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| GhostlyNinja
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Angles of Life Updated: 8:22 pm
Hey everyone. Sorry for not posting in while... I don't really have an excuse, so I'm not going to give one. So, how has everyone been lately? I hope you have had a happy healthy life since I last talked to you. Righ now, I'm just glad that I'm not in pain. Yesterday I had two teeth pulled and it hurt after the numbness went away. First they gave some laughing gas. I was staring at the ceiling and then everything around that point seemed to turn into a dome and I started feeling all tingly and almost numb. It was crazy. Then they gave me four shots. Two in the roof of my mouth and then one in each cheek. (the ones in the roof of my mouth hurt...) Then the doc left for a while and when he came back it was weird. It seemed like one of those movies where the main character is drugged and the villian says things that sound crazy. He said it was a secret or something like that. lol It didn't take too long to get them out, but after he did, thet were bleeding like crazy! They gave me a lot of gauze and they said that it would be more than enough, but... it wasn't. Luckily my mom had some extra and I nearly used all of hers up! I got tired of holding gauze in my mouth so I ate two frosties hoping that they would stop the bleeding. For the most part they did. My eyes were hurting, I had a headache, and my jaw and teeth were killing. My mom told me to stay home today, so i did... When I woke up this morning, my pillow and my shirt had bllod on them... It was pretty nasty. Oh yeah! Before all of that happened. Last week, I was eating a breadstick and it broke one of my brackets off of my tooth. I went to the orthodontist and they were about to fix it and then they realized that they put the broken one on the wrong tooth!!!! If it wasn't for it breaking, I would have never went to the orthodontist and I wouldn't have known about the misplaced bracket and then we would have had a little trouble at the oral surgeon! lol I laughed at that. I call it a miracle, but you can call it what you want.
Besides the pain, I've been pretty good. I DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2! It is awesome!!! I am almost 100% complete with it, just some minor things I have to do that I'm not sure what they are though. I also bought DDR Supernova. That is fun too. I just wish you could choose your own character. Oh well, still a great game.
Ok, I think that is all for now.
Quotes of the Day
"you never know what you have till it strikes you"
-someone new
"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg... not by smashing it."
-Arnold Glasow
"Life isw an echoe. What you send out--you get back. What you give--you get"
-The Book (I haven't used that in a while)

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