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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Again today i didn't see The Guy at school. Today was minimum day (we go to school and come back at 12:36. We don't have lunch this day)
But when i was walking out of the school(i was walking really slow to see if i can spot him) there he was!!!!!!He was talking to his friend. So i just continued walking and i knew that he was right behind me so i was walking extremely slow so that he would pass me and walk ahead of me. I couldn't stop myself from smiling the whole entire time and tried to bite my lip (not exactly bite it). So then i decided to cross the street first.(He crosses the street later) I started to walk even slower trying to follow him from across the street. MAN!! HE WALKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SLOW! I ended up walking ahead, knowing that he was somewhere behind me. I then walked even slower, hoping he would walk faster and catch up. After a little while my mom came to pick me up! NOOO!! He didn't pass me yet! So yea, i stop to get in the car and he passed me and looked at me/my wet poodle for about a second. (Yea, wet poodle)
Man, this sucks!!!!! I couldn't enjoy the moment more because of my mom. It sucked.
After that my mom took my to ANOTHER FREAKING DOCTOR! I HATE HOSPITAlS!!! I'm never never never going to work in one. I HATE IT! This is the 4th doc she brought me. My back isn't that bad!! I really wish i didn't have it. It sucks!!!
Right now i just really despise my mother. She ruined my good moment and destroyed it when she brought me to the Dr.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I posted the pics down at the last post. At first didn't how to post pics but then i just read that this thing works html at everything. So yea, i finally got some pics up with my new half complete HTML skills. XD I did take me awhile to figure out how to put up pics. WORD TO ALL: Reading helps. A LOT!
I didn't have a scanner so i just took pictures. I really suck at drawing anything that isn't the face. It's really messy. More like a sketch than a drawing. I didn't feel like coloring anything either. Maybe later, i'll learn how to use GIMP and use that to color my pics. But for now this is good.
I didn't see HIM, today. Couldn't have the chance during lunch because our team had a Turkey Shoot(we shoot paper turkeys with arrows and whoever shoots closest to the heart gets free frozen turkey) and we couldn't leave the group.
And when i went to the bus stop, the bus got there 30 seconds after i did. So i couldn't have seen HIM walking home since i was probably home before most of the school. So yea, didn't see him. Not as dissapointed as yesterday.
I ask my PE teacher about the courts and i can't play in them. Right now the school is having a double's paddle tennis tournament. But after it's over (probably in a week or 2) and they start to have the basketball tournament, the courts are free to anyone during black days at lunch.
I'm looking forward to that, then i might have the chance to unleash my plan!
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Yesterday i didn't have school, which was good. It was also extremely boring and my mom HAAAAAAADDDDD to take me to 2 doctors because she was like EXTREMELY worried about my scoliosis problem. Which isn't bad at all.
Well, i was really upset when my mom took me to the 2nd Dr. because she didn't tell me until like the VERY VERY VERY VERY last min. The Doc was cool though. He played trombone!XD He gave me a CD too.
Then after that i was exrtemely bored so i started drawing. I swear i suck at it. I don't feel like posting it. It took me FREAKIN 2 1/2 hours to draw half of it. AND IT STILL SUCKS!!!!! Maybe i'll post it later if i feel like it's good enough.
[Edit] Here's one of the pics. I drew this one a long time ago. Most of my art is quite messy. And i didn't have a scanner so deal with the digital pic.

This is the one i was drawing. Most of my drawings the face is pretty good, but anything else sucks.

Today, i was pretty bummed out because i didn't see the guy. I was sorta ready to use my plan but i didn't see him all day!!!!!! And when i was waiting for the bus i was carefully trying to see if he came!!!!! I waited for 45 Min. for HIM!!!! ......I mean BUS. And when the bus came and everyone was walking towards it..... I HEARD HIS VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I looked back and there he was. AT THE LAST SEC. HE CAME!!!!!!!! and then i quickly went to the bus. YES!!!!! So now i'm not dissapointed. I"M HAPPY!!!!
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
Site Change Again
I was thinking about changing my site again. I'm not sure if i should. Maybe a One Piece theme. Don't see those around a lot.
Again, does anyone know how in the world you sign out of this thing and comment. Because i can't do neither.
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Friday, November 9, 2007
How in the world do you log out of MyOtaku?!?! When i press Log out it leads me to TheOtaku. And when i go back to MyOtaku i'm still signed in.
You know that i was a bit upset that i didn't see the guy yesterday. Well, i didn't see him in school today and i was about to go to the paddle tennis courts to look for him (I know i'm pathetic) until i forced myself to go to band to practice my trombone.XD Then i realized that he couldn't have been in the courts because he had Social Studies at that time! (Btw, i didn't know that because i was stalking him. I knew that because he mentioned it to our PE teacher the first time i saw him. I WASN"T STALKING!) Then later today when i was waiting for the city bus he passed me again while he was walking home. I tried not to stare at him but i couldn't! Then i tried to look at the road for the bus but i then started glancing at him every 5 seconds. Finally, he crossed the road and he went out of my sight.
You know the bad part is that i realized today he could be shorter than i am! Shorter. Most boys were shorter than i am but i didn't think he would. He was taller than majority of the boys. And i guess he's about 5 feet, maybe more. So he's either a little shorter or the same height.
I guess right now i've been trying to make a plan to know him more. I'm too shy to just confront him, so yea, this is going to be a very very long long plan, if i can think of anything.
oh yea, i found out today that i wasn't the only one that doesn't like The Girl. Apparently, quite a few people don't like her.
Well, i'm bored right now. I think i'm going to learn some html.
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
I feel a little stupid. Last night i couldn't stop think about that guy (DON"T KNOW HIS NAME!) Couldn't sleep and couldn't stop thinking about all my friends in Ohio and the guy. Mostly the guy, really, which is really strange because i never thought very much of that guy until yesterday. I miss them, my friends. Apparently they went to Camp Joy and it was really really fun. And i wasn't there! T___T And i was missing out on everything.
Yea i guess i am a stalker, even though i said to myself yesterday that i'm not going to be crazy over a guy but that didn't work out. During lunch today instead of going to band early, i passed by the stupid paddle tennis courts trying to see if i spotted him. AND i did it twice. Yea, i'm pathetic.
Man, i guess i want to know him more, but slight chance of that happening. He's not in the same grade as i am. T___T This sucks! So yea, i'm a little dissapointed that i didn't see him. Don't call me a stalker too. It makes me feel more pathetic. I still want to know his name!
I still can't comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I visit lots of site but i can't comment on any of them. What's wrong with this thing.
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I think i'm in love. Sigh. There is this 8th grader tennis player and he's soo cute. I met him last week when he visited my PE class during his lunch time and our couch introduced him. I CAN"T REMEMBER HIS NAME!!!! GAAAAA! He's probably at a year older than me or something like that. ~Sigh~ He probably doesn't know me.
Today during lunch i went with a friend to the courts and there he was watching a paddle tennis game! Couldn't stop staring at him and tried to destract myself by trying to listen to what my friend was say and watching my couch play paddle tennis. And when i was waiting for the bus, he passed me while he was walking home.
This is very weird for me. I don't usually digg boys. It's just not me. ~Sigh~ I use to think that BF and GF were stupid, but now i think it would probably be nice to have one. Now i think that if i have a Bf i wouldn't actually give the title Bf and Gf until we actually know each other. UNLIKE everyone else, where they get Bf or Gf and they break up a day later.
Yea, it's weird. But i have a crush what can i say. And yet i DON"T KNOW HIS NAME!!!!! I guess their personality is the most important. I want to know more about him. BUT I DON"T EVEN KNOW HIS NAME!!!!
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OMG!!!!!!!! I knew it!!! The Girl was talking about me. During PE today, i was talking to a couple of friends and they said that The Girl asked them if they like me or not. And I knew it, knew it, knew it. She did tell everyone that i wash my clothes once a week and wear dirty clothes!(Which are clean) I knew it!! And i'm not the only one who washes my clothes each week either! Unlike her who washes her clothes everyday! Apparently, she doesn't like the fact my friend (the one that says she's a retard for washing her clothes so much) hangs out with me.Well, this what i have to say to her, "I'm sorry that your sooooooooooooooooo clean and so mean to other people, LOSER! EWWWWWWWWWWW!"
I really wouldn't say that. It's sounds more like her and i can't just say it like that because it doesn't suit me. Yea, i know for a fact that i don't like her and she doesn't like me. It isn't fair either. She has the advantage because she knows everyone and i'm new to the district. Yea, i hate her. I can't believe that she made me not sit with the group of people i use to sit with. I was there first too, before she came along.
I also found out that she didn't go to the office for counciling but for a DETENTION for tardyness! HA! You deserve it!
Btw, i have no homework! I finished it all yesterday. But the bad thing is I"M SOOOOO BORED! Should have saved some homework for today.
Oh, but knee is healing. A bit sore but okay.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I survived my project. Now i just need to worry about what my grade is. My S.S. was okay. I only missed 3 and most of them were pretty easy. It was those "You know or you don't know it" kind of test.
My knees hasn't gotten any better especially the big one. I think it's a bit infected, i think. Hopefully i'm wrong. So now i really hard to walk because my knee stings.
Speaking of my knee. Today in PE, we did the scooter race again, but this time it's with a partner. And guess what? I was crazy enough to do it!!
I know. I'm so smart. It was fun though. Scary but fun. Well, how do i describe it. You know the feeling of being on a roller coster. It's like that but on a smaller scale and it's more dangerous. But i mean it was fun.
At lunch i didn't sit with anyone. :( I'm so lonely. I didn't want to sit any where close to HER, in fact i didn't want to see her. The other friend's table didn't have any room. So i sat out of the lunch shelter.
In band now, the teacher was pairing up people for duets. AND GUESS WHAT! I got paired up with THE GIRL! AHHHHHHHHHHH! I got too destracted/startled that i was playing the duel too slow and totally messed it up. I couldn't even hear The Girl play because she was playing really, really soft on her clarinet.
When i just glanced at her she was looking at me! I'll bet i know what she's thinking.
Other than that, my day was okay. Glad to get that project off my back. The only homework i have is a pretty easy WS (worksheet)for S.S, the Wanted post for English Due on Thursday, and Pre-A. Oh i need to practice trombone for band test tomorrow.
The Girl today went to the counciler. I don't know why. I remember a couple weeks ago (when we were still friends) she says she was apparently "bullied" I really don't know. Quite a few kids today got the "Talk" and was sent to the office(counciler) If The Girl did go to the office because she was "bullied" What can i say. A small bullier, bullied by a big bullier. Btw, i know that isn't word.
If i were a mean person and i couldn't keep my thoughts to myself i would so say, "WFT U GOT A PROBLEM WITH MY FACE OR DO YOU JUST LIKE STARING?"
BUTTTTTTTTTT, i just to nice to act the way she does and it just doesn't suit me. I'm to nice.-_-'
You know what i noticed lately. I've been blogging like EVERYDAY and all of them are extremely long. Way to go Sakura. Your the one who got me into this. (I know you don't come to my site but just in case you do)
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Monday, November 5, 2007
Comment reply/ The day
I still can't comment! This totally sucks i see all this commenting on my post but i can't reply back! It's like the 5th day since i couldn't comment. T_T
I know i'm signed on, so that isn't the problem.
For the i like Jo stuff, well, i don't think it's stupid it's just a little silly, i guess. That's probably isn't the right word. I guess i have this love thing for anime characters that are paranoid, silent, annoyed, serious and mysterious/cool looking. Like Sasuke or Jo or Seshamaru (can't spell) I don't know, they just seem very hugable.
For homework, I'm nearly done with my science project. Just need to redo somethings and do some glueing. Oh, this morning, i went to the computer lab and printed out some colored pics i couldn't print out home for the project so i need to do some more glueing. I'm actually suprized that the pic printed out clearly.
Besides science project. I finished my gold vocab thing i just need to copy some stuff on another piece of paper, study for S.S. test and Math homework. Then i'll be done! Then after that i REALLY REALLY need to practice piano because i didn't practice all week because of the project. :|
Today was okay until PE. We were scooter racing. You know those little platforms with wheels. Yea anyway, we were racing and i accidently stopped right in the middle with my knees scrapping on the hard carpet. Yea, carpet. I don't know why but it is. And of course it hurt like crap. The nurse sprayed it with special stuff (I call it special because it doesn't hurt as much as alcohol) And did the normal stuff and before long i realized that she had missed the other scrap below the the first scrap (total scraps 3). When i got back home which was not to long ago i treated it and i guess i was expecting pain but when i put the alcohol on it paralyzed my leg! And i nearly knocked over all my stuff. Now it's just hurts and i have a huge bruise.
The girl again. Yea i know, i've been talking a lot about her. Today went to sit at that table (i wish i didn't) because I was sorta friends with the another girl there. (she's in all my classes except for band) Well, i sat as far away from that girl as possible but still sitting close to my friend. I swear i that girl is talking about me. She always gives me this look and look away and start talking to someone else. Probably saying something nasty about me. You know i really hate bad gossip. I just thing that girl is really mean to other people. She talks like she's the cleanest person in the world. "EWW!" At everything. When she gives me a look and talks to someone else i keep thinking she talking about me, wearing that clean shirt. She probably told like everyone that i wear dirty shirts. WHICH I DON"T!!
Man thinking about her makes me sick.
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