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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/01/07:
Who's your Bleach date number two?!? LONG RESULTS (Girls only)
 Gin Ichimaru!Your name: Ichimu Haruki vice-captain 2nd division (the fat guy Oomaeda got fired!!! xD)Gin is very polite but also an annoying person. He likes your obedient attitude on your work by the side of your captain, and he actually cares for you. Now to find out how did you bump into him!Where/How did you meet; You were still at the academy when you first saw Gin Ichimaru. He was checking out the people who would graduate that year. You were in that group. He was a lieutenant at that time, and he was with his captain, Aizen Sousuke. You had a test that day, and of course, you screwed everything up because of them watching over everything. There was something a little scary about them, but you forced your thoughts away from that kind of shit immediately and concentrated on the test. Later that day you were walking with your friends in the academy grounds. Your friend, Misora Hitomi, was babbling about Gin's appearance."OMG he is soooo cute <3" She giggled."Naw, he isn't anything THAT special... then again, you have never been too picky when it comes to men, have you, Misora-chan?" You laughed and ran away from her. She started chasing you and, you were so concentrated on watching Misora you didn't pay attention to anything happening in front of you.Naturally, your school's principal showed the school grounds to Aizen and Gin, and, naturally, with your luck, you ran into them. Or more like onto your principal. You both fell on the ground."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Your principal shouted with his head as red as an apple. You tried to mutter something in response, but realized it wasn't worth it. You just looked at the ground with your face blushed ripe red. Then you saw a pair of feet in front of you."Ya need any help?" A voice asked. You looked up and looked in his eyes for the very first time. Gin smiled to you and helped you to your feet. You muttered something which was supposed to sound like a thank you. He smiled again and said:"Never ya mind that. By the way, ya graduate this year?""Y... Yea..." You muttered. Then you remembered your manners. "I-I mean, yes, vice-captain!" You bowed to him. He grinned again."Well, then, Gin, we'd better get going." Aizen said and started to walk towards the gate."Aye, aye, cap'n!" Gin smirked and went after him. Then you realized that the principal was still staring behind them. You decided not to stay and figure out what he thought of you after your little accident.Three years later you had already passed since your encounter with Gin. You were now the vice-captain of the 2nd division after your captain, Soi Fong, promoted you to that position. You had just arrived from an assignment and you weren't exactly feeling good. You were wounded, very pissed and hungry. And you looked like shit. You made your way to your room and took a quick shower. You changed to some cleaner clothing and started doing some paperwork you had had to decline a little because of the damned hollows ripping places up on earth. Your hair hadn't even dried up yet when you heard someone knock the door."Hmm? Come in..." You said absent mindedly. The door squicked a little when the arrival came in. He closed the door and came to stand by you. You were too concentrated to take notice, so you freaked out pretty bad when he opened his mouth and spoke:"Wow, how can ya STAND somethin' THAT borin'?" It was Gin. You had admired his strenght and his cocky attitude to everything in the world from a distance for all of those years, though you'd never admit it. You regained your cool and looked him in the eyes."Well, I have to obey my captain. I'm sure you're aware of that taichou..." He smiled and placed his hand on your shoulder."Yes, I'm pretty aware of that. But my, my, aren't we actin' formal!""You are superior to me, Ichimaru-taichou." You said calmly and turned your concentration to the papers. But he took them in his hand and put them in his pocket."T-Taichou! I still have to work some things out with those papers..." You protested. He ignored your whining and said calmly:"Yes, I truly am superior to you. That's why I'm tellin' you to do somethin' for me. You just got back from that assignment-thingie, didn't ya?""Well... well yes, I did, Ichimaru-taichou, but what does it -""So ya haven't still gotten anythin' to eat. That's what I'm tellin' ya. Com'n an' eat with me." He said and gave his hand to you. You hesitated for a moment and then said:"I... I'm sorry, Ichimaru-taichou, but my captain gave me strict orders to fill in the paperwork..." Gin grinned widely and walked to the door."Yeah, I guess you have to... but I wonder how ya're gonna do that WITHOUT the papers..." he took the papers from his pocket and waved them to you. Then he left. Your eyes widened as you were gasping for breath. Then you practically flew out of the room and headed directly to the room of the captain of the 3rd division. That was Gin's room now. When you finally got there you were totally out of breath. You opened the door and saw Gin sitting next to a table. He had a fake surprised look on his face."My, my, what made you change your mind?""Yo... You should know, taichou... I really need those papers. Can you just give them back?" You asked desperately. Gin looked even more surprised."What could you possibly be talkin' abou'? Maybe I'll remember after I eat... You can stay and eat with me, if ya want..." He said and grinned. You sighed and sat next to the table. You watched him eat for a little and asked then:"Ichimaru-taichou... do you now remember the papers...?""No, I still can't recall any papers. This might take time. You might as well eat, couldn't ya?" You could've probably choked him at that point, but something held your hand. Maybe it was a sense of self-protection, as you well knew he was a better fighter than you, maybe it was because you found his annoying attitude attractive. In any case, you rewarded him with a wry smile and took a small fruit. Soon you two were talking about all kinds of things, him making annoying comments and you laughing at them. You didn't even remember how you got there or why. Nor did you care. He was fun to talk with, and you found out you had lots in common. You even forgot to address him as captain sometimes. He didn't seem to care. In the end, when you finally realized that it was well past midnight. You got up hastily and said:"Gosh, I'm sorry for making you stay up this late, Ichimaru-taichou! You could've just sent me away...""Naw, don't ya worry 'bout that. It was nice talking." There was a small silence."Well... I better get going... Thanks for the food, captain. Oh, and can you now give me those papers...""Yeah, but it IS already dark outside. Wanna stay here for the night?" You stared at him, surprised. Then you smiled."Yea... why not. Thank you, Ichimaru-taichou.""Let's leave those 'taichous' away, shall we? Call me Gin. You are a vice-captain. You are permitted to do that. Oh, and by the way, I DON'T have any spare beds, so I guess we'll just have to share mine." He grinned at you and you just couldn't help laughing.Some years after that Gin left you behind with the other members of the Soul Society. But somehow you know he'll come back to you. He occasionally sends you messages. You are closely observed by the others in Soul Society, and they read every message you receive. But they have never been clever enough to find the secret messages hidden in the text. You feel like he is and will be in great danger. However, you also know that when he's in danger, you will be on his side, even if it meant opposing the Soul Society.Hopeful ending! Best of luck to you! ;DDD Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/30/07:
...three qusetions and i got ichigo...
Who's your Bleach date number one?!? LONG RESULTS (Girls only)
 Ichigo Kurosaki!Your name: Angel Yotobari 4th seat 12th divisionIchigo's all yours! You love his protective attitude, and you also want to protect him. You have sooo much in common... He doesn't like talking too much, more like action. So he's perfect for you. You also fight sometimes but you get over it quick and one of you two apologizes. Now read the story to find out how you found each other!Where/How did you meet;You were playing with your best friend on a play ground opposite of your house. You were seven that time. You laughed, played and ran with your friend all day, you were so happy. Everyday you went to the very same play ground. One day, alone. Your parents were very care-free about you, since nothing had happened this far, what might happen suddenly then? However, you went out to play quite late at the evening, and saw a boy sitting on the slide steps. You were excited to see someone who could play with you. You ran and yelled:"Hey! You want to play?"Then you heard a car. You were just crossing the road, as the truck drove over you. The last thing you saw before dying was an orange haired boy crying next to you. A tear poured down your cheek and you took your last breath.Many years later, you had passed the shinigami school with good grades and you were accepted to the 12th division. You were loafing around with your friends. You were supposed to work! You all were laughing together for your captains, telling their most embarrassing things that you had seen them doing. You were just telling your captain's 'best' features:"My taichou looks like the king of flies! Have you seen his face when his angry?" You laughed with the others. Unfortunate for you, your captain, Kurotsuchi Mayuri, was camouflaged in a nearby wall."Angel, I WONDER if you want to repeat that?" Your captain was behind you!"T-t-t-t-t-taichou..! I-I-I-I-I'm just joking! Please! I don't want to die this young!!" You cried when he was standing in front of you with an angry look on his ugly face. Your friends were scared and left you behind, alone with your captain."Aah, but this was quite fortunate for me. I need a new tester for my new poison. The last one just died. But, maybe I could think of something...less painful... I could kill you right away." He said and drew his sword."Please taichou! I'm very sorry!" You were now bowing on the ground. You were so scared... nothing could save you... Then, you heard a voice behind Mayuri:"Leave her be, bully-ass!""Nanii? Aaah, a shinigami boy. Who are you to tell me how to treat my subjects? I'm a captain you know." Mayuri said when he turned around to face the stranger."Boy? We'll see..." The stranger said with a calm voice. You were still so scared that you were bowing your face on the ground. You didn't want to see this. He would die... Your captain was very strong. Somehow you still felt hopeful."Angel, we'll discuss this later, back to work you go!" Mayuri commanded."Hai, taichou!" You said, and without looking at the stranger's face at all you left. You didn't want to see the next one to die in his hands... Although you believed in that shinigami that showed up. You went to the 12th squad building and spent the rest of the time alone. You would die without any doubt.Later that day, your captain ordered you to meet at his office. You went without questioning his orders:"Yes taichou?" You saw that your captain was all black and blue. And bloody too. Maybe he had lost his arm or something, since he could regenerate himself in middle of fighting. Did he... lose?"I want you to go to Karakura town and do 100 soul burials as your punishment. You can go." He said and focused to his researches again."Hai!" You called out and went to do the burials immediately. If you refused he would've used you as a tester for his new poison. But that work would take weeks...(booriiing, another week doing soul burials!). Again you went to the real world. You were a bit annoyed because of it, but you couldn't question your captain's orders anymore. And that mysterious boy from the other day... Did he die or not? You didn't know. When you found another (50th >.<) soul, you felt a very strong reiatsu. You made a quick soul burial, and drew your sword. You would be no match for this strong reiatsu... You were aware from any danger and hid your own reiatsu (one of your best abilities).You heard a voice say: "Yo, no need to be violent!"It came above you, from a roof. You agonized:"How could you find me?! I hid my reiatsu completely!""Oh, it was easy. I can't actually track reiatsu, but i heard your breathing...""NANIIIIIII!!!!" You shouted."Yes that's right." He said sounding proud of himself.You put your sword back and sighed. You were relieved."But, who the hell are you???""I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute shinigami." The boy said."I have heard from you...." You said with a frightened look on your face. He looked so familiar..."And I have been watching you. For a week, that is." Ichigo said looking at you carefully."M-me..?" You gasped."Yes. I saved you from that frog faced captain a week ago, when he tried to kill you. And I said that I spare him if he would tell you to work here." Ichigo said grinning.He jumped down the roof. He was on his shinigami robes too, so his body was somewhere else. He was a little scary looking to you."So it was you in Soul Society that day... you didn't die... I'm glad...""Sorry, my reiatsu is so high... Just got your attention with it."You blushed. Your attention? And he had saved you? Ichigo came closer to you, his reiatsu lower now. He didn't stop even a meter away from you. Only came closer. Everything was quiet. What did he want? There was no moving in the streets. Now he was so close that you could feel his heart pounding. And he heard yours."You're so beautiful...""W-what did you say Ichigo??"He didn't repeat. He was sure you heard him. You couldn't say anything else, because he had leaned even more near, to kiss you roughly. You stopped him after a while."Don't you have a girlfriend nearby..? Like, you're so strong.. you must have one..." You whispered."No.... That's why I'm here.... Will you be my girlfriend Angel?"You couldn't refuse."Yes I will!" You were so happy that you hugged him."That's a pleasant thing to hear." Ichigo said you hanging on his neck. "If that froggyface teases you ever again I'll teach him a thing or two.""I'm so glad Ichigo..." You said without letting go."I'm the one who should be glad. You're mine only... and nobody else's..." He said with a smile. "I couldn't save you that day back in the play ground... I'll make sure nobody will ever hurt you again...Angel."You went back to Soul Society and after that Rukia has been jealous to you and you have been visiting Ichigo. You fought even the bounto together. You were a perfect team! Ichigo can't really feel reiatsu so you do it for him :D You also can hide your own reiatsu so everyone thinks Ichigo's all alone. Then you can go help him if it's needed. Otherwise you stay out of the way of Zangetsu!Happy ending!! ;DDDD Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/28/07: friends were right!
Result Posted on 10/16/07:
dude no way!
Result Posted on 10/02/07:
the fuh?
Result Posted on 09/22/07:
...should i be worried?
Result Posted on 09/16/07:
Result Posted on 08/24/07:
Result Posted on 08/10/07:
Your hot Bleach date. Who is he? Ukitake., Gin, Zaraki, Byakuya, or Hanataro
 Hanataro Yamada! He is a bit short but what he lacks in intimidation he makes up for in helpfullness. Since he isnt very strong, Hanataro gets picked on alot which makes him a little shy and cowardly. But his healing skills are amazing. Whenever his darling angel gets hurt he is on it imediatly, going to the lengths of his powers to make sure she is completely taken care of. Unlike most of the men in this quiz, Hanataro doesnt have a problem with public displays of affection. Though it is somewhat embarrasing when he has to lean up to give you a kiss, your taller than him by the way but so is everyone else. Even though his size makes your relationship somewhat awkward, Hanataro is extremly affectionate and proud that he found such a beautiful lover. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/10/07:
Whos your Bleach Bishie? (Awesome pics and good results!)
 Hanataro Yamada! He is the 7th Seat of the Gotei 13's 4th Division. Hanatarô is very timid and nervous. His black hair is a bit long and his bangs frame his face. He tends to be clumsy and easily duped. Hanatarô's kind nature and nervousness results him becoming the victim of many bullies and practical jokes. In fact, he states in an omake chapter in volume 13 that he is "the most bullied kid in the world." Hanatarô's birthday is even on April Fools' Day, so people spend the whole day tricking him as a result.[2] While Hanatarô looks like a wimp, he shows on more than one occasion he is courageous and dedicated to what he believes in. Hanataro usually depends on you to stand up for him because your in a more powerful division. You two actually have a very romantic relationship dispite the fact that you dont let anyone know about your relationship. The two of you spend most of your romantic time together when you two are alone in the garden of the 3th division. All of the people Hanataro know better than to tell anyone about you and him because the two of you would become the laughing stock of the Soul Society.Secret romances are pretty fun eh? Take this quiz!
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