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| GhostlyNinja
Friday, October 20, 2006
Post Last Updated: 1:54pm
Hey everyone! I'm trying to update more often because I just want to. Thanks for all of the comments. I was really surprised to see a two digit number there! SO, thanks again for your time!
Today was a half day! YAY! BOO... I say both because of the same two reasons as always. I got home around 11:30ish. I ended up leaving before LB did... I normally wait until her ride gets there... I would take her home, but her parents won't let me... *sigh* I wish we could a little more together, but I can't change that.
Today was also the last day of the quarter which means report cards come out soon. I'm pretty sure that I got A's and B's in every class. There is just one I'm not sure about. I was surprised to get a B in my precalc class. I didn't do very well on most of the quizes, but the last test I scored 88% on it and somehow I ended up with a B!!! I'm not complaining though. If I make honor roll, my parents pay me! I could use a little extra cash. lol
I'll try to post Sunday, not sure if I will be able to... I have research project due in two classes on Monday, so I will probably be doing that most of the day.... Oh well.
I'll talk to you guys later!!!
Quotes of the Day
"we is friends!
you and me is friends!
you smile, i smile...
you hurt, i hurt...
you cry, i cry...
you jump off a bridge...
i gonna miss your emails!"
-an email i got!
-Angel Asuka
"If someone tries to change you and you let them, then who is it to say that it is for the better?"
"Love is more than just a feeling, it is a way of life."
Question of the Day
I knew I said that I might stop doing these, but I think I will do them occationally.
Who is you favorite character on X-Men?
If you could have one of the character's from X-Men's super power, who's would you want?
Either Rogue's or Jean Grey's
Who is your favorite comic book super heroe?

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