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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Post Last Updated: 5:36pm
I posted this yesterday and no only one person commented... So, I am leaving it up for you guys to read.
Tomorrow is Patriot's Day. It is in memory of the 9/11 attacks. I don't know if I will be able to post tomorrow, so I am talking about it now. For government class I had to type a letter to the editor about an article about 9/11. I will post it here for all to see. It may end up in the news paper if my government teacher thinks I did a good job on it. Here is it:
When I read your article in the Dayton Daily News this morning, it brought back a lot of the memories I have of that fateful day, five years ago. At that time, I was twelve years old and thought that nothing bad could ever happen to America, but I was wrong, very wrong.
When the first plane crashed into the first tower, I was at a hospital getting a cast on my hand and one of the receptionists came in and told everyone that a plane just crashed into one of the Twin Towers. Before that, I did not know anything about the Twin Towers, but I kind of figured that they were in New York. When I heard the news about the “accident”, I did not know what to think. That was the first time I ever heard of an airplane crashing into a building before, so I thought it was just an accident. On the way home, we saw police vehicles blocking off the exits to get to the Federal Building and I had no idea why until my mom, brother, and I got home. Once we got home, we turned on the television and saw that a second plan crashed into the other tower. I was getting worried then because people were saying that it was a terrorist attack. That worry quickly turned to fear because I never imagined a terrorist attack happening in the U.S.A. I only thought that was something from Hollywood. That shows how naïve I was and how secure I felt to be living in America, the land of the free, the place where nothing terrible like terrorists attacks happen. That day was a wake up call to me and I am sure every American living that day, that we are not invincible and that there are people out there that want to hurt us. Then when I heard about the attack on the Pentagon, I did not have that secure feeling that I had only a couple hours earlier. At that time, I was afraid that bad things were going to keep happening. Later that day, we were at a neighbor’s house and a news reporter pulled up and told us to just sit in the background while my neighbor was being interviewed about his thoughts of the attack. Then we heard a loud BOOM and the news reporters packed up their equipment and headed towards the V.A. Hospital because someone said that it was hit. I was so scared that a war was going to break out in America.
Eventually that fear turned to anger and I wanted to get back at whoever did this to us. I was angry for every innocent person that lost his or her life in that attack. I may have been twelve years old, but I knew that what had happened was wrong and someone who thinks they can destroy a way of life should not, and could not be tolerated. I was afraid to go to school the next day because of the attacks and no kid should have to be afraid of going to school. I know that horrible day, five years ago, will live in every American’s hearts and minds for the rest of their lives.
I found your article touching and I thought that I would share my experience of 9/11
I just took out the intro and ending part of it for posting it on here. What did you guys think about how it was written? Those are my exact emotions during that time. It was horrible. I don't live in or near New York. I live in Ohio which is a little while away, but it was still a very scary experience. How did you guys feel when you heard about the attack? I guess that is my question of the day.
I'm sorry about not posting the quotes of the day friday... I thought I would have more time than I did... I will post them today, I promise. They should be up in a couple minutes.
Ummm... I know I have asked a lot of you guys, but I have two more requests. Could you guys visit Little Birdie's Site and Juz Cuz's Site? Please... They need some comforting and support. LB may not seem like it in her post, but trust me, she does and you can just tell by Juz Cuz's post that she really needs it... They are going through rough times right now. (I guess I am too, but I'm not worried about me right now) I would really appreciate it if you would do that for me. Thank you for helping!!!
Quotes of the Day
"A picture's worth a thousand words... but expressions are cooler. They have SOUND!!!" XD
-Little Birdie
Buy me stuff and I'll be nicer
-Happy Bunny
"How far are you willing to go, to find the truth?"
"The most eloquent silence; that of two mouths meeting in a kiss."
-I read it online

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Friday, September 8, 2006
Post Last updated: 8:44am
Hey everyone... I'm really sorry for not updating or visitng many of your sites.... i feel horrible about it. I don't have much time right now, but I wanted to say hi to everyone. I hope to get the quotes of the day up when i get home. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope everyone has a great day! I'll try to post again soon!
Comments (6) |
Monday, September 4, 2006
Post Last Updated: 12:43 am
Life Update
Hey everyone. How is everyone doing? I'm doing ok, but I just got done watching the worst movie of all time! It is called Silent Hill and it was horrible!!! There was no intro or ending and nothing made sense. It made me mad that I wasted 2 hours of my life watching something like that... But other than that, I'm doing good. I have been spending so much time with on my help site that I haven't had much time to visit people's sites.... I'm very sorry about that. There is a link to my help site in my intro and I'll put it at the bottom of each post too. Saturday was a very good day for me! I was very happy all day, which is a good thing. That is all I can think of to say for now... I hope everyone has a good day!
Quotes of the Day
"people don't believe what you say, but they will believe what you do"
-one of my language arts teacher's posters
-Angel Asuka
~A friend is someone who walks in
when the whole world has just walked out~
-Juz Cuz
All great inventions were created with 2 things- an imagination, and a pile of junk.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes!!!
"You can never plan the future by the past."
-Edmund Burke (the book)
Questions of the Day
What is your favorite card from a regular set of playing cards?
What is your "lucky number"?
My Answers
3 of diamonds

Comments (7) |
Friday, September 1, 2006
Post Last Updated: 7:58am
Life Update
Hey everyone!!! I only had one comment yesterday... *sigh* i thought I had more loyal friends than that... lol. I'm sure only one peron voted because when you clicked on the link to comment, it took you to the top of the page, right? If it did, I think that is because i was trying to get something to work, but it wouldn't work for anything... If anyone knows how to use the code to disable right clicking, please pm me!!! Ok, I've been telling Juz Cuz for a while now that I would tell her my school schedule, but i haven't.... So, I am "borrowing" her idea of posting it, so I can show her and everyone else. Ok, here is my schedule
My Schedule
1st Physics
2nd Internet/web page design
3rd pre-calculus
4th World myth
5th Drawing 1
6th Government
7th Band
It changes very little in the second semester. instead of drawing 1 and internet, i am taking drawing 2 and design. (both art classes. i want to change from design to drawing 3)
Ok, that is all for now.
Quote of the Day
I only received one comment yesterday, so I don't have any quotes... LB is too busy to get on MyO, so no one is submitting any...
"A forgiving heart is a kind heart."
Question of the Day
Would you rather listen to music or make music?
My Answer
I would rather make the music.

Comments (7) |
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Post Last Updated: 8:54 am
Life Update
Sorry for not updating for so long... I have been busy with school and my help site. i guess I'm making some progress. Here a link for it, if you are interested: MY HELP SITE
I still have a lot to add.
School has been pretty good so far. Nothing bad has happened..., well, maybe be something, but I'm sure no one wants to hear me complaining. lol
*sigh* Ok, well that is all have to say here. Now onto the quotes of the day and that other stuff.
Quotes of the Day
"Love changes everything."
- one of the songs from "Aspects of Love" ^_^
- Little Birdie
~Many people will walk in
and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave
footprints behind~
- Juz Cuz
"Sometimes, you have to laugh at the little things that go wrong."
Question(s) of the Day
I don't have a question right now... So, could you guys give me an idea on what to ask tomorrow? (or whenever I update again)

Comments (1) |
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Post Last Updated: 2:58 pm
Hey everyone! not much to say, that is why I didn't title it. I am thinking about making a help web site because I have had many people ask me the same question over and over and I'm glad they anked me, but I think it would be easier for them to just click on a link an find the answers they are looking for. What do you guys think?
Quotes of the Day
"A moment can be brief or extremely long, but what matters is what happens in that moment."
- Little Birdie
"Every decision you make could either make or break your future."
Questions of the Day
What is your favorite sport?
Would you rather play that sport or watch it?
My Answers
I'm pretty sure that it is football, but there some sports that I have never played before so I don't know.
I'd much rather play any sport than watch it. I get bored of watching it after a little while

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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Post Last Updated: 2:41pm
I'll try to post something later... Right now, I have to get ready for band practice. Well, I guess I can tell you a little bit about my day, if you want. Do you??? I'm just going to assume that you do, so i will. Today was the start of the new school year for me! That is a good thing and a bad thing.
The GOOD: I get to see LB a lot, I get to see my friends, I can make new friends, I can learn new stuff, and it is my last year in high school!!!
The BAD: I have to wake up early, I have to actually work, I can't eat whenever I want, I have to be around some people that I don't exactly get along with, and it is my last year in high school...
Yeah, I said that it being my last year in high school is good and bad. It is good because I can move to a new stage in my life and start college. It's a bad thing because I'm really going to miss it. After this year, I won't be able to see LB at school and I have to take on many more responsabilities... I think I will manage though.
Today went pretty well. I made it to all of my classes on time and I have some friends in almost everyone of my classes except art. I guess I have two friends in there, but I haven't talked tto them since last year. One is co-section leader with LB and the other girl is in band also. A lot of my teachers are kind of strange, but that is ok. It will make some fun during the day. It was a half day today and it will be the same tomorrow. I was scheduled to get my senior pictures today, but when my mom scheduled it, she didn't know that I had band practice. She just rescheduled for some time next month. Ok, that is all I can post for now. I have to go!!! Talk to all in about 2-3 hours!
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Post Last updated: 11:33 am
Life Update
11 Months!!!
Hey everyone!!! Today is a special day! Do you know why? Come on, guess....... .....*waiting*............... ............. ........... ... *still waiting*........... ................... ........................... .................. ................... ... ...Have you figured it out yet? If you haven't, I will tell you. If you have, I will tell you anyway!!! Today is August 22, 2006 and 11 months ago, LB and I started dating! Yep, it's been 11 months!!! If you have ever been with anyone that you really cared about you will know what I mean when I say this. Sometimes it seems like we just started going out a couple weeks ago and then other times it seems like a long time. W e have had some bad times, but we have also had tons of good times. Some memories that I will never forget. Some of the best memories I have involve LB being there. She is always there when I need her (mostly) and is always a caring person. Even though she doesn't seem to like to listen to me lol, I love her very much. (yausha kanuwi O em jasat jukonag) Without her, my life would be very boring. I would just be sitting around and have nothing to look forward to. She is the reason that I want to go to band practice, the reason i didn't miss much school last year. She is always trying to make me try harder and do better. If it wasn't for LB, I don't think I would be on this site. THANKS LB!!! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!! HAPPY 11 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
I would post about what happened yesterday, but I'm not sure how many of you would take time out of your busy schedule to read it...
Quotes of the Day
"Momentai, Henry!"
- Terriermon from Digimon Tamers
- Little Birdie
~Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away~
- juz Cuz
"If no one knows your problems, how can anyone help?"
Question of the Day
Do you like writing or drawing more?
Drawing abstract, cartoon, or realistic?
Would you rather live in a mansion or a castle?
My Answers
I don't know... I like to write stories/manga/story lines and I like to draw what ever I feel like. I can't choose between the two.
I preffer realistic and cartoon. I don't really like abstract... I mostly draw cartoon/anime.
One of my great grandpa's built a castle in Arizona, but it is a museum now... I wanted to live in that castle. That would be the only castle I would want to live in. I choose a mansion because I could still have it big and I wouldn't have to build a moat or protective wall.

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Monday, August 21, 2006
Post Last Updated: 12:42am
Life Update
Ok, I'm going to keep this short since people didn't want to read my post yesterday. Execpt for a few people. Thank you to those of you who did. yesterday was pretty fun. The car wash was ok, but LB did get to come over!!! That made me happy. First we played a card captors game. it was fun. I guess it was more fun because I won!!! Oh yeah! First time playing it, first time winning it! Of course it was everyone else's first time too.. Oh well, I won! Then we jumped on my trapmoline for a while. That is always fun. Then we played corn hole (I don't think I spelled that right, but oh well. I'm tired, so i have an excuse) I didn't like that game. I'm not good at it and that game can be painful... Tossing bean bags at boards doesn't sound dangerous, but I know that it is. I was in quite a bit of pain for a while. Then to the trampolin we went again! Then after LB left, my family watched the movie RV. It was pretty good. That was my day.
Quotes of the Day
"I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- Josh
-Little Birdie
"You win some and Dimsom, you lose."
-some Jet Li movie (I can't remember which...)
Question of the Day
Would you rather have a laptop/notebook or a cell phone?
A plane or a helicopter?
A sports car or luxury?
My Answers
Cell phone because without it, I wouldn't be able to talk to LB for nearly as long as I can with it.
An airplane because a helicopter, if it sops working you are going to fall like a rock. With a plane you can at least glide down... (sort of) PLanes are faster too!
Sports car! I would like to have a car that sounds nice, runs nice, and looks nice.

Comments (5) |
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Post Last updated: 12:50am
Life Update
Hey everyone!!! How is everyone doing? I'm doing pretty good! I had a lot of fun today! I guess I'll start with Friday. Friday, my mom's friend came over for some reason.. i don't remember why... Anyway, her two boys came with her. They are a little younget than me. I think one is a year younger and the other is 2-3 years younger. My brother had the great idea that me and the oldest kid should box... GREAT IDEA!!! not! I don't like to fight with my friends, so i was just taking it easy you know, just dancing around playing with the jab and WHAM! This kid starts going all out on me! I'm like, "Dude, I don't want to hurt you!" but he keeps coming. I'm mostly dodging and blocking because I'm afraid to hurt him... He is going crazy on me so I pop him in the side of the head. ( he wasn't covering his face while he was body munching...) He backed off and then came again. I did the same thing. He starts getting mad. (I should be the one getting mad for having bruises..) So he strats swinging wild punches, so I jab him in the nose twice. Not to hard though because we were wearing 14 oz gloves and I didn't feel like breaking his nose. I hit him some more, but mostly in the last round. We had 6 rounds of 1 min each. He came out with a red face and no energy while I still had tons of energy, but with bruises and marks all over my arms from blocking his punches. I didn't want to fight him, but they wanted me too, so I didn't want to hurt him, but my brother was telling me, "Use your right hook, you could knock him out!" I'm like," I don't want to hurt him!". I guess I'm a bit like Chad from Bleach. I won't fight unless someone is picking on someone I care about or someone much smaller than them or something like that. It was funny because he didn't think he was hurting me. To tell you the truth, I was in quite a bit of pain, but I can hide it very well. lo Oh yeah, another funny thing that happened. You guys know about the A.S. right? (if not, click on the link for our site and check it out) Anyway, in that group my nickname is Ghost, but those kids didn't know that which make this even funnier. The kids younger brother was getting annoyed because his brother couldn't hit me and he said, "Come on man, it's not like you are swinging at ghosts!" I just started laughing and they were confused about that, but oh well! That night I went to bell practice will LB and IMNo1Bishounen. That was a lot fun even though they kept stealing my bells and my gloves. lol When I got home, I was really tired. So I went to bed around 10ish. I couldn't get to sleep until 10:30 and then I ended up waking up at 11 and couldn't get back to sleep... I don't know what time I ended up sleeping. So, this morning I woke up dizzy and just felt weird. I don't know how to explain it. It was like my body was still sleeping but my mind was half sleeping. I felt numb and just... weird. While feeling like this I get ready for church. We went to some lake for service. It was nice. After that, we went to one of LB's parents' friends' house. We were there for a while and then us four "kids" walked to a park that was nearby. That was fun. Then we came back and after sunset we played basketball and ping pong. I was doing ok at the basketball, but ping pong... well, you don't need to know about that... lol Ok, I'll tell you. I lost in the first round of our tournament.... *sigh* oh well, maybe next time! (yeah right...)
So that was my fun filled last couple of days!
Is anyone else having any problems with this site? I mean the whole MyO? I tried to go to a couple of my friends' sites and it would go to one of those error windows... I tried sendind a pm and when I clicked the send button, it said that there was an unauthorized login... What does that mean? If you have read this far, type,"*Ghost Wins*" anywhere in your post.
Tomorrow I guess later today, I have to go do a car wash. it is to raise money for band. I don't mind doing it even though I have to be there at 10am... I get to see LB and hopefully after the car wash, she can come over to my house! She hasn't been over to my house for a while... I don't think it is her fault though.
(Ot os ukeya LB! I satolal luvi yausha viraya machaha!!!! Muri tahaen yausha chen ivir anadirasatenad!!!!)
BTW, did anyone figure out what I said last time I used that language?
One more thing. I want to thank Angel ASuka for the pic above of Shikamaru. THANK YOU!!! I believe that you should all visit her site. I may be biased, but hey, she did something nice for me, so I am just returning the favor...kind of. In my own way. Make sure to vote for her art too! Click HERE to go to her site! Thank you to all of you that are nice enough to visit her and possibly sign her gb!
Quotes of the Day
Ok people, I need some more quotes! Please submit some... As long as one person submits a quote evrey day, then I will keep this going. If no one participates, then I might stop doing it... I'm sure some of you probably don't care, but I know some people actually like reading these...right? *gets on knees and begs* Please submit some quotes...
"Expect the unexpected." - Kero-chan from Cardcaptor Sakura (US version)
-Little Birdie
"If everyone puts in just a little effort, big things can happen."
Question of the Day
Would you prefer a pink popcicle or a green one?
Skittles or M&M's?
What is your favorite type of M&M's?
What is your favorite type of Skittles?
My Answers
I'm not sure... I don't remember all the different types that they have out...

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