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| GhostlyNinja
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sorry about not posting yesterday morning... i forgot when I posted last time that it was friday and i wouldn't be able to post on saturday... so I am posting now.
So, about college. I'm lucky enough to have two friends from my high school going here, so it makes things a lot easier. I wasn't very good friends with them before this year, but we were friends. Now we are becoming really good friends. Too bad they are both girls because I couldn't room with either one of them, so I got put with a guy that I never met before move in day. He is pretty cool, but I don't really know him yet... like I said (I think i already said this) he is quieter than I am!!! You can imagine the loud conversations we have... lol
I'm all the way up on the 4th floor, so all of the heat from the bottom 3 floors comes to us... It gets hot!!! I'm going home next weekend so i can get another fan and anything else I may find essential for my survival, like a PS2. lol
Right now, I'm kinda lonely because my room mate is at one of his friend's dorms right now and I'm stuck by myself... Oh well, it gives me time to think about stuff.
My real classes start Monday, so wish me luck. :D
if anyone is near Bowling Green OH, you should stop by and say hi. I would greatly appreciate it. lol
I will give you a special treat today:
I'm sure you have seen the pic above of me and Jessica, right? Well, i'm going to post an updated pic of me!!! AHHHH!!! I know, so exciting. lol If Jessica were here I would post one of her too or us together, but she is 2 hours south of here... so depressing.
I guess I should do something to make this seem more special, like give a background story!!! :D
so, i was sitting in my dorm, bored out of my mind, playing with my new phone. I just got a samsung sync from cingular. (if anyone wants my number, just ask me via pm :)) I was curious about the quality of the pictures since it could have effects like black and white and sepia. I have realized over the years that i look better without color, so I decided to try out the black and white and here is what it came out to be:
*drum roll*
I don't do this for just anybody... so you should feel very special.

i know, nothing special... sorry for the anti-climatic ending...
lol sorry for wasting your time with a bad pic of me in my dorm...
I'll talk to you all later!!!
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