DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2! It is awesome!!! I am almost 100% complete with it, just some minor things I have to do that I'm not sure what they are though. I also bought DDR Supernova. That is fun too. I just wish you could choose your own character. Oh well, still a great game.
Ok, I think that is all for now.
Quotes of the Day
"you never know what you have till it strikes you"
-someone new
"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg... not by smashing it."
-Arnold Glasow
"Life isw an echoe. What you send out--you get back. What you give--you get"
-The Book (I haven't used that in a while)

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Monday, November 6, 2006
Angles of Life Updated: 8:54am
Hello everyone
How is everyone doing? I'm on the very lowest part of ok... I really don't have much to say. I just told LB that I would update today and I didn't want to go against my word, so that is why I am here.
Right now I'm in internet class, as usual, but I am learning some java stuff. It is fun and a little annoying... We are making mouse over image changes. I think we are going to make a slide show soon.
Ok, that is all for now. I don't feel like posting quotes of the day or anything because no one submitted any... I'll talk to you all later

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