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glacial drake
Hell..but not really
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Student....damn skool
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Learning to play ddr
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Dragon ball come out
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Final fantasy 7 : Advent children!!, X/1999,hellsing, DBZ, Escaflowne
Leaving Calgary asap
Playin video games and hangin with my friends
givin advice as many ppl tell me
| Glacial Drake
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Friday, May 26, 2006
i talked to was "solved" i dont no she cant even stand and talk to me it seems...o well... soo how are all of you?? i the same really... i started to write a little bit again this is what i have sooo far...
Moonlight shone in the stain glass window as he awoke. Frost sat up right, the moonlight caught his silver green eyes as he looked around. He stood at about seven and a half feet tall and was a massive five hundred pounds of pure muscle, two massive jet black dragon wings jutted out of his back. He walk over to this armor stand, put on his greave, plate leggings and chain mail skirt. Belted on his long sword as there was a knock at the door.
im still kinda going with the same charaters from my old story...
what do you think??
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
what a fuck up.....
well im a total fuck up... i lose a close friend it seems...all cuz i have a bg mouth and try to tell her i liked stressed out about soooo much and i was hoping that i could come talk to ali today but i guess seems she doesnt want to talk to me and i told julia that i felt unwelcome and she asked why so i told she to ask ali and the talked and now ali like doesnt want to be around me and..... i always fuck something up somehow...... ya sooo i dont know...i just want to jump off a cliff right now... bc sucked ass most of myu family took one look at me and hide...belle make it that much worst... i was ready to kill her... i went to my uncles open coffin thing.....thatn was a mistake... i just want to go into a dark corner and cry.....fuck i feel sooo weak right now..... Peach not being here is the worst thing ever...we talk but its not the same...i need him here...i have to call ju too but i cant bring myself to do it...theres sooo much shit going on and i dont want her to worry even tho she probilly is... i havent talked to mitzy in a while... wonder how she is...wish i could call her but i have no money to get a calling card... ali was aparenttly coming to see me but she's still not here...fuck i wish i could just take back want i said friday before i left.... i had a feelng that is would get fucked up if i had said anything but Peach kept saying i should tell her and i did and look what happened. i swear its like im meant to be alone...after amber and i broke up nothing seems to work and everytime since then i sure its goin to work but it never does.... maybe one day....most likly not tho. no one really knows how depressed i am at all well now that im posting this...well thats if anyone reads it. life is just soooo fucked up right now... and theres no way out... im trying to be strong be tough....i dont know how much longer i can keep this up....before i break.... lose hope in life not like its not already happening... im not going to take the easy way out i dont see any point in someone taking their own life...but i might get sit in depression so awhile..... a long while... i dont know what im doing anymore...i dont think i even know myself right now... i dont want to bring anyone down or hurt anyone .... fuck life is hard, blows ass and right now i feel that i lost two very imporntant ppl in my life ali..and my uncle... well i think im goin to take off. sto boring all of you with my shit
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
hi are you? im not great my uncle died yesterday....... in a mining acadent(sorry about the spelling) he died three days before his sons wedding......fuck i was close to him soooo ya.... im going to bc tomorrow and im not sure when im coming back sooo i might not be on for goin to miss u guys.... but i have to go....this fuck blows ass...i dont no what to do i feel lost.... my lil brother took it really hard he was crying all night. sooo the car ride tomorrow is going to suck ass.... and to make yesterday that much worse the tire on the car blow so my dad has to take it in thats why we didnt leave today... i have to go to mechanics teacher is going to piss me right off too o welll i guess.... well im off i'll try to get on well im there but i dont no if i will...sooo ttyl have a goood time. hope to be back soon....
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
lol good morning! how are you all? im in design studies right now watching jermaine make a bowl in some program and its not working. i hate the people in my school all such fags.... damn emos anyways... soo talked to Peach last night. he broke it off with will. im worryed about him tho... im get friday off^^ im going to my cousins wedding^^ its going to be fun. soo tommorrow is going to be my last day for the week which kicks ass! and im taking ali out for coffee in the morning again julia is goin to shit herself^^ its awesome. i wish Peach was here to see what was happening tho. ali just walked past and didnt say hi :( o well soo i should go do my work now soo i talk to you later
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
good morning how are you??? im alright.... i got into a fight with Peach last night.... sooo ya Ali's not here today it blows! but julias not here either soooo its not all bad....the zipper on my backpack blow up sooo i dont have a bag now... well g2g
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Monday, May 15, 2006
sick :(
i feel sick :( im want to go home......anyways how was everyones weekend? mine was alright i want two hours for the girls to show on the weekend.....i froze my ass off. i have to call ju tonight...she most liky to freak out that io didnt call her when Peach leave but i was in no shape to talk to her we would have gotten inot another fight soo ya...i should go ttyl
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Friday, May 12, 2006
hi^^ how are you guys today???? im awesome i have mechanics^^ and on the weekend im goin out with ali and kenny its goin to be fun no julia :P i have a good feeling about today too so... well short post sorry talk to you later
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Thursday, May 11, 2006

hey guys how are you? today is ok julia a little bitchy but what else is new... i took ali for coffee again^^ she was a lil mad at me but o well i talked to Peach this morning hes ok. cant waity till he comes back... im goin to my cousins wedding next week and the last time they saw me my parents made me wear normal clothes and no make or nail polish andf i told my dad that i didnt care this time if my family didnt like the way i am they can kiss my ass... soo
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
good morning!
hey guys how are you?? my day is pretty awesome sooo far. julia is right pissed at me right now its funny. i cant help but laugh. she treats me bad all the time and now she all jealous of ali and stuff. i wish that what julia thought was true tho...i wish Peach was here to help me out but he's not... well im off to mechanics. sooo i'll talk to you all later!!^^
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
nothing to report julia is back :( that blows!!! but o well everyone else is back too! ^^how are you all?
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