Birthday 1990-03-31 Gender
Female Location LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Member Since 2005-06-29 Occupation STUDENT Real Name JACKIE
Achievements I HAVE OVER COME ALL MY TROUBLES IN LIFE SAFELY Anime Fan Since 9 Years Old Favorite Anime Card Captores Goals GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND TRAVEL THE WORLD Hobbies Figure skateing, Sinign, and dancing Talents Figure Skateing, sisnging, and dancing giggles
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hi guys! I changed my site alittle bite. I hope you like it. I put this video. Tell me if you can read the text if not tell me to change the color. I put this picture of a Fairy. I hope you guys like it. Well Laterz friends *hugs* Comments (5) |
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
How was your Christmas?
Hi friends. How was your Christmas? Hope you had fun. I spened Christmas alone. My mom and my two sisters and my baby brother went to my moms friends house and my uncle had to work. So did you guys got what you wanted for Christmas? I did I'm not happy because I had to spend Christmas alone, but oh well. Take care friends *hugs* Maybe by tomorow I'm going to change my site and the music because I hate it. Well hope you like the picture I posted. =^_^= Comments (4) |
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Hi guys! =^_^=
Hi guys. I hope you have lots of fun today. I was trying to put a Christmas song, but I didn’t like the ones I was putting so I just put an Ashley Simpson one. Hope you like it, but first you have to go down and stop the video I have. I posted it on the 19. Well see ya.
Hi guys. I hope you like the video. I don't know if the video is tradused in inglish if not I'm so sorry if you didn't understand the video. I didn't have chance to listen to it, but my friend told me that the song is very cool. Well laterz friends take care *hugs* Comments (5) |
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Hi guys. Sorry I haven’t posted in a long time. I’ve been so busy with all this different things I have to do. Well now I can’t use the internet that much as I use to because my mother uses the phone a lot. Yesterday my friend Alex asked me if I wanted to be his girl friend. I told him that I have to think about it a little more. I told him that by January 9 I would give him the answer it’s because I have to tell my friend Samantha to give me advice she is really good at giving advises. It’s because I still like this one guy in my first period class, but I do like my friend Alex. Right now I’m so confuse. Things have changed between me and Alex. We still act the same when we are around other people, but when we are alone we act different I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like we were meant to be together, but I still like the other guy. Well I’m just going to wait what happens. I’m going to live it to time and destiny to mark me love path. Well I don’t think I could make it to visit every body’s sites. I’m very sorry if I haven’t gone to some sites. It’s because I don’t have that much time to use the internet. Sorry. Take care *hugs*
Hi guys. Today was okay. Me and my friends did the secret Santa. My weirdo friend didn’t give me my present I don’t know why. She got me. I gave my friends a present and my secret Santa too. My friend Justine and my weirdo friend Nancy and my friend’s friend Anthony I think well they didn’t gave their presents. Justine didn’t give hers because she got my friend Nancy and she didn’t know what to give Nancy. She could have given her a teddy bear or a card, but nothing that’s fucked up. Then Nancy didn’t give anything well I don’t know maybe because she didn’t get any thing from Justine. Anthony because he didn’t go to school, but he told my friend Samantha that he wasn’t sure if he was going to come, but I think he is coming tomorrow. I gave present to my friends. I got them body lotion from Victoria Secret, but they were asking me what I got them I told them that I got them thongs and they all belief me. But for my friend Dimas (Say More) I got him a Mickey Mouse. I got a cool Winney The Phoo, a cool pijamas with a pen, a cool as book and two cute blouses, and tree Christmas cards, and a cup with a teddy bear from this lady from the office. She gave me the cup with the teddy bear because me and my friend go help her in the morning. She is a very good person. My friends had showed me through out the months that they are really care about me and I care about them. My friend Daisy gave me the Wieny the Phoo well it was raped in gift raping paper, but it had a picture of this lady showing her boobs. Well during first period I put it on this gift bag I had, but it didn’t fit and I didn’t notice that the part of the gift with the lady was showing. Well The guy I like was staring at the gift and then he looked at me all weird. Then my friend Dulce tells me “What’s that?” Then I see the bag with the lady showing I quickly get the gift and turn it so the lady won’t show. Then I see the guy I like looking at me like if I was a lesbian. I was soooo in verses. My friends always play like that. They very perverted. Well I hope your day was very good and funny. Take care *hugs*
Hi! =^_^=
Hi friends. Thank you friends for your advice on my last post. It helped a lot. I have decided to go with my friend Alex But I’m just going to wait a little more for time to past and so I could still decide if this is what I want. I never though that love was this hard. Well today I put a picture. I hope you like it. Well yesterday I discovered that I was eating poison. On the metal part of my desk of my computer my mom put poison for roaches. We don’t have roaches, but she said she saw one day so she dicised to put some. Well she put on the cables of my computer and I’m always putting my back pack there and I touch the metal part of the computers desk every day. When I come from school I wash my hands then I put my backpack behind my computer so I have to touch the metal part then I go to eat. So that’s were I get intoxicated because I touch my food with my hands with poison. I never notice and my mother never told me that she put poison on m y desk. I started to notice when I wanted to throw up and other symptoms. Then yesterday I notice that the cables were sticky so I told my mother why were the cables of the computer sticky and she said well it’s the poison I put for the roaches. So maybe this Saturday I might go to the doctor. I hope it’s nothing serious. Well I hope your day was prety good. Laterz take care *hugs* I’m going to try to visit some sites, but I’m not going to have time to visit everybody. Sorry if I couldn’t go to yours yesterday’s and today. Bye-Bye. =^_^=
Hi Guys!
Hi guys and chicks. Sorry I couldn't put a picture today. My friend Alex is still telling me to decide with which guy I'm going to stay. Me and my x boy friend don't have any feeling for each other any more. You know the past is in the past and if we get back to gether it wouldn't work. Now I have to deside between my life time friend Alex and my crush. Well it's kind of hard because with my friend Alex I feel save and with my crush I feel love I don't know why I haven't had the nerve to talk to him. I don't have that much time to be here because my mother is biching at me because I have to take care of my little brother. So I have to listen to her because she keeps going and going about me not helping her and then my haert starts to hurt because I have holes in my haert and I might die if I get upset or angry. Still my mother doesn't care she still makes me sad. I'm sorry if I can't visit your site. Laterz take care *hugs* Comments (5) |