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| GhostlyNinja
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Post last Updated: 1:42 pm
Hey everyone...
I am very tired right now so please forgive my spelling errors. I am sooooooo bored right now. I should probably go to bed, but I don't really want to. Not sure why. Maybe I'm just weird like that. I don't have to much to say...
I'm pretty sure that is all I have to say. I'll try to post the quotes of the day later, when I can think and spell. lol That just reminded me of a toy/computer thing I used to have. It was called "speak and spell". It had a keyboard where all the letters were in alphabetical order and whenever you would puch a letter it would say that letter. It even had a spelling test mode. It was fun. ??? Why am I talking about this??? I don't remember and I'm sure I had a reason.
I watched episode 2 of Bleach. I like Ichigo's original voice... This one is ok, but not my favorite.
I'm so tired... I could probably sleep upside down and I would look like this
I can feel the blood rushing to my head, my eyes feel like they are bulging and my sinuses are congested... I think... I don't know. I'm done now. Goodnight everyone.
Quotes of the Day
Sorry if you submitted a quote and I did not post it below... I can't find the comments that have the last wuotes in them... I'm sorry. Could you please re-submit them?
"Life is full of decisions, are you making the right ones?"
"You only have a limited amount of time on this Earth, are you spending it in the right way?"
"In the game of life, there is no over time and no ties. Which side are you on?"
Questions of the Day
If you could only see the world in three colors, what would those colors be?
If you could have any type of super vision, what would you have?
My Answers
I would want to see in blue, red, and yellow. You can mix those colors to make anyother color, so i could still see like I do now.
I don't know... Either heat vision or night visions.

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