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myOtaku.com: girl of anime

Monday, November 10, 2003

Sadiki entered the dark damp recess of his cave battered and bruised from the fight with the village girl, his grotesque mind drifting through the events of the day. He had caught the scent of a girl in the forest he was scavenging, and slinking through the dense undergrowth, he caught sight of her. Her long brown hair was thick and hung loose down to her slim waist, blue eyes wide and innocent as she made her way down the forest path, searching for herbs. What a wonderful slave she would have made. His mouth began to water as he thought of her. I would have had her too, had it not been for that other damn girl. He grimaced at the memory. His thick tail was wrapped about the beautiful young woman's neck when before he knew it, that bitch was upon him. She beat Sadiki within an inch of his life, unusually strong and quick for a young girl. He thought of how he shamefully begged and she spared him. Rin- that's what the pretty girl called her. He punched the wall of his cave. "Damn her!"

"It seems you are having some problems, sir." A low voice came from behind him and Sadiki whirled around. There stood what appeared to be a man concealed under a wrap of baboon fur.

"Who the hell are you? Where did you come from?" Sadiki shook down to his core. I didn't even sense this guy.

The Man shimmered forward. "I am here to ask for your help." He held out a hand, "Do you know what these are?"

Sadiki took the two small shards in his hand, chuckling, showing the edges of his sharp pointed teeth. His eyes gleamed with greed and desire. "What can I do for you?"


"Once again, it's Rin to the rescue!" Nariko giggled, teasing her younger sibling. After two days of walking, the sisters finally neared their village, both anxious to return home with the much-needed medicines they gathered.

Rin lightly tugged her sister's beautiful hair. "Don't laugh! You almost died back there!" Nariko kissed Rin's cheek and looped her arm around her own. "Don't be silly sister. As long as I've got you around I know I'm in good hands."

Rin smiled mischievously, "You may have gotten the beauty but I got the brains and the brawn, right?" She elbowed her in the side. Nariko didn't reply, but stared with horrified eyes towards the village. Rin felt her stomach knot with fear then sickness as she caught the foul scent of death in the air. Turning her eyes forward, she could make out smoke just beyond the trees where their village lay.

"Stay here Nariko." Rin darted through the trees towards the village, every instinct in her knowing what lie ahead. The trees cleared and she glimpsed her town in ruin. Who? She paused only briefly. Sneaking around the corner of a smoldering house, she could see soldiers lingering around a giant fire. She could feel pangs of fear in her gut, but she ignored them. What do I do? I wonder if everyone is – Her own thoughts cut short as she looked closer at the fire. Bodies...

She felt sickness rise in her throat, but she fought it back in anger. Those bastards!! Pure hatred overcame her heart, replacing fear and sorrow. Drawing her sword she rushed out into the open, blinded by rage. Surprised soldiers watched her race out, slashing those who tried to stop her. Ten or more men died by her hands before managing to overtake her.

"Damn you bastards! Let me go!!" She lashed out, screaming at them wild as an untamed animal.

"Stop Rin, or your sister dies." Rin ceased her struggle, staring wide eyed at the youkai in front of her, who held her bleeding beloved sister by the throat, a deep gash cut across her chest. It's that rat-youkai from earlier! Her mind shouted. He's different somehow...

"Let her go!" Rin snarled at him, hate dripping from her tongue. She could feel her sister's life force draining form her. She's dying... "Please, I beg of you!" Rin's began to plead, her love for her sister overtaking her hate. "Let her go!"

"Fool. This one is already dying, how far do you think she would make it?" The rat youkai smiled evilly, his lips cutting his face like a blade. "If you want her to live, you must do as I say."

Rin spat at him, "I'd die first!"

"You would give up your own life...but what about the life of your lovely sister?" His words dripped on her heart like poison. Nariko... Rin hung her head in defeat. Sadiki chuckled, "Good girl." Laying Nariko on the ground, he removed a small jewel-like fragment from his pocket and placed it in her wound. Immediately the bleeding ceased and she awoke, disoriented.

"Little sister?" She mumbled. Rin's captors let her go and she rushed to her sister's side.

"It's okay Nariko." She glared up at Sadiki, who smiled viciously before kicking her in the face.

it took long

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