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| GhostlyNinja
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Post Last updated: 11:33 am
Life Update
11 Months!!!
Hey everyone!!! Today is a special day! Do you know why? Come on, guess....... .....*waiting*............... ............. ........... ... *still waiting*........... ................... ........................... .................. ................... ... ...Have you figured it out yet? If you haven't, I will tell you. If you have, I will tell you anyway!!! Today is August 22, 2006 and 11 months ago, LB and I started dating! Yep, it's been 11 months!!! If you have ever been with anyone that you really cared about you will know what I mean when I say this. Sometimes it seems like we just started going out a couple weeks ago and then other times it seems like a long time. W e have had some bad times, but we have also had tons of good times. Some memories that I will never forget. Some of the best memories I have involve LB being there. She is always there when I need her (mostly) and is always a caring person. Even though she doesn't seem to like to listen to me lol, I love her very much. (yausha kanuwi O em jasat jukonag) Without her, my life would be very boring. I would just be sitting around and have nothing to look forward to. She is the reason that I want to go to band practice, the reason i didn't miss much school last year. She is always trying to make me try harder and do better. If it wasn't for LB, I don't think I would be on this site. THANKS LB!!! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!! HAPPY 11 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
I would post about what happened yesterday, but I'm not sure how many of you would take time out of your busy schedule to read it...
Quotes of the Day
"Momentai, Henry!"
- Terriermon from Digimon Tamers
- Little Birdie
~Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away~
- juz Cuz
"If no one knows your problems, how can anyone help?"
Question of the Day
Do you like writing or drawing more?
Drawing abstract, cartoon, or realistic?
Would you rather live in a mansion or a castle?
My Answers
I don't know... I like to write stories/manga/story lines and I like to draw what ever I feel like. I can't choose between the two.
I preffer realistic and cartoon. I don't really like abstract... I mostly draw cartoon/anime.
One of my great grandpa's built a castle in Arizona, but it is a museum now... I wanted to live in that castle. That would be the only castle I would want to live in. I choose a mansion because I could still have it big and I wouldn't have to build a moat or protective wall.

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