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myOtaku.com: gnnwan

Sunday, October 21, 2007

   Friday, Tennis and My horrible brother
I've went through the week with my situation. I ended up riding the city bus. I have to say the city bus SUCKs! I have to wait like forever! At least i ended up home.

On Friday i was soo tired. I thought i could sleep a little later because i have school at 9:10 on Friday's but my mom woke me up earlier than i had to. I had to go get a blood test that morning. Yea it sucked. To make i worse last night my tricept muscle started cramping up so yea that hurt. And of course i play the trombone which you have to move your right arm a lot of move the slide.

That night i had tennis and believe it or not i was the only girl out of the 5 or 6 players. I sorta did okay last night. It was better than the first time i had lessons. Yea, that didn't go to well.
Oh yea, the new kid from last night he was in my class. He plays percussion and is in my 1st period. When i came in to the courts i saw him stare at me. I swear he was thinking the same thing i was thinking at that time. We didn't talk though. No one ever talks in tennis. My couch commented on that last night. I guess i didn't really knew the kid (i don't know his name). We see each other but we don't talk. You know what i mean, we seen each other in class but we don't KNOW each other. Heck! I don't even know his name.

By the time i got back from tennis my left calf muscle started to hurt.

Today, was the worst. My bro is sooooo annoying. He won't stop nagging and he won't mind his own freaking buisness. He just took the computer away from me. I was just in the middle of otakuing. WTH! NO this! NO that! Did you finish practicing piano?! Finished with your work? No breaks! NO i don't want to give it to you(he stole the freakin laptop from me!) i didn't read DIGG all week. I need to catch up. BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg! I'm so tired of him. Everyday this happens. The only reason he nags me is because he wants to use the computer and he is making what i didn't do today an excuse. I'm so frusterated that i cried like 4 times today.
After all that. When i finished everything and gave him no excuse, he still goes on. BLAH BLAH! He acts like he has control over everything especialy me and the internet.I acualy would enjoy him not living with me. I'm serious. Life would be so much easier. I should know because the only time i was away from him i enjoyed so so much.

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