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Sunday, January 15, 2006

What did I do for my mom to hate me like she does? She put a restriction order to my figure skating coach Cristina and she won’t let me figure skate no more. I was practicing for the competition on St. Luis, Missouri when my mom came and slapped me very hard, but that didn’t hurt my check it hurt my heart. That competition was very important for me because it’s not who gets top 3 it’s who gets to go to the Olympics. My mom didn’t let me go to the competition it was yesterday. I felt like I was dieing. She didn’t even let me watch it on TV. She never goes to cheer for me no one goes to cheer for me only Cristina’s friends and her family members. It’s really sad when I win a competition and there’s no one there to congratulate me. Then I see the girls that lost and their mom is cheering them up. My mom took my only dream left. I hate her allot and I don’t mean like I hate her then I start to talk to her an hour later. I’m not going to talk to her no more. I’m going to get a job so she won’t have to be bitching at me no more. I’m going to buy myself every thing that I need I’m not going to ask her for no money. Any ways she doesn’t give me money my uncle does. My uncle buys me every thing I want and my mom gets mad because of that. I feel empty inside because I have realized that I don’t have no family. My twin sister passed way, my dad in on Madrid, my mom hates me, and my little sisters too, my uncle well I don’t see him that much, and my family on Mexico well I don’t see them allot. They only like because I buy them things and I don’t want a family that likes me because I buy them things I want a family that likes me because I’m their family. Some of my friends on Mexico tell me that I have everything I want and that I’m rich because I have lots of horses and a house of my own, but I don’t have anything because with out a family all those things don’t mater. What really maters is having a family that loves you. I hope you have a very good family that takes care of you and that loves you even if it’s not complete. *hugs*
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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hi! Sorry, but I can't post my poem and I can't visit many sites to day. I'm really sorry. Well not much happend to day. Well I have to go Laterz! *hugs*
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Hi! =^_^=

Hi friends how are you. Today I finally put a BG on My Space site. Yesterday my friend Alex told me if I wanted to be his girl friend and I said yes. I said that because if I would have said no I would be saying to my self “how would it be if I said yes to Alex’. From now on I’m going to take chances even if they seem dangerous. I don’t care if I get in trouble. I’m going to live my life how I want to not how my teachers and my family want me too. I’m not going to ask permission if I could change my life I’m just going to change it. This is going to be a new and improved Jackie. I’m not going to be that girl that every body says that she does every thing like she should supposed to not like she wants to. I’m going to be a girl that takes risks and dangers. I’m going to be stronger. I’m not going to let any body to bring me down. I know that situations may get tough, but I know I’m going to over come them. So that is going to be my life from this point on. Today I found my 9th grade poems. I had to do them for this project I had on English class. I’m going to post some of them tomorrow and I’m going to change my BG too. Well I hope all of you guys are okay. Laterz! Take care *hugs*
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hi all you people how are you guys? I’m okay. I just joined My Space, but I don’t know how to put stuff on it. So right now it’s pretty blank. I went to some of my friend’s sites and their cool. One of my friend’s is helping me to make my site better. Today I was very sleepy in first period my teacher in English class was talking about the book Animal Farm, but I didn’t listen to what ever he was saying. When I finally started to listen to him he was saying that my class in going to write a friendly letter to the governor about some thing like what we think about the war and stuff like that. Well that’s it for today take care *hugs*
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Hi!! ^_^

Hi guys sorry I wasn’t here yesterday. I couldn’t use the internet. My mother didn’t let me use it. Well nothing new happened to me I’m soooooo bored today I just got home. I’m very tiered and sleepy, but I’m going to bed like at 11. I’m having a hard time falling asleep. I keep having nightmares were I die and some nightmares were my moms xboyfriend kills me. But I’m not afraid of dieing not any more. I just don’t care if I die right now or in 10 years. I don’t know why, but I just don’t care. Well I hope something interesting happened to you today. Take care *hugs*
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Monday, January 2, 2006
Hi Friends! ^_^

Hi guys! How did you guys celebrated New Years Eve? I celebrated it big. After my mom and her friend and my friend Alex’s uncle left to the Bar I went to my friends house, but now I did tell my mother that I was going to a party. My mother told me to do what ever I wanted. So Alex and I decided to go to the party. It was great I had lots of fun. I saw the one girl I helped to go in the cab. She was drinking a lot. In the last two parties I’ve been to I didn’t have the same alcohol in me like she had in the first two hours in the party on New Years Eve. I just go to have fun with my friends not to drink. I think the only reason she goes to the parties is to drink. Well I had fun my head was hurting a lot yesterday. I think it was because I had tequila or may be because I was dancing and laughing a lot. Hey did you guys like the funny quiz I posted earlier? I think it’s funny. Well see ya guys. Take care *hugs*
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Funny Quiz!! lol
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
OMG!!! O.o

OMG!!!! Today it's my mothers birthday. I totaly forgot. I remember because her friend called to say happy Birthday to my mother. But I didn't forget to buy her a present so I'm still safe.No wounde she made a specila dinner and she got really dresed up. She is going to go to a night club with her friend. They are living the kids with a babysitter and I'm staing home with my friend Alex. His uncle is going with them too. I bought her this dress she has been wanting and this 14K gold ring. They were expensive, but I hope she would be a little nice to me atlist for today. Well Laterz take care *hugs* and HAPPY NEW YEARS DAY!!!!
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Helo! =^_^=

Hi! How are you? I’m okay. My head was hurting a little bite in the morning I think I had a little too much alcohol last night, but I didn’t get drunk like this girl got. She couldn’t even walk. I had to help her get into the cab. I only had like two bears I didn’t want to drink some thing more powerful because this was my second time drinking and the next day I would be feeling very bad and then my mother would find out that I didn’t go to a sleep over. It was very fun. We first went to the party in the salon. Were I helped the girl get into the cab. Then we went to my friend Sherry’s house there we listen to music and we danced. Her big brother bought some more alcohol for her party, but I only had a cup of some Mexican drink, but I didn’t finish it. I had so much fun that I forgot about fighting with my mother. Speaking of her here she comes. Well I think I have to go now before she starts yelling and telling me how much she hates me. When ever she does that I get this feeling that I want to tell her what a bad mother she has been to me, but not to my two little sisters and my little brother. She is not mean to them because their father gave her lots of money and took them to lots of places. When ever they went to a place to eat of for vacations I had to go with my godmother or with a babysitter, but now he is gone. And she blames me. Well I really have to go she is really mad because she is talking to me wile I’m typing this and she hates it. She doesn’t know what I’m typing because she doesn’t speck or talk ingles. Well take care and don’t let no one bring you down like my mom does to me. *hugs*
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Hi Friends!

Hi guys! How are you all? I’ve been okay. Well I’m very sorry if I couldn’t go and see your site. Right now I can’t because I have to go to a party. I’m going to my friend Evelyn’s party. It’s to celebrate the last Friday of 2005. I wasn’t going, but I just can’t stand my mother. I don’t know if I should sit and cry or kill myself. She is being very mean and she just brings me down every time I’m happy. I told my mother that I’m going to go to a sleep over, but I’m going to the party with my friend Alex. Well I have to go take care friends *hugs*
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