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• girsalias
• 1990-08-04
• A Sanctuary in Transylvania
Member Since
• 2004-02-17
• New Moon Maiden
Real Name
• Spydair Silverwing
Anime Fan Since
• *shrugs* I picked up Wish by Clamp
Favorite Anime
• Wish ,Alice 19,Vampire Hunter D,fruits Basket (thank you Kyo!) and alot of others that I've just read snips of.
• Writing, expressing myself
• I'm really descriptive in my poetry and writing. Most people tell me they can feel the emotions I am trying to potray to them.(Which is a very great thing!)
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Guestbook Entries:
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Rayea Kagome chan (07/24/04)
Thank you for coming by my site, and I already told you what 'Ja matte ne' means in a comment. Well, I hope you have a wonderful day! OH! Lol, I'm Rayea! ^_^ Well, ttyl! And, if I may, might I add you as a friend? Ja matte ne! ^_~
moldy headbread (07/23/04)
Hey, you've got a nice site too.
Sadly my trips not gonna be very exciting, but whatever. Thanks for signing my GB.
PhoenixClawth (07/19/04)
Hiya! It's GoldenWings, don't you remember?! It's so good to see you again..oh yes it is *hugs* I'm adding you as a friend, okay? Hopes you can do the same!
Ja ne!
demonboy (07/14/04)
thanks for signing my gb, your sites pretty cool, you have a good avatar too...
Ja matte ne
KyatheBattousai (07/09/04)
hi hi! nice site! you like Yuu Watase's work? me too. Alice 19 is neat. well, best go. added you as a friend, hope you don't mind. well, sayonara! and stop by my site if you have time.
Love Shows Hate (06/12/04)
wow! you're anti-social? like me? you signed my gb, so i thought i should do the same to you! i added you as a friend! well, bye! =^.^=
*~Love Shows Hate~*
MissMisao (05/31/04)
Hello! I really like you site!!!!! and it is very funny!!!!!!!! anyway can you come to my site and can I be added as a friend?thankz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C YA.(booya)
BrokenWing (05/31/04)
I signed your guestbook!!!!! I guess you know that already. You're sooo smart! Anyway, awesome site!!! Well, can I add you as a friend? And don't forget to return the favor.... You don't have to because it's bad.
waterspirit Yumi (05/22/04)
Hello, sup? Yes I am actually on the internet for once. Cool site yeah, uh huh If you still don't know who this is it's Pip!!!^^ Buya!
GoldenWings (05/13/04)
I'm back. I gotta question for you. Is Angel Sanctuary only a tv show in Japan? I've like, stayed up all night in the US waiting for it to come on, but it never does. So, is it? The same with Chobits? Just give me a ring a ding ding when you get the answer.
you know you love me
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