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| GhostlyNinja
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
14 MONTHS!!!!
Hey everyone! Today is a special day for LB and I. Can anyone guess? (Look at the title of this post)
Looking back on all that we have been through, there are a lof of things that I regret... The most recent was yesterday... I don't want to talk about the bad because there has been more good than bad. She has helped me through some hard times and is always there to comfort me when I need it. I would say she is perfect, but she doesn't want me to say that so, I will say that is "perfec". lol That is close to perfect. She makes me so happy and I really I hope I do the same for her. I just want to make her happy and help her with as much as I can.
I wish that I could see her today, but i don't think that is going to happen... I'm not sure when I will be able to see her next. I know for sure Saturday, but that seems far away... I guess it isn't that long of a wait, but I guess you would have to feel this way about someone to know how I feel. I really do love her and I would do anything for her.
Today I got my senior pictures!!! They are ok... I didn't get to choose them though. My mom went without me... Oh well, I guess... I'm not the best looking person around and I know that. I'm not a vain person and mostly don't like my pictures. If you told me to pick my favorite picture of me, I would have someone else do it for me unless one of the pictures has some meaning in it or someone special in it. (LB *cough cough* lol) Sure, a lot of adults say tha I'm good looking, but not very many people my age say stuff like that. LB does though!!! That means a lot to me. Maybe I'll post my pics up when I get a scanner or I could go to LB's house.
So, in other news, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and everyone gets to go up an extra pant size! lol Here is a tip, don't wear a belt, your stomach won't be able to expand as much! Oh well, it's not like it is all the time that we get to eat as much as we want. One more hint, if you stand up while you eat and move around, you can eat more!!! (I do that)
Ok, I'm done now
Quotes of the Day
"To be someone perfect is not as good as being the someone you were made into."
-Little Birdie
~Moving on is simple, its what you leave behind that makes it so difficult~
-Juz Cuz
"Not speaking at all is better than speaking a lie..."

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