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Saturday, February 23, 2008
Ryo looks so cute when his little ^_^!!
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Monday, February 18, 2008
A little question?
If you ever read Skip-Beat wanting your fav couple....
Renx Kyoko
Shoux Kyoko
OtherX Kyoko
^_^ Do you like Yaoi or Yuri and what's your fav couple?
~ Have your ever Cristo? *if not you can read it on one-manga*
Do you hate those plastic sobby girls at school?
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Sunday, February 17, 2008
Something i Hate so much,Something i luv so much ^-^
Those Dang Arby's Fish Sandwhich commerical and Chef B. Commerical, and those f-ing attel commericals.(THE Wizard)
Plus i really hate those stupid commericals for Cartoon Network commerical like Out of Jimmy's Head Cow and Chicken and all those boomerang commericals. those stupid Scooby Doo Comcast commericals.. Grrrr....There so stupid and get on my nerves so much!!!
Plus i wacthed a really exicted action movie called Kinght Rider KITTs so awesome i talking car and it's bullet proof, call change colors. and drives by itself!! I was i had one!! i love that and if a had one i love it so much and David Hasslehoff! I Love him so much his a awesome actor and I saw this show on Nigrara Falls it so awesome.. I going to TN for vaction this year i can't wait till!! ^_^ Plus i can really get into books.. Stargirl Love Stargirl is two of the awesomish books awesome!! The Uglies Seris is go to i love them Twillight seris is turing into a movie with is awesome i can't wait.. Sadly i'm grounded till the end of the month but i stll can go to my laptop and watch TV Ah All end that end well anywho i really just wanting to chat so PM anytime you wanna talk!!
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
...Justa some stufff
Hola i have great news..!!! DaDoDa...Wait cross that my game is not here yet Final Fantasy 7 Dierge of Cercbus (i know it spelled wrong sorry) ToT i really sad TOT ToT ToT ^_^
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Q And A
I need a hint!! Want is the best keyblade you should use while fighting against seprioh in the 2nd Game!!!
Me: I really
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Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Gift
Winter snow is falling down
Children laughing all around
Lights are turning on
Like a fairy tale come true
Sitting by the fire we made
You're the answer when i prayed
I would find someone
And baby i found you
All i want is to hold you forever
All i need is you more every day
You saved my heart
From being broken apart
You gave your love away
And i'm thankful every day
For the gift
Watching as you softly sleep
What i'd give if i could keep
Just this moment
If only time stood still
But the colors fade away
And the years will make us grey
But baby in my eyes
You'll still be beautiful
All i want is to hold you forever
All i need is you more every day
You saved my heart
From being broken apart
You gave your love away
And i'm thankful every day
For the gift
All i want is to hold you forever
All i need is you more every day
You saved my heart
From being broken apart
You gave your love away
I can't find the words to say
That i'm thankful every day
For the gift
I Love this song so much!! When I first heard in a cryed so hard.BTW This song is on my playlist..
I Bascily Say the heart is a gift and you should cherise with all you have
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hints? Help?
lh3.google.com/.../ s800/classicaLsig.jpg
Yesterday i started a new KH2 games...I put it on the hardest level it feels like beginnger to me.. -.- AXEl english voice is awesome. Ansem i hate him. Xemnas is awesom. Zexion is Super Awesomely Cool.... I wish that a could beat the game though. if you have any hints for me in the last part of the game fighting Xemnas Playing as Riku to get to Sora,so he doesn't die i really need hints..
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Saturday, February 2, 2008
What FF7: Advent Children Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
Just some stuff to state ang get off my chest
Todays is a new day and a fresh start...Today a friend of my told me last year in science someone called me a she-he, he doesn't want tell who cause he promised he wouldn't--WANT IN THE RIGHT MIND SHOULD I DO PLEASE TELL!!!!!I NEED HELP TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT
Anyway i easily a good grades on all of my exams Yeah me!! I going Bowling tom..So wish me luck...^__^
-T-Chan Out
P.S. On the post below you can see them to me or just put you're answer by commenting!!!
P.S.S. have you ever heard of the band SOAD System of a down!! I have you of the songs on my playlist_ FUCK THE SYSTEM I LOVE THE FREAKING SONG!!! *Evil Laugh* Instert Comment to evil laugh here- BYe Doddles cuddles Huggles
By the way if i send you a message and i say He said she said i just my opening for PM Now ^3^ TODDLES AND I HAVE A GREATISH DAY
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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday, November 11, 2007
No. 1: Where do you go to shop for clothes?
No. 2: Do you buy your own groceries?
No. 3: Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
No. 4: When's the last time you had a sour gummy worm
No. 5: Whats your favorite fruit?
No. 6: If there was a fire, what would be the first thing you would grab?
No. 7: Do you have a picture of yourself doing a cartwheel?
No. 8: Have you ever tried to build something?
No. 9: Do you play with legos?
No. 10: Do you play with barbies?
No. 11: Who's your favorite Disney Princess?
No. 12: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No. 13: Would you rather have blue skin or purple skin?
No. 14: Have you ever gotten a sunburn?
No. 15: Have you eaten snow?
No. 16: Have you watched Star Wars, any of the six?
No. 17: Do you have a fuzzy pen?
No. 18: Do you fix your bed?
No. 19: What color are your bedsheets?
No. 20: Do you wear slippers?
No. 21: What is the coolest lamp you own?
No. 22: What's your favorite flower?
No. 23: Did you go or do you want to go to prom?
No. 24: What does your tissue box look like?
No. 25: Did you ever open a lemonade stand?
No. 26: Were you or are you in ballet?
No. 27: Do you listen to classical music?
No. 28: What's the longest book you've read?
No. 29: What smiley best represents you?
No. 30: What do you do when you are stuck?
No. 31: Will you repost this?
Youtu better
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