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Sunday, October 29, 2006
Angles of Life updated: 2:21pm
Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I'm doing pretty good right now. Kind of multi-tasking. I'm watching the Bengals game while doing my history report and updating all at once! It's crazy! lol Anyway, yesterday was great! I am now officially 18!!!! Tell me if you understand this, yesterday, I had two birthdays. If you understand it, tell me what I mean in your comment.
As you can tell, I changed my theme last night. I was up until 2:30 doing it because I was changing the bg a little. What do you guys think of it?
LB and IMNo1Bishounen took the ACT this morning. I'm sure she did pretty well.
Tonight there is this thing at church called "No Fright Night". I am in the puppet show, so I have to be there at 5:30. I still have a lot to do.... *sigh* At least I'll get to see LB and some other friends.
I need to focus on my homework now, so I'm just going to end with this.
"There are many different Angles to look at Life from, do you know yours?"
If you don't understand the title of my post, it means that my views have changed since I last updated. Every thing that happens to a person changes their view about something, so that is pretty much what my theme means.

Comments (6) |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Post Last Updated: 9:02am
Hello my friends! (I thought that maybe you were getting tired of the same old, "Hey everyone!")
So, I am leaving school at 9:15 to go to the orthodontist... *moans* maybe no one will notice if I don't smile. My mom asked me if I wanted to stay home until my appointment, but I wanted to see LB, so i came to school on time. She doesn't seem to happy though... She is very tired because she hasn't been getting to bed until late... past midnight everynight and school starts at 7:15am!!! Is it possible for students to go on strike? Anyway, then my mom said I could stay home all day if I wanted to, but I didn't want to do that because then at band practice LB would have to stand in the cold all by herself and that would just make me feel horrible, so I am coming back after the appointment even though I don't really want to come back. Oh well, it is for a good cause!
Last night was the Halloween parade and it was freezing! My hands went numb... Then I was waiting for LB for her ride and we were the last one there, except for the janitors. We were waiting inside, so that was ok. When I got home which was around 8pmish I still had homework to do, so I finished my math homework and then realized that I wasn't going to be in math class today... Then I was working on my art project wich is a 3D comic book cover. I am doing the comic The Amazing Spider-man. It has spider-man fighting his clone on the front. Maybe I'll take a pic of the finished project and post it here. I'm having fun with it even though the marker gives me a headache...
Ok, that is all for today.
Quotes of the Day
"Humans aren't made of paper... so don't go chopping other people's heads off!"
-Little Birdie
"Some things always have to change in order to keeps things working..."
Question of the Day
I am reposting this because no one tried to anser it...
Can anyone can tell me what language this word is and what it means? (i know what it means I just want to know if anyone else does.)
The word is: pinakamaganda
I'll give you a couple clues.
1. it is an adj.
2. it describes LB
Question of the Day
Can anyone can tell me what language this word is and what it means? (i know what it means I just want to know if anyone else does.)
The word is: pinakamaganda
I'll give you a couple clues.
1. it is an adj.
2. it describes LB

Comments (2) |
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Post Last Updated: 8:46am
Hey everyone! So, I am already getting ready to change my theme! I almost changed it last night, but LB reminded me that I said I would keep this theme until after my b-day which is Saturday. Maybe I'll change it Saturday night. I think i am going to like this one, but I haven't seen it altogther yet... Oh well.
I have a free period in internet today, so I'm probably just going to surf the net or find games!
hmmm... I guess I don't have much to say...
Oh yeah... some bad news... Well, I don't know if it would be considered bad news if it is going to "help me in the long run"...
I have to get braces tomorrow.... Then I am going to have to get two teeth pulled and then my wisdom teeth because my lower jaw didn't grow allthe way or something like that... *sigh* if I don't, then I might end up losing my front four teeth when I am in my 40's-50's... I'm not to happy about it..., but there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening... This really sucks!!!.........................
Quotes of the Day
No quotes today unless I missed some when checking my comments... if I missed yours, please tell me and I apologize in advanced...
Question of the Day
Can anyone can tell me what language this word is and what it means? (i know what it means I just want to know if anyone else does.)
The word is: pinakamaganda
I'll give you a couple clues.
1. it is an adj.
2. it describes LB

Comments (2) |
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Post Last Updated: 12:55pm
Hey everyone! Last night was awesome!!! There was surprise party for me last night in honor of my 18th b-day, which is next Saturday, but my mom wouldn't be home next weekend... I was so confused because I was with LB and her family all day yesterday because of church and they kept telling me different things and I was SO CONFUSED!!!! It was crazy. I had no idea what was going on....
I guess I was supposed to drive to my house, but I didn't know that, so I just got in the car like I always do if we are going somewhere to eat. Then LB's dad made up some excuse to go to my house. He wanted to talk to my mom about my baptism, or something like that. I was really tired, so I don't remember exactly what he said... Anyway, when we got to my house, the front dorr wasopen, but the storm door was still closed and it was dark inside, which was different because they don't normally leave the door open and the lights off. So, I see my dad kind of run inside, he looked funny. lol I walk inside and I see my older brother (doesn't live with me) standing in my kitchen in the dark... I'm like what the heck? And then I see someone hiding behind my refrigerator... It was my grandpa. Then someone turned on the lights and people started pouring in the doorway kind of mumbling surprise. I think I really messed thing up though. lol OH well, it was fun. I had a great time and it seemed like everyone else was too, so that is always a good thing. There was even live music! Thanks to LB's family! They are all amazing on the piano. Then I had to play... Either I made them look really good or I made myself look bad! I don't know which.
My parents gave me a card and when I opened it up, $200 fell out of it! All in $20's. lol I think I got $260 last night! So, does anyone want to go to the mall? lol, LB is already coming. Then LB's family got me this really nice green dress shirt and a grey jacket. I want to wear them next week, but I have to wear black for church... Oh well, maybe the week after that! My aunt and uncle gave me a card that didn't make me to happy... Lb was sitting right next to me when I opened it and it had this lady in tight black leather on it saying all these things... I was really embarrassed about that one... I really didn't like that card. (O em suraraya Jisasoche...)
After we ate my grandpa's amazing pie, we played a little bit of DDR and then I had to go back to LB's house to get my car, since it was still sitting in front of their house. I had a great time last night!
Quotes of the Day
"The best part of doing something is the process of actually getting there."
- I'm sure someone else said this in different words, but I don't know who... ^_^'
-Little Birdie
"but I like cookie..."
-the squirrel on Over the Hedge

Comments (9) |
Friday, October 20, 2006
Post Last Updated: 1:54pm
Hey everyone! I'm trying to update more often because I just want to. Thanks for all of the comments. I was really surprised to see a two digit number there! SO, thanks again for your time!
Today was a half day! YAY! BOO... I say both because of the same two reasons as always. I got home around 11:30ish. I ended up leaving before LB did... I normally wait until her ride gets there... I would take her home, but her parents won't let me... *sigh* I wish we could a little more together, but I can't change that.
Today was also the last day of the quarter which means report cards come out soon. I'm pretty sure that I got A's and B's in every class. There is just one I'm not sure about. I was surprised to get a B in my precalc class. I didn't do very well on most of the quizes, but the last test I scored 88% on it and somehow I ended up with a B!!! I'm not complaining though. If I make honor roll, my parents pay me! I could use a little extra cash. lol
I'll try to post Sunday, not sure if I will be able to... I have research project due in two classes on Monday, so I will probably be doing that most of the day.... Oh well.
I'll talk to you guys later!!!
Quotes of the Day
"we is friends!
you and me is friends!
you smile, i smile...
you hurt, i hurt...
you cry, i cry...
you jump off a bridge...
i gonna miss your emails!"
-an email i got!
-Angel Asuka
"If someone tries to change you and you let them, then who is it to say that it is for the better?"
"Love is more than just a feeling, it is a way of life."
Question of the Day
I knew I said that I might stop doing these, but I think I will do them occationally.
Who is you favorite character on X-Men?
If you could have one of the character's from X-Men's super power, who's would you want?
Either Rogue's or Jean Grey's
Who is your favorite comic book super heroe?

Comments (5) |
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Post Last Updated: 3:40pm
Hey everyone! Sorry for not vising everyone's sites... I barely have enough time to do anything with mine... *sigh* I feel bad about it... So, how has everyone been doing? I've been fairly busy and extremely tired. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and everything else... I just need some rest I guess. I'm fine and happy right now, so don't worry.
Anyway, did I saw anything on here about launching a rocket in physics class? Well, anyway I did. We were having a cotest to see who get the best hang time and the top five wouldn't have to do a lab write up. Guess what? I got top five! I was number five..., but does that really matter? lol
I am going to keep this theme until after my birthday which is next weekend!!!! I'll be 18! woot woot. I don't know if I am going to have a big party or not, but if I could invite anyone I wanted, I would invite all of you guys! lol
hmmm.... I was going to say something..., but I forgot... *thinks* I don't remember.... :(
If I remember I will tell you.
I guess that is all for now, unless I remember.
Yeah, that is all.
Quotes of the Day
"Some people hide their sadness with laughter, but sometimes, it is better to just cry..."

Comments (11) |
Friday, October 13, 2006
Post Last Updated: 2:53 am
Hello everyone... I'm tired. *yawn*
So, how is everyone doing? I'm doing ok right now. I just have a lot on my mind right now and am very tired. My brother and I have been playing Madden '07 on xbox360. That game is aweome! It can be very frustrating at times, especially when you are playing at the higher difficulty levels. It's still fun though. Even though this week we only had four days of school, they seemed to drag on which isn't a bad thing since that means seemingly more time with LB. Right now I'm kind of watching Unleashed with Jet Li. It is a pretty good movie. I still don't know why I am up now... I'm kind of glad that I don't have school tomorrow, but that also means that I won't get to see LB until later in the evening... I wanted her to come over, but... well, I guess you know what happened. It's not her fault though. Oh well, we tried. I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow... Maybe I will practice some of my instruments. I don't know. *sigh* OK, I think that is everything for now. I'll talk to you later!
Quotes of the Day
"A couple is two, not three..."
"A couple should be able to express their love for each other in the way that they want as long as it doesn't cross certain boundaries"

Comments (4) |
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Post Last Updated: 8:54am
Hey everyone!!!! Again, I'm in internet class... doing nothing. LB is taking the PLAN (preactice ACT) I'm sure she is doing well. I was outside earlier launching rockets in physics class. It's fun. My rocket is the last to be launched in my class... I don't like being last or first. To much pressure. Oh well. I just really hope my parachute deploys.... If not, I will bring the class average down and I really don't want to do that. Not muching happening today except te normal Wednesday activities. Band practice, bell practice, and then another bell practice.
Last night was fun! I got to rip up my kitchen floor! My parents told me too! We are replacing our living room carpet and kitchen floor with wooden floors. (it was my idea first...) After we finish this, hopefully my room will be next. I don't know why, but I just think it would be cool to have a wooden floor in my room. So, right now, there isn't really a normal floor in my kitchen or living room. I have to wear shoes in my own house. It's wack! lol
So, my 18th birthday is coming up soon. It is on the 28th of this month!
Ok, I think that's all for now!!!
Quotes of the Day
"Make sure you study hard and not hardly studied."
- my awesome math teacher... XD
-Little Birdie
"Without hope there is no life, and without life how can anything live?"
"In the face of temptation, just say no even if it takes everything in you to do it."
"Stand up for the people you love and what you believe in."

Comments (3) |
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Post Last Updated: 3:49pm
Hey everyone!!! How is everyone doing? I really hope everyone is at least ok. I'm doing pretty good right now, but last night was a different story. I'm fine now, so I'm not going to talk about that. Today has been pretty fun. I went to El Toro for lunch and then went hiking with my dad, brother and sister. Then we went to "Fat Rats", aka Airline Dairy. It was good! Now I'm here, updating since I haven't done that in a while... I guess I just haven't felt up to it... I'm thinking about just stopping the question of the day, unless you guys want me to keep on posting them. It's up to you. I have noticed a steady decrease in submitted quotes... Oh well, I guess I can't force you to. Ok, I guess I'll just post the Quotes of the Day, then I will finish my water rocket for physics class.
Quotes of the Day
"Some things are too good to be true, but you better believe in them, because if you don't, you won't believe it when they're gone..."
-Little Birdie
"Many of the truths we hold to, depend greatly on our own point of view."
~ Obi-wan Kenobi, "StarWars"
"It's ROCKET TIME!!!!"
-Mr. Hoover, my physics teacher
"Love can be the key to happiness or it can be the trap door into heart break..."
-I don't remember where I heard it

Comments (6) |
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Post Last Updated: 7:00pm
Hey EVERYONE!!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I have been busy and the internet was down at school, so I couldn't post in internet class. Hmm... how ironic, no internet in internet class...
Anyway, Homecoming was amazing! I had a lot of fun! I was making up a dance for one of the teachers at our school. He is one of the only teachers that smokes at school, so it had something to do with him smoking. It was fun. There were a few slow dances which is what I preffer since it would be just LB and I. Her dress was awesome! I have never seen anything like it before. The sleeves/shoulder were kind of poofed upward, but not really poofed.. It is hard to explain. Maybe we will post our Homecoming picture. After the dance I went over to LB's house and her brother (IMNo1Bishounen) played Naruto while LB fell asleep. I ended up staying the night there. ( I slept in another room of course) I didn't leave until sometime around noon. I didn't sleep to well while I was there... I think I only got 3-4 hours of sleep. We went to bed at like 3:35 and I fell asleep fairly quickly. I woke up a couple hours later with a really bad leg cramp. I walked around the room a bit until it went away then layed back down. I think I fell asleep bu not sure because I looked at my phone clock and it was 7:15. I just kind of layed there until 9 something and then I went down stairs. I left their house around noon.
I think that is all for now. On to the other stuff!
Quotes of the Day
"Don't ask for it. Win it on your own and you'll succeed!"
~ various characters in Eureka 7
"It isn't weird to be different."

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