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| GhostlyNinja
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Post Last updated: 12:50am
Life Update
Hey everyone!!! How is everyone doing? I'm doing pretty good! I had a lot of fun today! I guess I'll start with Friday. Friday, my mom's friend came over for some reason.. i don't remember why... Anyway, her two boys came with her. They are a little younget than me. I think one is a year younger and the other is 2-3 years younger. My brother had the great idea that me and the oldest kid should box... GREAT IDEA!!! not! I don't like to fight with my friends, so i was just taking it easy you know, just dancing around playing with the jab and WHAM! This kid starts going all out on me! I'm like, "Dude, I don't want to hurt you!" but he keeps coming. I'm mostly dodging and blocking because I'm afraid to hurt him... He is going crazy on me so I pop him in the side of the head. ( he wasn't covering his face while he was body munching...) He backed off and then came again. I did the same thing. He starts getting mad. (I should be the one getting mad for having bruises..) So he strats swinging wild punches, so I jab him in the nose twice. Not to hard though because we were wearing 14 oz gloves and I didn't feel like breaking his nose. I hit him some more, but mostly in the last round. We had 6 rounds of 1 min each. He came out with a red face and no energy while I still had tons of energy, but with bruises and marks all over my arms from blocking his punches. I didn't want to fight him, but they wanted me too, so I didn't want to hurt him, but my brother was telling me, "Use your right hook, you could knock him out!" I'm like," I don't want to hurt him!". I guess I'm a bit like Chad from Bleach. I won't fight unless someone is picking on someone I care about or someone much smaller than them or something like that. It was funny because he didn't think he was hurting me. To tell you the truth, I was in quite a bit of pain, but I can hide it very well. lo Oh yeah, another funny thing that happened. You guys know about the A.S. right? (if not, click on the link for our site and check it out) Anyway, in that group my nickname is Ghost, but those kids didn't know that which make this even funnier. The kids younger brother was getting annoyed because his brother couldn't hit me and he said, "Come on man, it's not like you are swinging at ghosts!" I just started laughing and they were confused about that, but oh well! That night I went to bell practice will LB and IMNo1Bishounen. That was a lot fun even though they kept stealing my bells and my gloves. lol When I got home, I was really tired. So I went to bed around 10ish. I couldn't get to sleep until 10:30 and then I ended up waking up at 11 and couldn't get back to sleep... I don't know what time I ended up sleeping. So, this morning I woke up dizzy and just felt weird. I don't know how to explain it. It was like my body was still sleeping but my mind was half sleeping. I felt numb and just... weird. While feeling like this I get ready for church. We went to some lake for service. It was nice. After that, we went to one of LB's parents' friends' house. We were there for a while and then us four "kids" walked to a park that was nearby. That was fun. Then we came back and after sunset we played basketball and ping pong. I was doing ok at the basketball, but ping pong... well, you don't need to know about that... lol Ok, I'll tell you. I lost in the first round of our tournament.... *sigh* oh well, maybe next time! (yeah right...)
So that was my fun filled last couple of days!
Is anyone else having any problems with this site? I mean the whole MyO? I tried to go to a couple of my friends' sites and it would go to one of those error windows... I tried sendind a pm and when I clicked the send button, it said that there was an unauthorized login... What does that mean? If you have read this far, type,"*Ghost Wins*" anywhere in your post.
Tomorrow I guess later today, I have to go do a car wash. it is to raise money for band. I don't mind doing it even though I have to be there at 10am... I get to see LB and hopefully after the car wash, she can come over to my house! She hasn't been over to my house for a while... I don't think it is her fault though.
(Ot os ukeya LB! I satolal luvi yausha viraya machaha!!!! Muri tahaen yausha chen ivir anadirasatenad!!!!)
BTW, did anyone figure out what I said last time I used that language?
One more thing. I want to thank Angel ASuka for the pic above of Shikamaru. THANK YOU!!! I believe that you should all visit her site. I may be biased, but hey, she did something nice for me, so I am just returning the favor...kind of. In my own way. Make sure to vote for her art too! Click HERE to go to her site! Thank you to all of you that are nice enough to visit her and possibly sign her gb!
Quotes of the Day
Ok people, I need some more quotes! Please submit some... As long as one person submits a quote evrey day, then I will keep this going. If no one participates, then I might stop doing it... I'm sure some of you probably don't care, but I know some people actually like reading these...right? *gets on knees and begs* Please submit some quotes...
"Expect the unexpected." - Kero-chan from Cardcaptor Sakura (US version)
-Little Birdie
"If everyone puts in just a little effort, big things can happen."
Question of the Day
Would you prefer a pink popcicle or a green one?
Skittles or M&M's?
What is your favorite type of M&M's?
What is your favorite type of Skittles?
My Answers
I'm not sure... I don't remember all the different types that they have out...

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