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| GhostlyNinja
Monday, August 21, 2006
Post Last Updated: 12:42am
Life Update
Ok, I'm going to keep this short since people didn't want to read my post yesterday. Execpt for a few people. Thank you to those of you who did. yesterday was pretty fun. The car wash was ok, but LB did get to come over!!! That made me happy. First we played a card captors game. it was fun. I guess it was more fun because I won!!! Oh yeah! First time playing it, first time winning it! Of course it was everyone else's first time too.. Oh well, I won! Then we jumped on my trapmoline for a while. That is always fun. Then we played corn hole (I don't think I spelled that right, but oh well. I'm tired, so i have an excuse) I didn't like that game. I'm not good at it and that game can be painful... Tossing bean bags at boards doesn't sound dangerous, but I know that it is. I was in quite a bit of pain for a while. Then to the trampolin we went again! Then after LB left, my family watched the movie RV. It was pretty good. That was my day.
Quotes of the Day
"I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- Josh
-Little Birdie
"You win some and Dimsom, you lose."
-some Jet Li movie (I can't remember which...)
Question of the Day
Would you rather have a laptop/notebook or a cell phone?
A plane or a helicopter?
A sports car or luxury?
My Answers
Cell phone because without it, I wouldn't be able to talk to LB for nearly as long as I can with it.
An airplane because a helicopter, if it sops working you are going to fall like a rock. With a plane you can at least glide down... (sort of) PLanes are faster too!
Sports car! I would like to have a car that sounds nice, runs nice, and looks nice.

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