Birthday 1994-08-00 Gender
Female Location CA Member Since 2007-07-13 Occupation Student
Anime Fan Since I don't know. Couple years Favorite Anime Tsubasa Cronicles, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Death Note, D. Gray Man, Card Captor Sakura, Case Closed, Fruit Basket, Rurouni Kenshin, FMA, Inuyasha, code geass (r2), soul eater, wolf rain and more. Movies i like, MyNeighborTotoro, Princess Mononoke, Nas Goals Learn how to draw well, have patience Hobbies Wii, Anime, Manga and spending time on computer Talents not very talented gnnwan
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Didn't do much this weekend. Woke up watch TV, eat, nap then go online. Made some rice krispies the other day. (yea...they're already gone)
Today watched Tales from Earthsea.The director is by Goro miyazaki i think (the son of Hayao Miyazaki whose is the director of -princess monoke, nausuca vally of the wind, totoro,Howl's moving castle etc, etc.)
Now i mention it....Hayao Miyazaki just made a new movie. never seen it. Some Ponpon by the cliff movie? idk wat it's called...
[SPOILER] Omg Tales of Earthsea was kinda boring. I saw it in a Dvd store and the cover looked really cool but the movie is actually boring. I mean seriously. It's about some prince to got bewichted and is afriad of death, then travels w/ some guy and this girl turns into a dragon. Why dragon? it could've been a pheonix or anything that can fly.
Anyway it was kinda boring. [/SPOILER]
That's all i can say about it.
Oh i also found out that there was a sequal to Tales of Symphonia. I loved Tales of Symphonia! I played the whole thing on gamecube. The sequal is going to be out on Wii around Novmeber i think. I want to play it SOOOO bad. I love Kratos!!:g_love: It sucked that he[SPOILER] left[/SPOILER] I love the story line. I hope kratos is in the next ToS!
School starts on Thursday, idk when i'm going to be posting either but i'm usually commenting everyday.
Bye! Comments (0) |
Friday, August 29, 2008
Got my schedule a few days ago. I hate the fact i have math 1st period. I can't do math when half asleep. Another thing i have PE right before band. I don't want to be sweaty when i enter the band room. I also heard that my PE teacher is really strict.
On wed and thurs i had Web training. As i suspected...It was really boring most of the time. Total of 8 hours of boringness. At least i got a web T-shirt that fits me. Every single time i get a shirt (pre-ordered) from school i always get an medium cuz i keep thinking it's going to be too small and it Always ends up way too large. I'm glad i got a small this time. So it's not overly baggy. YAY!
Today was....idk. I don't think i did much. I was watching TV a lot. Oh! Today is manga day! (it's the day where i read all my manga online) I'm reading manga listen to music and blogging all at the same time. (reading normal stuff One piece, D. Gray Man, Naruto, bleach & other stuff) I also had piano lessons today so i did my theory homework while i watched TV. I practiced 1+ hours. Got a lot of piano stuff accomplished. Now i think about it i should probably practice trombone cuz school is starting and i haven't been practicing a lot.
Oh i almost forgot. I found this song online from the movie "the piano" I've seen the movie but i realize the other day how much i liked the song.(btw, the movie was so sad!) It's called "The Heart Ask the Pleasure First by Micheal Nyman" it's also called a few other names ( the promise for example) Anyway i really want to music sheet. But i can't find it for free. I heard it was really really difficult to play on the piano. I love this piece. Hopefully the youtube video worked.
"That's all folks!" i think...
jane!(i almost never use japanese terms. I can see why, i seems so weird and a little cheezy) Comments (0) |
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
busy day
Very busy day today. ~Yesterday i slept around 12. Usually i sleep later but i'm trying to get my sleep time normal. Woke up around 10. Hopefully i can wake up at 7:30 tomorrow. I have this w.e.b. leader training thing. Personally i don't really want to go. It's probably really really boring. And the on first day of school we baby-sit younger kids pretty much all day. I remember i first web day w/ my web leader. 1 word...Boring!!! Anyway...back to my day.~
At around 12 went grocery shopping. Then went the registration thing. ~I really hope my picture isn't ugly. Cuz that would really suck! Oh. And i an NOT pleased w/ my schedule. I can't have math in 1st period! I just can't. I have to be awake when i do math and notes! Another thing that bothers me...i have PE right before band. I don't want to be all sweaty when i'm in band blowing my trombone. (gross)~ Went back home. Chatted w/ friends. ~the usual stuff. "what's your schedual?" "wat team are you on?" blahblahblah~ Then we had to go to this fitness center thing so my mom could cancel her membership ~don't ask why. we'll just say health problems and the doctor said so~ We seriously waited FOREVER!~ After we went to target ~more shopping~ to get supplies for school and other stuff. We quickly drove to the dentist to get my braces tightened. ~i have to say. Tighter than usual. It hurts like crap right now. I'm afriad to eat. Nothing soft to eat~ Mom went to grab some food on the back home...And that's my day.
Need to sleep early today.
byes! Comments (0) |
Monday, August 25, 2008
why no one is on myO
I know why no one uses Myotaku anymore. Everyone's in theO! That probably explain why no one is blogging on myO. Wat's the point in MyO if TheO is better?
Maybe i should blog on TheO, MyO and my other blogs at the same time. O.o
I have too many blogs.
okay. Here's the plan. I blog on one blog, then i copy and paste to my other blogs... Seems like a lot of work. We'll see wat will happen.
btw, just watched code geass r2 epsiode 20. Code geass is so awesome Comments (0) |
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I found my Ipod ear phones! ????
I found them 2 days ago. My mom bought a fax the other day and i was setting it all up and stuff. So when i was making some room for the fax in the office area, i suddenly found my white, pretty ear phones. YAY!
So now i know that i didn't clean my room for nothing. I'm happy!
School hasn't started yet. I still have about a week or so left. Tuesday is registration. Wed and thurs is the WEB leader training. (have to wake up @ like 7am. I'm still waking up around 12ish) Then friday i have piano lessons like always. (Now that i mention it, i really need to practice more trombone. I haven't been practicing all summer and that's really bad) School then starts 6 days later.
TADUM! my schedual...
Okay, i don't really go on theO cuz like it got really complicated.
1. how the heck do you submit stuff into theotaku?
2. how do i change my avatar? there is no edit picture button in my backroom for ages
Cleaned my room!
I have to say i'm pretty proud myself. I CLEANED my room yesterday!!!!! YAY!!!! When i say room i meant my desk corner area. I have like room on my desk to write now! Yea!
At first i was trying to find my ipod ear phones cuz i was listen to music on my computer. Usually i would just leave it on the floor somewhere in my room. So i guessed that if i cleaned my desk i would eventually find it.
Yea... I didn't find it. But at least my desk is clean and organized! ^-^
-animes watched-
yesterday watched latest episode of Soul Eater.
Today watched Code geass r2 episode 19. Lelouch is in so much trouble. Even though he's lying to everyone. It's so sad.
I noticed that code geass is a lot about lying and betrayal lately.
After thinking about Code Geass...I wanna watch the next episode SOOO bad! Comments (0) |
I've been watching a lot of Olympics lately. Mostly becuz my bro won't watch anything else. "It's only every 4 years!" blah blah blah... We watched the whole 2 hours and 36 min of womens marathon!
Micheal Phelps won his 8 gold metal in a single olympics. It was intense... He wouldn't have gotton it if i wasn't for his 6 or 7th gold. I'm seriously, he won it by .01 secs.
Is FMA anime different from FMA manga?
I noticed while looking for this weeks new manga chapters online (shounen jump didn't have new chapters this week) I noticed a new chapter of Full Metal Alchemist and i knew that the FMA anime was over (especialy w/ the movies) I guess i'm assuming that it's different. But how differnt? Comments (0) |
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My birthday!
hmmm.... how my day went? Welll... it was like any other day. Got up, watched tv....then i was waiting for my mom to bring my to chinese school. Then i turns out my mom lost her phone. I ended up walking to chinese school (1.3 miles) Chinese school was boring. Then mom picked me up. She made me wait for her for like 2+ hours while she went to doctors. I don't think anyone really remembered my birthday, until my mom remembered suddenly when the doctor wrote the date....
Then we went out to eat. I was in a crappy mood and i didn't want to go eat...... started crying in the middle.
I wasn't really sad that no one remembered my birthday. I didn't really care. Idk why i cried some but one of those no reason, cry baby thing. I was also in a crappy mood and i just WANTED to go home. I waited and did nothing for like 2+ hours 5+ hours if you included chinese and i didn't want to eat w/ my family....All you do is wait while others try to finish their food! We can spend qualilty family time a home!
Anyway, had a crappy time. This has nothing to do w/ my birthday. My mom wanted to spend more of my time trying to buy a cake. I didn't even want it. I was just NOT in the birthday mood.
Now i'm home....THEY WON"T SHUT UP! GEEZZ!!! SHUT UP ALREADY! Argue some other day.
Just wanted my birthday doing absolutely nothing and have some quality quite time.
Maybe FAQ:
Why didn't i just tell everyone today's my birthday?
Idk....maybe becuz i didn't want to feel spoiled and i wanted to avoid going out for dinner and coming home NOT ASAP!
How old am i?
Not telling. In the teens
Thinking about making a diary. I'm not a writer but since i blog a lot i think i'm going to print out all my post (maybe modify it a little) and put it in my diary (that i never write) So yea...Every once and awhile i'll just print out my entries from several of my blogs. Comments (0) |
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Olympics and Drawing
Okay, this is todays blog!
Did anyone see the Olympics? It was pretty cool. The only thing i'm bummed out about is that Taiwan was called "China Taipei" and Taiwan wasn't allowed to use it own flag! Taiwan is it own country and it's not part of China! China's like really strict about protesters. It makes me a little mad. Hongkong got it's own flag! (only using HK for example) and wasn't called hongkong china. Pshhhh...watever!
Stopped reading Breaking dawn for awhile....At a boring part. But instead i drew a pic! It's titled MOONLIGHT ANGEL. So yea...It's cool! Still need to color it though. I wanna use photoshop but idk how. So not sure wat to do. Should i shade it w/ pencil? Not THAT good at shading. Should i use photoshop? (first i need to learn how to use phtotoshop)
Reading...a lot (looks like your going to be reading a lot too!) XD
Okay i haven't been blogging in MyO but i have been blogging somewhere else. Here my blog post from a few days ago! COMMENT! Don't have to read if you don't want to! It long!
6 August 2008, 1:16AM PDT
Yea... been reading a lot. I'm like missing my TV shows! The book is totally messed up! I almost cried....until i found out that everything is okay and i cried for nothing...POOR JACOB!!!! I feel so sorry for him. It's so sad! -cries again-
Okay i'm not going to talk about the book (even though i really want to talk about it) cuz i don't want to spoil it.
I've been seriously reading a lot. I read over 1/4 of the book. Some where around 200 or 300+ pages today....Yea....i know....It's like way passed my bedtime...I still want to read the book so bad... But as soon as checked my cell phone for a time i realized i seriously should go to bed.....But now i can't. Cuz i'm thinking about the stupid book. That's why i'm here typing in my blog. I want to read the book so bad....I'm so tempted to pick it up and turn all the light bak on. Btw, i'm on page 401. That means i have 355 pages to go....D@#$ I wanna freaking read it!
Next subject...(the book is driving me crazy...why must i be such a slow reader? WHY!?!?!)
I burned my finger last night.....Yea.....I was really stupid. Probably more stupid than the day before when i couldn't find my Breaking Dawn package 4 feet away from the front door. I really doubt anyone would like hear this but my burn burned my skin so now it's like gross and white and dead looking...but at least it doesn't hurt that bad anymore! =D
Okay...i guess everyone wants to hear how i got it.... Well, this fly flew over my very, very, bright, hot lamp so i turn it off and turned on the hallway light. Of course the fly didn't fly out towards the hall way. So i turn on my lamp, the fly flys in it....Of course, the stupid, dumb me had to stick my hand on there (hey, i didn't think i would be THAT hot) Didn't realize that the bulb was that high up (the lamp, was one of those lamps where there really tall and you can't see the light bulb when your directly under it. So yea...i touched it, took like 1sec before i realized that it killed all the cells in my skin. It freaking HURT!!!!!!!
Stupid Fly.....Bugs just really really bother me (as you can see) Good thing my lamp roasted the cursed fly to ashes.
Speaking of flies, i caught a MUTATED FLY in a plastic bag...I just left it on the table cuz i didn't know wat to do w/ it.
I can't kill bugs by squishing them, or i have a hard time doing it
I can't release it outside cuz the MUTATED Fly will make more MUTATED Flies
I didn't want to feed it to my turtles (they literally eat anything that floats...they're partly carnivors) Cuz i didn't want them getting some kinda disease from the fly....
Yea... so i just left it on the table....Some of else can get rid of it....
Okay...getting a little tired now. GOOD NIGHT!
The gross fly part really help me forget about the book....But now i'm thinking about it...I want to read it! GAH! This sucks!
Good night again...... j
Breaking Dawn
4 August 2008, 10:50PM PDT
[updated at 12:56AM PDT]
OMG! I'm so stupid!
I've been waiting for Breaking Dawn since Friday! This morning when i checked outside i didn't see my book package so i just read Eclipes all day! Then just now i just found my precious book hiding on top of shoes front of my house! GAHHHHHH!!!!!! I could've been reading B.D. like 10 hours ago! I feel so stupid!
K...i'm think i'm going to read my book now....
personally i don't like this cover....doesn't seem to match w/ the other book covers Comments (0) |