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| GhostlyNinja
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Post Last Updated: 12:55pm
Hey everyone! Last night was awesome!!! There was surprise party for me last night in honor of my 18th b-day, which is next Saturday, but my mom wouldn't be home next weekend... I was so confused because I was with LB and her family all day yesterday because of church and they kept telling me different things and I was SO CONFUSED!!!! It was crazy. I had no idea what was going on....
I guess I was supposed to drive to my house, but I didn't know that, so I just got in the car like I always do if we are going somewhere to eat. Then LB's dad made up some excuse to go to my house. He wanted to talk to my mom about my baptism, or something like that. I was really tired, so I don't remember exactly what he said... Anyway, when we got to my house, the front dorr wasopen, but the storm door was still closed and it was dark inside, which was different because they don't normally leave the door open and the lights off. So, I see my dad kind of run inside, he looked funny. lol I walk inside and I see my older brother (doesn't live with me) standing in my kitchen in the dark... I'm like what the heck? And then I see someone hiding behind my refrigerator... It was my grandpa. Then someone turned on the lights and people started pouring in the doorway kind of mumbling surprise. I think I really messed thing up though. lol OH well, it was fun. I had a great time and it seemed like everyone else was too, so that is always a good thing. There was even live music! Thanks to LB's family! They are all amazing on the piano. Then I had to play... Either I made them look really good or I made myself look bad! I don't know which.
My parents gave me a card and when I opened it up, $200 fell out of it! All in $20's. lol I think I got $260 last night! So, does anyone want to go to the mall? lol, LB is already coming. Then LB's family got me this really nice green dress shirt and a grey jacket. I want to wear them next week, but I have to wear black for church... Oh well, maybe the week after that! My aunt and uncle gave me a card that didn't make me to happy... Lb was sitting right next to me when I opened it and it had this lady in tight black leather on it saying all these things... I was really embarrassed about that one... I really didn't like that card. (O em suraraya Jisasoche...)
After we ate my grandpa's amazing pie, we played a little bit of DDR and then I had to go back to LB's house to get my car, since it was still sitting in front of their house. I had a great time last night!
Quotes of the Day
"The best part of doing something is the process of actually getting there."
- I'm sure someone else said this in different words, but I don't know who... ^_^'
-Little Birdie
"but I like cookie..."
-the squirrel on Over the Hedge

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