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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Sister Sasha Psychic Studio
I know all and see all. I tell past, present and future. I will guide you to a better life and happiness. Are you unhappy, unlucky or is your life passing you by. Do you fell evil is surounding you. I can make you take control of your life. Your happiness and success is my goal in life. Do you have problems in relationships, with love or marriage. Do you have any problems with court cases. I have all your solutions.
Passed through generations and traditions myhand mixed potions, oils, herbs and candles can and will help you. I care for all people, that's why God has gifted me with my powers. Let me take your pain and suffereing into my hands and set you free. I do solemnly promise and guarantee to relieve you of all your problems, big or small.


Mail these days. Sheesh.

Today at lunch, there was a self-described newcomer from China standing out, behind the library, where my friends and I eat lunch. He came and introduced himself and asked Ivan and Malcolm if either of them spoke Chinese, but they are completely and utterly Westernized, so the answer was "No."

He asked us if we didn't go home for lunch because our parents were "on duty."
I smell communism, and it's coming from Sammiechan's locker.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

But He Doesn't Care --
There is a felt tomato, accompanied by its strawberry friend, upstairs, in my room, lying on my bed, stuck full of pins and needles.
It's not a particularly special tomato--there exist thousands of its kind, and every one has one, making it more of a standard than any kind of exception.
My felt tomato isn't heavy and it wouldn't hurt if it hit you in the face (or anywhere else, for that matter), but it's near impossible to squeeze it out of shape.
The strawberry is connected to the tomato via a peice of green thread, which is meant to be a vine. No one ever asks why the strawberry and the tomato are together.
The strawberry is full of what one could only assume was coarse sand, and its intended purpose is to sharpen pins and needles, but no one ever uses it. It just hangs there, next to the bigger tomato, waiting for some one to come along, realize it has a purpose.

It is a lonely existance, to be a felt strawberry.

Today, the clouds parted just after three o'clock, revealing the tiniest bit of the sky, allowing some sort of heavenly light to pour down and drive my math teacher to bump our test up to Monday, as oppose to the day after next.

This, however, does not solve the immediate problem at hand: the fact that there will be a math test at some point in the future.

I guess the term really will be coming to a close two months from now, because I had a Geography test second period, which I basically passed. I am hoping that the answer to the second last question really was Japan; when I find a certain location via the use of an atlas, it is rather hard for me to believe it's the one the coordinates are actually meant to lead any one to. =_="

I have a clapping test of all things next week, too, but this can be ultimately ignored, as it's...clapping four-four time and not being able to clap four-four time after playing the piano for seven years and the violin for three makes you a fucking idiot.
I am not worried about the clapping test.

In fact, no one seems to be. Perhaps it is how stupid the words "clapping" and "test" sound when used together in such a manner.

My ESL friend said, "It's a test for kindergarteners!"

She has my Japanese grammar and verb book that I let her borrow a couple of days ago and will continue to have it until Friday.
She needs to study for her Japanese credit class that I forgot to sign up for a month ago...

*mble grmble*

Incidentally, "Little Busters" is a great CD.

It's time for you all to hop along to the OB Anthology and read Cat. By me. Enjoy.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Sexy Toque -
We need a rave.

That is: somehow, some day, somewhere, we have to have a get-together of OB and myO members. Not just including specific "cliques" (xD, Preston) or whatever you choose to call them, but everybody. All 50 000+ of us. At the same time.

Think about it: you could have so much run running up and down through the seemingly endless crowd, searching for your friends. Picture asking random people their "name" and then

1) jumping up and down with excitement at finally getting to meet up IRL

or 2) grabbing the nearest blunt object (preferrably a cricket-bat or shovel), screaming "YOUR POSTS SUCK!!!!", and proceeding to deal a hefty amount of damage. (Thanks, Sammie-chan.)

Imagine finally showing those pitiful little n00bs what you think of them, uninhibited by the restraints of cyberspace...! Imagine actually kicking Preston in the nuts, or really shoving your political views and ethics down another person's throat (you'd have to write them down first, but hey), getting a proper chance to show that one guy who kept posting crap on your myO back in the day what you think of him...

...think, my friends, of the possibilities.

Seeing as winter is on its way, I am brought to think, naturally, of Christmas.
Our culture revolves around Christmas. As early as the beginging of September, we hear word of the latest children's Christmas story to hit the big screen.
If you ask your parents for something, half they time they are going to say "no", and the other half of the time it is going to be "Put it on your Christmas list."

There are actually people who spend the holiday season pretending to be Santa, answering all the little children's letters. Individually.

Our most well-known and familiar tunes are all Christmas ones.

In fact, we are so bent on the spirit of the season, half our children's literature seems to revolve around "Christmas Miracles" or quite the opposite.

We know all about Scrooge and Marley and Charlie Brown's Christmas play, and actually bother to, once a year, go as far as to get a sticky, big, needle-dropping tree that the cat is most likely to knock over on the third day of its being in the middle of the living room, drag it into the house, bother to set it upright and take care to avoid letting the decorations slip off of it.

Hell, we're even willing to condone having some obese old man climb down our chimney and leave us gifts, many of which are meant to be eaten.


More on this at Christmas time, I guess. Haha...

Sorry: was just at the movies the other day, and saw an add for the Polar Express.

I am temted to go see that movie: the book is simply magnificent, after all.


And now to see if QC has updated yet...

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Monday, October 18, 2004

It is entirely possible to fit eight communist leaders, along with the entire US millitary, into one locker with little or no effort...
...at all.

You know that feeling you get when you come in with a rediculously slow time, third to last out of seventy people, fifty of which started after you, not really caring because

1) you had to pee the whole frigging time

and 2) you are inclined to believe your legs are halfway to being frostbitten.

Running in a rediculously thin set of gym clothes when it isn't fully light yet and you can see your breath is never a good idea.

I have episode two of Bleach sitting on my harddrive, but I am disinclined to watch it because the first episode blew.

What a sucky show--they could have at least made a sorry attempt to cover up the fact that they ripped off certain widely-recognized designs from the Best Manga Ever. And the fact that it's basically YuYu Hakusho set fifteen years later, and in less of a slum.


Episode 18 of Samurai Champloo isn't being released until January. Boo.

Yesterday, I saw a man by the same name as a friend I've known since I was eight years old getting his intestines ripped out, uncoiled, and eaten Shaun of the Dead.

Some good stuff there. I think I shall ensure that I own it a few months from now.

My retainer broke. There's another $750.00 down the drain. I feel bad now. ><" (And no--I wasn't sitting on it.)

My mom gave me twenty bucks yesterday, for no reason.

I got the material for my link costume.

Gonna start that tonight. Can't wait 'til every one's respective costumes are finished...shall be great fun, indeed.

Know what? I do believe a certain group of individuals in Quebec are making a movement to form a Union of workers in the "Erotic Labor" field. (I am assuming it's Quebec, for obvious reasons.)
What. The. Hell?

Wouldn't that mean they'd all have to have permits and whatnot? O_o"

I figure, if you're a (man-)ho to begin with, you wouldn't be the kind of person to have much of an interest in unions.
: /

Know what would be the best chess-set ever?

A Naruto chess-set. : 3

I wonder who all the pieces would be...

Tsunade would be one of the queens, obviously, and Orochimaru would be the other one. (The Queen is more important than the king, because she's the one who's actually capable of kicking ass.)

Sasuke would be a pawn on Orochimaru's team. Psh.

I wonder who the rooks would be.

Shizune and Kabuto, perhaps?


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Saturday, October 16, 2004

Sasuke wears ladies' underwear.
You know it's true.

As at least two or three of you ought to be aware, Naruto has undergone a drastic change of late. That is: the anime has a new OP and ED set, both of which are rather spiffy (though the second half of the OP video would make you think Naruto and Sasuke were getting it on in the dark somewhere offscreen).
Though I have read some negative or even passive reviews about the new MV set, I must say that I adore the new ending, bouncing Naruto heads and all.
The word that popped into my head when I saw it for the first time was, quite naturally, "seventies-tastic!" Because it is just that.

I love the vocals, especially: I can't believe that song actually has the words "Shake Shake Shake" in it.

The pick-up footage from the opening is very cool, what with its sunset-coloured fences and walls, and Naruto and Sasuke looking like they just had a major falling out.

This theme set definately upholds the atmosphere of the show better than Fighting Dreamers (for all its acid-trip coolness) or the from-hell Ryuusei (Just. Plain. Boring.), and makes me think back to the good ol' Haruka Kanata days.

Ahh...remember when Sou Sakana Shimi was new and entirely unheralded?? That was a crazy day in the life of Godel.

Me: You can totally see up Naruto's nostrils!

Because you could. u.u

But let's start at the begining, with R*O*C*K*S* (useless asterisks are fun!), which I felt set a very Naruto-esque mood.

It was calm, yet somehow manic, though the video didn't have all that much to offer. This is entirely excuseable, however, because at that point in the story...well, there were only three or four characters who actually did anything.

It, of course, was accompanied by the legendary Wind, which every one loved, despite its rather unique lyrics.

"Don't dry with fakes or fears." Oh, yes, good times.

The long version was quite impressive, too, I dare say. Still is, even. : O

Then, we saw Haruka Kanata for the first time and our jaws hit the floor. It was that cool.

The video was fast-paced, beautifully animated, packed with awesome fighting sequences, and the ending shot was cool enough to make you watch the whole thing seventeen times through before progressing on with the actual story part of the episode.

Who can forget those three amazing chords, to which every cell proudly appeared somewhere or other, spinning? I sure can't.
This isn't to say that the whole song was three chords (the bass is unusually active in Haruka Kanata, which makes for great fun with subwoofers), of course. But you knew that.

It's still my favourite song, you know. : )

And then there was Harmonia.

What. The. Hell?

And, then again, what could be better than a Hello Kitty-ish, fluffy pink setting for Sakura and Ino to preform some typical Asian pop-dancing in front of? Nothing, I say! Nothing!

The third opening, which I have already mentioned, was quite enjoyable, and had some ultra-kawaii shots of every one's favourite characters as wee little things. (Neji as a little kid!!! omfg so kawaiizorz!!!11one)

Orange Range's Viva Rock was extremely cool, too. Who could avoid loving the chibbified versions of just about every one marching across the bottom of the screen, again and again?

I only wish I could have seen what Tsunade would have looked like. Hm...

Neji was, again, very, very cute in that ending.


Then, we got some songs and videos that did a nothing job of reprisenting the show, though the OP song was rather okay.

And then back to Naruto and Sasuke getting it on in the dark.

My point?

Naruto still pwnz you, biatch.

You know it's true.


It occurs to me that I forgot about every one's favourite Asian rap number: Alive.

Yes, I do know the whole thing (long version) by heart. And, no, I wont rap it for you. >:^O

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Friday, October 15, 2004

Plink Plank Plunk: Godel on strange Shanghainese people and bastardizing the violin
I forgot my mid-term reports, detailing the ways in which I am failing just about everything, in my locker, and ultimate suffering is bound to follow shortly. X_x

But that's just dumb stuff, so let us move on...

Today, four or five proffesors(?) from Shanghai came to our school. I don't know if they were expecting to be stared at, but as they walked the halls, no one noticed them that much--I think everybody figured they were supply-teachers or something.
They were all quite overdressed for coming to the school, which I found rather amusing.
They spent all the time they were there poking their heads around the doors of our classrooms, insulting us and our teachers in Chinese; I assume they assumed that the Westernized Asians in Canada have some sort of nationalist pride in China and don't tell us white kids anything. Or that they have anything nice to say about nosy people from Shanghai that poke their heads around classroom doors all day when they're not actually in said proffesors' presence.

I have no idea what they were trying to accomplish by coming to our school, but they didn't see anything realistic; I mean, if they wanted an idea of what Canadian kids are like, they should have stood around or near the foyer during lunch. It was pissing rain, therefore the space was full of about 100 students, practicing various student-like activities.

That is: running around screaming for no apparent reason, beating each other up for no apparent reason, doing ubelievably obscene things to the windows, feeling each-other up in the corner, singing dumb Christmas carols and other such generic activities that come with youth.

Eh. Maybe they were trying to impress them or something? Whatever.

Nevertheless, those Shanghainese people made me think about a couple of things.

Or one thing: people have no attachment to their anscestors' homeland. Not really. Not if they were born here or came here when they were younger than three or four.

You can tell how recently some one has immigrated just by looking at them. It's something to do with their default expression and hair-style, I think.

You can also tell by sticking them on a scooter-board and saying "Go."

The kids who came to the country less than three years ago stare at you like you're insane when you say "YAY!" when the teacher chooses to plague the class with them, and gawk when you know how to get them to move quickly...

'Tis an art.

As is using one's violin in the manner any one else would a banjo.



How many people here use the word "frig" or "frick" on a regular basis, in any of its forms?

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Thursday, October 14, 2004

If they can walk on water, why the hell don't they just...WALK?! Swimming is for losers!

And how can they possibly hold their respective breaths for so impossibly long?!



Speaking of which...

New OP and ED omfglolzorz!!!!11

I love them both.

Always remember to SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE. : D

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Do you?


What a fucking stupid fad.


Anyway, about last night's spoiler: if you don't want to hear everything there is to know about Neji...be ready to skip over spoilers.


Last night, in two and a half hours, I created a web-site on the material we have been covering in geography class. Well, the material I never handed in the assignments precipitated by. (Read that a few more times, and it'll make sense.)
My mother was wrong. The teacher did not say, "What the hell? How do I know you made it?!"

He said, "Wow. Nice. That's very cool," while looking surprised. u.u

So there.

Due to my rapidly trying to catch up with schoolwork, I haven't been able to do very much.
I'm most definately going to receive at least three notices tomorrow, for my parents, telling them which courses I'm failing and how badly I'm failing them.

I do believe my mark in Geography is currently 25%. X_x

I don't want to know about math right now.

And I don't feel like thinking about school any more right now, either.


I'm dying for the scanlation of chapter 235 to be released, so I can understand more of what's going on than "Where's Sasuke?!" "It's okay...he'll live," and "Kakashi-sensei?"

Damn my not knowing enough kanji! *curses her not knowing enough kanji*

A few of my friends have Japanese lessons tonight. I still know more than them.

Something funny: my friend trying to write hiragana. *laughs ass off*

Your Chinese-speaking skillz do not help much in that respect, Yin-san.


I find it apalling that any one would even suggest that OHIP ought to cover sex-change surgery.

Don't you?


I want some tuna right about now.

Still nothing interesting to say.


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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I told you he wasn't fucking dead!!!



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Jimmy overflowed with horror.
Spent a rather lot of time yesterday after-school (I don't see why there isn't a specific time of day for this already; why does noon get its own 'after'?) editing my friend's English assignment.
Would have taken less time if her friend who had edited it before spoke English any better than Katherine did. xD

Aw well, nothing against her.

: )

I am dead, as far as schoolwork goes. In fact, I am entirely certain that I am failing not one or two but three classes, and quite possibly getting somewhere around 60% in art because it's taking forever to finish up my painting of Xanaphia(s).

I just have to finish colouring in the letters tonight, which shouldn't take an overly-excessive amount of time, however.

I love the way it turned out, though, and while I was colouring part of it in front of school today, about five people stopped, stared and one of them said, "THAT IS TOTALLY SICK!!!!!" (Apparently, '80s slang is in again, or something, but hey.)

'Twas rather nice. : )

I haven't had time to update 'How To Learn Engrish' in a while, so sorry.

I'll get around to that when I have time, I guess...

Some one's always fighting with some one else in this house.

'Tis rather depressing, especially since there are only four people in it.

My friend shaved for the first time the other day. We are all very proud of him. u.u

Guess I didn't have much to say. =_="


I need to do a HUGE-ass Geography make-up project. Send me your positive vibes.

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