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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I'm Back from summer vacation!!!!

Hello!! To all my friends. I'm back from my summer vacation. First I went to Madrid to stay with my dad, but then I went to Mexico to visit my relatives there for the last time, but then my dad said that if I wanted to stay here in LA I could so I stayed, but while I was in Mexico I had lots and LOTS of fun. I found true love ahhhhhhhhhhh! His name is Edgar and his really hot and he is an athetic guy his 19 years old and he doesn't drink at all. He is really friendly with all my friends especialy with me. And yes thats a pic of me and my boy friend. To bad he lives in Mexico, but soon I might go to live to Mexico for eva cuz I stood up to my mom and I might go live with an aunt in Mexico so now I could be happy and close with my boy friend. Well now I could go visit some of you guys pages cuz my internet sevise is fast again. Yeah!!!!! Well I'm doing kinda good cuz I have changed alot and I'm learning to be stronger and not leting my self get in to dreppression. Well I hope all of you guys are doing good. Take care! *hugs*
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
Hello friends! Sorry once again for not beening here I have lots to do in school. I have lots of dificult projects. But I only have like 3 more weeks of school then I'm off to summer vacation. I can't wait till summer vacation. But now I'm just thinking of finishing all my work for school. Well my good friends I just had a little tiny time to come here and my time is up. I have to go back to bordom city. I have to go back to work. I'll try to come here tomorrow to come and check some of you guys pages. Some of you guys are doing a very good job on making your page very cool. Well till next time! Oh! don't forget to take the quiz I posted! Laterz! =^__^=
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Hello Friends!!! Hows life going for all of you guys? I hope verry good. I got to have the birthday party, but it was a late birthday party because on the day I was going to do the party it was raining. So I had it on the 8th. A lot of people came. I had lots of fun. I also got lots and lots of presents. Well I don't have much time to go and visit some pages today, but may be tomorrow I'll have time to go and comment. Lately I don't have time to watch movies or tv. I'm so busy doing other stuff like working on my history class to improve my grade. Well I have to go Laterz! Take care friends!
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Friday, March 24, 2006
I'm Happy!!

Hello friends I'm sooooooo sorry I haven't been here for like the longest. I've been recobering. Luckily I didn't have to take the surgery. I was very scared when the doctor told me that I may be had to take the surgery, but he only gave me some medicine. But enoufe of sad stories and moments. Today was kinda okay at school. I'm kinda happy because my birtheday is coming soon. My uncle is planing a party, but my mom doesn't want me to have it. She told me to tell my uncle to not make me the party. I just can't find why is she like that with me, but oh! well what am I going to do about it. Well I have to get of the computer because I'm punished. I have a c on biology class. Well my friends I have to go. Till next time!!
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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hello friends!! How you've been? I'm pretty okay. OMG today in firt period which is world history, this guy farted in class. It was kinda weird. I had a big test on that class. This girl that sits next to me was cheating. She was texting the questions to her smart friend. Then her friend texted her the answers. That is sooooo unfair. Then in my second which is french I had to watch the Lion King in french. It was kinda cool then we had a quizz on the movie. Then during lunch I had to go too my tird period which is biology because I had to do this project that was due on the 14, but I'm still finishing. My teacher for my tird is like the coolest teacher ever. Well any ways how was your day? I hope it was very cool. Sorry I haven't gone to your sites I just can't find any time to come and post. Well I have to go now. Take care *hugs*
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Monday, March 6, 2006

Hi friends!! How you all been? I'm well okay, but I'm very weak. It's because my haert has holes in my haert. My doctor says that I may be need surgery, but he is not sure. He first has to do some tests on me. I had this since I was born, but on Saturday he called to say that he was looking over my x-rays. He noticed that my holes in my haert are getting bigger. Well I have to wait till Saturday to go to the doctor and see what is going to happend with me. Well I'm verry sorry I haven't gone to your pages. It's becaue I haven't been okay lately. Well I have to do some home work. Take care *hugs*
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Dulce Maria!!

Hi friends!! How you all been? I've been okay. Well I posted this picture os Dulce Maria she is a member of this band called RBD and this show on tv called Rebelde. I like both the tv show and the music of the band.I also posted their video. I know it's in spanish, but I hope you all liked it. Well I have to go now. Sorry I haven't gone to your sites. I'll try on saturday. Well take care *hugs* Love ya!! =^___^=
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Monday, February 20, 2006

Hi friends!! I got this cool song from my friend edmari. Well I asked her for the code because I like the rhythm of the song. She is a kick ass friend. Today it was kinda okay. On Friday my mom impressed me. I was very surprised O_o by one of her actions. My sisters, my baby brother, my uncle, my mom, and I were at McDonalds. In the entrance there was a homeless man asking for money to eat. My mom as usual ignored him. We all went to order. I wasn’t hungry at all so I just went strait to the table and wait for them. My mom had bought the homeless man two Chicken sad whishes. She told me to go give them to the homeless man. I think she is not that cold hearted after all. I’m very tiered today I just got home. I’m getting every thing ready for school. I finished all my homework. My uncle and my mom are thinking of moving to Las Vegas again, but I think they are going to wait a year to move or at list wait till I finish this year. I really want to move there. I miss living there. Well anyways how was your day? I hope it was fantastic!! Take care *hugs*
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
My poem!!

Hi friends! I finally found my poem that I wanted to post since like a month ago. I couldn’t find it, but yesterday I found it in one of my drawing note books. I wrote this poem when I was in 9th grade for this project I had to do. Well I hope you like it. My teacher liked it, but she likes poetry. I don’t like to read poetry only if I find it interesting, but it’s very rarely that I’m reading poetry. Well here it goes.
I’m sitting
On a bridge
Staring at the
Darkness of night
I have realized
I’m alone
But I’m waiting
For someone
To take me home
It’s starting
To rain and
I’m still waiting
For that someone
To save me
From my loneliness
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
My twin sister's poem.

Hi friends! How you all been? I’ve been okay. I was going trough my poem note book and I found this poem my twin sister wrote to me before she passed away. I could still remember how she used to tell me that when we both grow older we could live together to recover all those years we lived apart from each other. I miss her sooooo much. She never had the chance to name it so I call it *Jasmine* Well here it goes.
Just because you can’t see me…
Doesn’t mean I’ve flown away…
Never have I imagined…
That I could live with out your
I learned that people don’t appreciate what they have till they loose it. Why don’t we use all the time we have to do things our way. Why can’t we do what we feel it’s right for us? Some adults always say “I whish I could go back and…” They say that because they didn’t live life how they wanted they lived their life how someone else wanted them to life their life. They didn’t take chances and risks and I think that’s kinda boring.
Well I hope you liked the poem my twin sis wrote. Take care *hugs*
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