Birthday 1990-03-31 Gender
Female Location LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Member Since 2005-06-29 Occupation STUDENT Real Name JACKIE
Achievements I HAVE OVER COME ALL MY TROUBLES IN LIFE SAFELY Anime Fan Since 9 Years Old Favorite Anime Card Captores Goals GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND TRAVEL THE WORLD Hobbies Figure skateing, Sinign, and dancing Talents Figure Skateing, sisnging, and dancing giggles
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
OMG!!!!!!! ^_^
OMG this is Jesse McCartney. I'm in love with him. I dream of him every night. I would put a picture of him, but I don't know how. Hope you like it. ^_^
Another Quiz! ^_^ Your death will be murder....Most likely because your a very social person and everyone knows you, but there is one person lurking in the shadows that is so jealous of you or is so obsessed they end up killing you...There are many ways of being depends on the person, but your death will either be slow and painful (like being stabed to death) or quiek and painless (like a gunshot to the head).
Today I Did NOT Missed My School Bus!!!! ^_^
Today I didn't missed my school bus and I was abble to go to school. The down side about it is that I have lots of homework T_T! I have homework for English,Painting, and even P.E. My teacher for P.E. was not in class today nor the Painting teacher. I was kind of happy because when my teachers don't come they give my class extra time to work on the class work. In P.E. I still had to work out but I didn't do my Test for P.E. or the play. Today at P.E. was kind of weird because no one was doing the exersises. Only me and like 5 or 6 girls. I don't care if the teacher is not here I'm still going to do the work. I don't want to be lazy. I want to be active like who am I. The play I have to do tomorrow in first period. Or I get an "F" for the class and I can not get an F I never had an F for any thing. I only goten A's, B's, C's, and D's. Well I'm off to do my work. ^_^ Comments (1) |
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Hi people that visit my site. I got this new video. I think that it is prety and I like the words of the song. I also like the music. Hope you like it too! ^_^
Guess What !!!!!
Today I missed my school bus too. My mom took me to the school bus stop. But the trash colector was out. The truck could not let us pas. So we had to wait for the truck to go. It's two days in a row that I'm missing school. I'm only going to go to school two days thise week. Because I have a dentis apointment thise Friday. I'm going to be soooo behined thise week. T_T The good part about me missing school is that I wont see thouse weirdous. On Friday Nancy one of the weirdous was following me because her cousin Marisa was out of town. I had to hide on the girls bathroom because my friends don't want to hangout with them. My friends sais that Nancy is using my friends so she wont be by her self. Comments (1) |