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Friday, September 29, 2006
Post Last Updated: 8:08am
hey everyone! Sorry about not posting for a while... again. I'm better now, I think. yeah, I am. i am working on an assignment in internet class and tping this at the same time, so hopefully I won't type anything that is suppposed to be in my assignment on here. lol That would make me feel stupid. Anyway, lastnight was our schools annual Powder Puff game. If you don't know what that is, it is flag football, but the only the girls can play. The guys are the cheerleaders. After the game there was a bonfire and the band had to play for it. It was cold... Oh well, I'm still alive. So, how is everyone else doing? I hope everyone is doing great or better than that.
Quotes of the Day
-Little birdie
Questions of the Day
Sorry guys... I don't have enough time to post any questions...

Comments (6) |
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
i am so mad at myself right now... I'm such a horrible person ........... .................. ............................. ...................... ............................ ........... ........................ ........................... ............................... ............
Comments (4) |
Monday, September 25, 2006
Post Last Updated: 9:11 am
hey everyone
I'm soooooo tired... not sure why though... I went to bed at like 9:45 last night... Maybe I'll wake up after lunch. lol Anyway, I think I am going to keep this theme for a while since homecoming is soon. What do you guys think of it? I think I like this one more than the last Tsubasa theme I had.
I don't have much to say, so..... I guess that's it. Now...the other stuff
Quotes of the Day
ummm.... I can't find the quotes that people submitted... My archives is really screwed up. if anyone knows how to fix it, please help me!!!!
"In the darkness of the eternal day, find your light."
Question of the Day
What question should I ask next time????

Comments (5) |
Friday, September 22, 2006
I know I am a little bit early, but I won't have time to do this tomorrow. If you are new to my site, LB is my gf and we have now been together for a year!!!! That is why I changed my theme and music.
LB is the most important person to me. I never thought it was possib;e to care about someone this much. Do you want to hear something crazy? Well, I'll tell you anyway, I saw LB for the first time about 7 years ago! We didn't get to know eachother until 5 years ago and then started dating last year. The reason I have known her so long is because my best friend is her older brother. That is how LB and I ended up meeting.
I can't say that LB and my relationship together is perfect, but I guess it is pretty close. We have been through quite a bit together, but the good times easily outweight the bad. I would do anything to make her happy. *I think I still owe her a large city... lol* I could write a huge list of great things about her, but I will jsut write a few. She is the nicest, most caring, most beautiful girl that I have ever met. She can make me happy so easily. When I'm with her, everything is better. Just seeing her smiling face is enough to change my mood. She is the reason I can through my day so easily. The day goes by so fast when we are together and I really wish it would go by slower so i can spend more time with her... It reminds me of a quote I heard a while back.
"To find an hours importance jsut ask two lovers."
I love her so much! I really hope she know that by now.
I can't wait to see her! *paces around......*
I wanted to write more about her, but my time limit on the computer is almost up, so I have to go...
There won't be any quotes or questions of the day today because of this special occasion.

Comments (9) |
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I know I am a little bit early, but I won't have time to do this tomorrow. If you are new to my site, LB is my gf and we have now been together for a year!!!! That is why I changed my theme and music.
LB is the most important person to me. I never thought it was possib;e to care about someone this much. Do you want to hear something crazy? Well, I'll tell you anyway, I saw LB for the first time about 7 years ago! We didn't get to know eachother until 5 years ago and then started dating last year. The reason I have known her so long is because my best friend is her older brother. That is how LB and I ended up meeting.
I can't say that LB and my relationship together is perfect, but I guess it is pretty close. We have been through quite a bit together, but the good times easily outweight the bad. I would do anything to make her happy. *I think I still owe her a large city... lol* I could write a huge list of great things about her, but I will jsut write a few. She is the nicest, most caring, most beautiful girl that I have ever met. She can make me happy so easily. When I'm with her, everything is better. Just seeing her smiling face is enough to change my mood. She is the reason I can through my day so easily. The day goes by so fast when we are together and I really wish it would go by slower so i can spend more time with her... It reminds me of a quote I heard a while back.
"To find an hours importance jsut ask two lovers."
I love her so much! I really hope she know that by now.
I can't wait to see her! *paces around......*
I wanted to write more about her, but my time limit on the computer is almost up, so I have to go...
There won't be any quotes or questions of the day today because of this special occasion.

Comments (2) |
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Post Last Update: 9:03am
Hey everyone!!!! I'm in a pretty good mood right now! Not sure why... oh well. lol Again, i'm in internet class with nothing to do and it is really cold... I woke up freezing! Of course my window was open and my blanket som how was on the floor... Oh well, I'm not as cold anymore. I'll just add the other stuff since most of you probably don't want to read my post. lol
Please visit LB's site. I thank all of you who did visit!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Quotes of the Day
"Carpe dium!"
- Latin proverb... IN LATIN!!! XD
-Little Birdie
"people may doubt what you do, but they will always believe what you do."
-one of my language art's teacher's posters
-Angel Asuka
"Never give up, and never surrender!"
~from Galaxy Quest
"Procrastinating means that you aren't trying your best"
Questions of the Day
I liked all of the responses to the last question. lol Oh, MUSTANGS RULE!!! lol but Cameros are fine also...
What is your favorite season?
What is your favorite holiay?
My Answers
I like late spring
hmmm.... I'm not sure that i have one... Does that make me weird????

Comments (2) |
Monday, September 18, 2006
Post Last updated: 9:02am
Hey everyone. I'm in internet class now and I have nothing to do... Oh well. I'mused to it by now. lol I don't have much to say, so I will continue on to the other stuff.
I have one more thing to say, please visit LB's site. It's not her fault that she can't visit everyone elses... She is very busy and she could use some friendly comments. I thank those of you who do. You are good friends.
Quotes of the Day
"Living is the safest bet you can ever make, because you're the one that decides how things turn out in the end."
"Be the silver lining on your friends' dark clouds"
Questions of the Day
If you were a king/queen, what would be your first decree/law?
Camaro or Mustang?
My Answers
If I were king I would make a law that makes smoking illegal and all vehicles have to pass certain economy tests. (I don't want LB to have to choke on the smoke)
Mustang, all the way!

Comments (8) |
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Post last Updated: 1:42 pm
Hey everyone...
I am very tired right now so please forgive my spelling errors. I am sooooooo bored right now. I should probably go to bed, but I don't really want to. Not sure why. Maybe I'm just weird like that. I don't have to much to say...
I'm pretty sure that is all I have to say. I'll try to post the quotes of the day later, when I can think and spell. lol That just reminded me of a toy/computer thing I used to have. It was called "speak and spell". It had a keyboard where all the letters were in alphabetical order and whenever you would puch a letter it would say that letter. It even had a spelling test mode. It was fun. ??? Why am I talking about this??? I don't remember and I'm sure I had a reason.
I watched episode 2 of Bleach. I like Ichigo's original voice... This one is ok, but not my favorite.
I'm so tired... I could probably sleep upside down and I would look like this
I can feel the blood rushing to my head, my eyes feel like they are bulging and my sinuses are congested... I think... I don't know. I'm done now. Goodnight everyone.
Quotes of the Day
Sorry if you submitted a quote and I did not post it below... I can't find the comments that have the last wuotes in them... I'm sorry. Could you please re-submit them?
"Life is full of decisions, are you making the right ones?"
"You only have a limited amount of time on this Earth, are you spending it in the right way?"
"In the game of life, there is no over time and no ties. Which side are you on?"
Questions of the Day
If you could only see the world in three colors, what would those colors be?
If you could have any type of super vision, what would you have?
My Answers
I would want to see in blue, red, and yellow. You can mix those colors to make anyother color, so i could still see like I do now.
I don't know... Either heat vision or night visions.

Comments (7) |
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Post Last Update: 8:09 am
Hey everyone! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is doing at least fairly well. I am so tired right now and not in a good mood. My sister put me in this mood this morning at 6:40am... She acts all perfect when people are around and then when no one but family is around,.... she is the first person to make you mad. Everyday I walk in and she starts yelling at me or something. She is in 6th grade and she thinks she know everything and no rules apply to her. She nearly killed my bird yesterday. She says it was an accident, but she has killed baby birds before and the day before she almost killed mine, she said, "Mom said that since I don't want to go to Washington DC with school, I can use the money that I saved up to get a bird! But I'm not allowed to get one until Syd (my bird) dies or flies away..."
I don't know if it was an accident or not... She already has hermitt crbs and she won't even take care of those! How in the world could she take care of a bird!?!? I don't understand her..... I just thought that I would rant about something to someone since no one in this class would want to listen to me... I don't know anyone, well I do, but I don't talk to any of them...
"I am a loner in a class of outsiders..."
lol I don't think I will be able to post any of the other stuff today...
Has anyone heard from Juz Cuz? Last time I heard from her, she was really upset and that was a couple days ago...
Ok, that is all I have for now. Talk to you later!!!

Comments (7) |
Monday, September 11, 2006
Post Last Updated: 6:02 pm
I posted this yesterday and only one person commented. THANKS LB!!! So i am leaving it up so maybe I can get some more comments
Tomorrow is Patriot's Day. It is in memory of the 9/11 attacks. I don't know if I will be able to post tomorrow, so I am talking about it now. For government class I had to type a letter to the editor about an article about 9/11. I will post it here for all to see. It may end up in the news paper if my government teacher thinks I did a good job on it. Here is it:
When I read your article in the Dayton Daily News this morning, it brought back a lot of the memories I have of that fateful day, five years ago. At that time, I was twelve years old and thought that nothing bad could ever happen to America, but I was wrong, very wrong.
When the first plane crashed into the first tower, I was at a hospital getting a cast on my hand and one of the receptionists came in and told everyone that a plane just crashed into one of the Twin Towers. Before that, I did not know anything about the Twin Towers, but I kind of figured that they were in New York. When I heard the news about the “accident”, I did not know what to think. That was the first time I ever heard of an airplane crashing into a building before, so I thought it was just an accident. On the way home, we saw police vehicles blocking off the exits to get to the Federal Building and I had no idea why until my mom, brother, and I got home. Once we got home, we turned on the television and saw that a second plan crashed into the other tower. I was getting worried then because people were saying that it was a terrorist attack. That worry quickly turned to fear because I never imagined a terrorist attack happening in the U.S.A. I only thought that was something from Hollywood. That shows how naïve I was and how secure I felt to be living in America, the land of the free, the place where nothing terrible like terrorists attacks happen. That day was a wake up call to me and I am sure every American living that day, that we are not invincible and that there are people out there that want to hurt us. Then when I heard about the attack on the Pentagon, I did not have that secure feeling that I had only a couple hours earlier. At that time, I was afraid that bad things were going to keep happening. Later that day, we were at a neighbor’s house and a news reporter pulled up and told us to just sit in the background while my neighbor was being interviewed about his thoughts of the attack. Then we heard a loud BOOM and the news reporters packed up their equipment and headed towards the V.A. Hospital because someone said that it was hit. I was so scared that a war was going to break out in America.
Eventually that fear turned to anger and I wanted to get back at whoever did this to us. I was angry for every innocent person that lost his or her life in that attack. I may have been twelve years old, but I knew that what had happened was wrong and someone who thinks they can destroy a way of life should not, and could not be tolerated. I was afraid to go to school the next day because of the attacks and no kid should have to be afraid of going to school. I know that horrible day, five years ago, will live in every American’s hearts and minds for the rest of their lives.
I found your article touching and I thought that I would share my experience of 9/11
I just took out the intro and ending part of it for posting it on here. What did you guys think about how it was written? Those are my exact emotions during that time. It was horrible. I don't live in or near New York. I live in Ohio which is a little while away, but it was still a very scary experience. How did you guys feel when you heard about the attack? I guess that is my question of the day.
I'm sorry about not posting the quotes of the day friday... I thought I would have more time than I did... I will post them today, I promise. They should be up in a couple minutes.
Ummm... I know I have asked a lot of you guys, but I have two more requests. Could you guys visit Little Birdie's Site and Juz Cuz's Site? Please... They need some comforting and support. LB may not seem like it in her post, but trust me, she does and you can just tell by Juz Cuz's post that she really needs it... They are going through rough times right now. (I guess I am too, but I'm not worried about me right now) I would really appreciate it if you would do that for me. Thank you for helping!!!
Quotes of the Day
"A picture's worth a thousand words... but expressions are cooler. They have SOUND!!!" XD
-Little Birdie
Buy me stuff and I'll be nicer
-Happy Bunny
"How far are you willing to go, to find the truth?"
"The most eloquent silence; that of two mouths meeting in a kiss."
-I read it online

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