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myOtaku.com: girl of anime

Monday, November 10, 2003

   here's the rest
Sadiki watched the girls moving within the ring of wounded soldiers. That girl...the more I watch her the more I despise her. He felt a snarl come to his lips. No matter what I do, I cannot break her spirit. Even now, my own men respect her more than I, though they do revere my power. He took another drink of sake, nursing the hate growing in the cold hole where his heart should have been. A twisted smile crossed his face. Let's have some fun...

The sisters hummed a tender melody as they nurtured the soldiers who regarded them with adoring eyes. One of the younger soldiers caught Nariko gently by the sleeve of her long kimono, "Please," his voice was pleading, "You and your sister, find a way to escape. We will occupy Sadiki-sama." Nariko smiled sadly beneath her veil.

Rin laid a hand on her sister's shoulder. "Now if we leave, who would take care of you guys?" Her voice sounded cheerful, but inside her heart cried. If we leave, what would happen to Nariko?

"Are we enjoying ourselves ladies?" Sadiki's callous growl made Rin's blood boil. She turned to face him, fires of hate burning in her brown eyes. "I see no need for you to speak to my soldiers."

"Sadiki-sama, it is my fault.” The young soldier's voice shook with fear, "I was talking –" Wham! His words cut short by Sadiki's thick fleshy tail lashing out across his face. A red fog of fury glazed over Rin's eyes, and before she could control anger, she felt herself spinning around, landing a brutal kick square in Sadiki's fat gut. Pain lashed through him, but he showed no reaction. Rin swung a fist towards his wicked face but he caught it in a clawed hand, crushing her bones. He threw a punch into her stomach.

Her hood fell to the ground he grabbed a fistful of her hair, viciously slapping her, "How dare you show your face to me slave!" Rin could hear Nariko begging him to have mercy as she slipped into unconsciousness.

"What were you thinking, sister?" Nariko's voice held no irritation, only concern for her hotheaded sibling as she tenderly bandaged Rin's broken hand. It was late in the night, the only time the two girls had to spend together. Rin sighed, gingerly touching the bandage around her swollen face.

"I wasn't thinking. That guy, he's such an asshole!" Rin punched the floor in anger. "Ow." Nariko giggled in spite of herself, bringing a half smile to Rin's lips. "At least I got a good kick in; I know that bastard felt that one."

Nariko took her little sister's hands into her own, her face serious, "Rin, what that soldier said today, I've been thinking about it."

"Well don't think about it. There's no way the we could get more than a day's run away before that bastard found us."

"I wasn't talking about us, Rin, I am talking about you." Nariko's words caused Rin's heart to skip a beat, her stomach turning sick at the thought.

"You want me to abandon you! I can't even think-"

"Rin, shhhh...don't get upset." Nariko leaned her forehead against her sisters. “This…thing in my chest is all that is keeping me alive, we both know it. Please, little sister, run away from here. You have so much to give to this world that you haven’t even discovered yet. Leave this place and build a life. I’ll be okay.”

“I can’t! I could never leave you, sister." Rin’s eyes burned with tears but she forced them back, refusing to let them fall. She looked into Nariko's eyes. “I’d rather die first.”


Sadiki slammed a fist through the wall of his hut, furious at the pain throbbing in his gut where Rin kicked him. That fucking girl! After all the pain and suffering, still she will not fear me! He slouched against the wall, his head in his hands. If only I was stronger, I could kill that damn Naraku who keeps ordering me around like his personal slave. Then I would be unstoppable. He could picture Rin's face twisted in pain, eyes shining bright with fear. If only I had more power… Nariko’s sweet face flashed through his mind, bringing out a wicked smile.


Sesshoumaru lay propped up against the old tree for the third day, a day the same as the last. Just as the early morning sun filtered through the trees, he heard her soft footsteps coming down the path. The herbs she poured over him the previous morning vastly increased the time in which he healed, he thought that by the end of the day he would be able to leave the shelter of the quiet forest. She approached him fearless as always, kneeling down next to him. He smelled blood on her; from the corner of his eye he could see the bandages covering her right eye and hand. Today she bore no herbs, only a pipe with water, which he refused. “Don’t bother.” He said, still averting his eyes from her. Rin settled back on her legs, sighing. She seemed to be content merely sitting by his side. He watched her guardedly. “What happened to your face?” Rin looked at him, but stayed silent. This girl, she can’t speak? “You don’t have to speak if you don’t want to.” He turned to meet her gaze, his amber eyes suddenly lost in hers. To his amazement, he heard her giggle beneath the veil she wore, her eye crinkling in the corner as she smiled. “What? Why are you suddenly so happy?” His confusion only made her laugh more, filling the quiet forest with its' musical sound.


Rin smiled to herself, thinking of the handsome youkai in the forest. How funny. The only person other than Nariko to care about my well-being is a damn youkai. The village seemed unusually quiet as she walked through. I guess all the men are out hunting. She thought of her youkai patient in the forest, worried they might find him. He was pretty well healed it seemed. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Rin entered the small hut she and her sister shared to begin the morning’s chores. As she slid open the door, a bitter smell overcame her…blood. “Nariko!” She looked around frantically. “Nariko where are you?” She heard her sister’s small voice in the shadowy corner.

“Rin…” Rin ran over to her sister, who lay in a pool of blood.

“Nariko!” Rin held her sister, unable to breathe. “What happened?”

“Sadiki…came. He took the jewel from my chest.” Nariko’s words were ragged as she struggled for breath. “Hurry sister, now is your chance. Run away from here.” Rin struggled with her tears, shaking her head.

“Never…” She whispered. Nariko summoned her last strength and held her sister’s face in her delicate hands.

“Please Rin…be happy.” Her eyes closed as she breathed her last breath. Rin’s heart twisted in her chest, her soul crying out. She held her sister’s lifeless body, shaking uncontrollably. Sister…

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