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• Alphedhel
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• 1987-06-17
• The Hidden Pants Village
Member Since
• 2005-10-14
• completely and utterly out there/ but at least i enjoy myself on a daily basis
Real Name
• Officer Nee...... and gaaraslefteyebrow
• great style ;3 awesome hand made pic of Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing thats framed in my room, uh... AX 2005?/ i have a certificate in interior design/ i can burp on, i can recite the alpabet backwards/ i live in a desert
Anime Fan Since
• 5 years old if Ralf Bakshi's Lord of the Rings animation counts. if not i think DBZ did it.
Favorite Anime
• there are soooo, many but my favorite would be Vampire Hunter D... cause D's awesome!!!!! he's Tenatious D
• um..... i want to someday travel to england... or france
• Anime...... looking at my wallpaper? being a total dork, i play videogames, my o is a hobby in itself.
• artist/ i speak nerd and dork/Katamari Fan/OCD (much)/ apparently math XP/ I ADOPTED GAARA!!!
| Girl Who Sings
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
my portfolio of DOOM!
Hey, ppl! as some of you know i'm a stuggling art major (for all of you who don't know: SURPRISE!), and im working on a portfolio. But a semester ago i was a senior in High School (yeah, i did have to look up how to spell senior. Its on my school sweat shirt ^^ on the front, and the back says 2005. But i just added a kakashi patch near the 5. He's in a fighting stance, so his elbow is over the five and the rest of him is beside it. It's really cool, cuz now i can say that he's "got my back." [i know it's a bad joke. Gaara's got my brother's shoulder though]). ANYWAYS, where was i? oh, yeah a semester earlier. Ok, so i was taking this Creative Writing class, cuz i liked the way the teacher taught Myth and Folk. He was really kicked back and stuff, but OMG that class nearly killed me. It was worse than taking college animation while still in High School. We had project after project, and what's worse is the teachers wife was haveing triplets that semester. So, do to unlucky baby timing, during the biggest project, our teach was absent and we (the students) were at a loss of proper intruction. The project i have afectionatly named "The Magazine Project From Hell" I did mine on Anime ^^ Anyways, im printing it for a second time because we're taking the computer in to be debuged. Mom thinks we have a virus (but she's always saying that. personally i think whe was parinoid for the first year, and that there is actually something wrong now). So that being said, if you don't hear from me for a while... thats why! Happy Birthdays and Holidays in between, cuz i don't know exactly when we're taking it in. I could post several times before that, knowing us we'll do it sometime within the next month... but you have a fair warning!! Chao!
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