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Kare Kano, Kimi Ga Nozumo Eien, Bleach, Ghost in the Shell, Naruto, Please Teacher, Samurai Champloo, Strawberry Eggs, Love Hina, R.O.D., School Rumble
| GhostlyNinja
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Post Last Updated: 12:45pm
What kind of lover are you? (Beautiful anime pictures)
 You are a devoted lover. You are willing to throw your life away to protect the person you love. You can be pretty protective at times and love to be around your significant other. Take this quiz!

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Life Update
Sorry for not posting yesterday... My brother is being a computer hog... I got to visit like 2 people's sites and I don't know if I will be able to visit too many people's sites today or not... Sorry for not visiting everyone. I feel horrible about it. I will try to visit your sites whenever I get the chance. I hope everyone understands. Nothing too exciting has happened lately. I had to get up early this morning so i could go get LB's band uniform. She needs it Sunday and her parents wouldn't be home today until later and the guy who was getting it out of the trailer (it is where we store the uniforms and instruments when we travel) had to leave for Chicago around noon. So, I told LB that I would pick it up for her. I'm kind of tired right now... i completely forgot about having to get up this morning. I mean, I knew that I had to when I went to bed, but when I woke up to my alarm, I was kind of confused. Oh well. I'd do anything to help LB. I wonder if she knows that by now? I hope she does. Ok, that is all for now. I'll try to get to people's sites today. Talk to you all later!!!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'm going to change my theme soon. Any ideas? I know Idon't want .Hack again and I don't think I want Bleach either. Right now, a Shikamaru theme is the only thing that comes to mind. What do you guys think?
Quotes of the Day
ummm.... sorry to those of you who sent me quotes. Do you think you could leave them in your comment today? Thanks. I guess I'll leave a quote for everyone.
"When you say you love me, the world goes still, so still inside and when you say you love me, in that moment, I know why I'm alive."
-"When You Say You Love Me"- by Josh Groban
Questions of the Day
What song would describe you most?
Who is your hero?
My Answers
I'm not sure what song would best describe me. I just thought that it would be a good question.
My hero....I'm not sure about that one either... There are a lot of people that I look up to. My parents, my grandparents, LB's parents and grandparents. Those are just the people that I know personally.
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