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Monday, October 11, 2004
Blues Drive Monster
And now, it is time for some shameless promotion!
Click here for a good time.
While I was up in small-town area, staying with my aunt, I read a newspaper.
Now, this wasn't just any ol' news paper: it was the Whig Standard, affectionally referred to as the "Sub-Standard" by those who would rather read the Globe.
The front page? An article about school children organizing a protest in hopes of demonizing their principal who doesn't want them standing on the top of the monkey-bars.
Not a single article in that paper covered anything even remotely relevent.
It annoys people when you say, "Well, in a small town like Kingston, you don't get much noise, anyway." when they're in the midst of complaining about having to move "closer to the city".
Preston sucks because he doesn't put wasabi on his pizza. That loser! Go tell him he's a loser, by clicking here.
*kicks Preston for fun*
I am sad because I have exhausted Questionable Content's archives. : ( Now I have to wait until the next comic comes out, and who knows how long that's gonna take. *sad sad*
I'm hungry and I'm not allowed to eat a butter tart. And the annoying thing is, my dad's cooking, so I can't sneak one out of the kitchen. : O
*utter despair*
There is a family that lives just north of Kingston who one would be surprised to find anywhere north, east, south, or west of Rhode Island.
They actually had goats and chickens running around on their front lawn when we drove past their house, which looks like something out of Trailer Park Boys, only less upscale.
They run their television off of a car battery, most of them neglect to wear shoes, and when they decided a dirt floor wasn't classy enough for them, they cemented the, well, ground. Without removing any of the furniture first.
And the thing's all true.
I can't make this stuff up.
I fell asleep during a car ride for the first time in ages.
I guess I'm getting old. *grey hair*
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
I ate squid yesterday. It was not tasty. Do not repeat my mistake.
Eating deep-fried squid is like eating deep-friend eraser, only (I'd imagine) less appetizing. you can't say I didn't try it, though, can you?
Thankfully, it turns out that, instead of eating one insubstantial Thanksgiving meal, I get to have three. : 3
Eating at my cousin's mother in law's is like eating in Heaven, only you know everybody there and it's less pretencious.
We managed to snatch a few butter-tarts for ourselves before leaving for home again. They are currently sitting on the counter upstairs.
It's a "yum" waiting to happen.
My cousin's mother in law is a very cool lady. She's so childlike, even though she's nearly sixty years old, and has an air of eccentricity about her that makes her just fun to be around.
I saw a chicken crossing the road. It didn't make it to the other side, however.
Being a chicken is entirely fruitless, I imagine.
Sorry about the crappy posts lately--I'm feeling rather depressed for no reason.
That's the downside of the chilly months, I guess.
Happy Birthday, Naruto!
After a session of girl-talk with Aleia, I am feeling rather more cheerful. xP
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Friday, October 8, 2004
Some days, the beautiful picture makes me turn around...
Well, How To Learn Engrish received some positive reviews on its first day of being an OB Anthology post. Or maybe its second; taking timezones and not being at the computer into acount, any amount of time could have gone by between now and last night.
Which brings me to how utterly cool Geomorphology is.
I've always loved this topic, and happen to know every point about it that has been brought up in the textbook off the top of my head, thus far.
I think this is due mostly (if not entirely) to the fact that I spent such a large amount of my childhood in and around a certain museum that is unrivaled when it comes to degrees of sheer awesomeness.
So yeah, I learned all these fun little high-school level tectonic plate facts back when I was seven years old.
: )
A couple of my friends came over today, which meant that watching Castle In The Sky was basically mandated.
Neither of them had really seen the whole movie before, while paying attention, so the commentary was rather amusing.
And my loathing for Disney and its shoddy subbing has been reborn in a greater, more vengeful form.
Oh, those rotten guys...
(Yeah, that's a line from a dubbed samurai movie my dad rented once. You can't win this little argument, Skippedry-chan, no matter how hard you try. u.u)
Seeing as English class now entails doing a book report on a short story, I am rather pleased in that regard.
I think I shall use the first story (not including the one in the intro) from Smoke and Mirrors. I know that a certain Sara shall know which one I am talking about, and maybe even remember the title. (I have the book, but am too lazy to run upstairs to check the name of said tale of Chivalry.)
IRL, I know some pretty unique people.
One of my friends was going on about how she enjoys "people watching". This means that she climbs up, into the higher branches of the willow tree next to the sidewalk on the main road and takes photos of passers-by.
She's also taking Japanese classes (though, upon seeing her homework, I concluded I know much more than she does), and knows just about everything about movies.
And she's one of those rare people who can wear a mini-skirt and make it look unique and stylish.
So, in a nutshell, Tia's a cool chica, as a certain missing person would say.
(Where is Sarah-chan?? T_T)
I surprised one of my other friends during strings class today by speaking to her in some pretty basic Japanese. She knew I was interested in it (she is, too--is taking a credit course), but I doubt she ever really believed I had any degree of understanding in it. I'm nowhere near good at it, but I was able to tell her she was a far better violinist than I.
For I must suffer through lousy violin-playing skills. *tear*
I've said it before: music is not my forte.
As a person, I try to keep from assuming that every one fits into whatever stereotype they try and fit into before I get to know them. It's stupid to not try and think in such a way, but there are lots of stupid people in the world.
Even posers can be friendly, polite enough people when you treat them with a little respect.
One of them, crotch of the pants at the knees and all, appologized to me not once but twice for taking up so much space at our lockers for more than a minute or so.
That had a certain significance to it I guess, because it was contrary to what most people like to think about guys with the crotch of their pants at the knees.
They still look like kichigaina baka, however. And act like it 99% of the time, too.
I guess some people are just okay underneath, and some aren't.
Thanks to whoever noticed and commented on my new theme.
I found that Kenshin doll's picture, and it had to be put to almost-immediate use.
It's just that cool.
: 3
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Godel = stupid
She is too stupid to even get a job at Walmart.
So is her best friend.
Thanks, Mom and Dad; I love you, too.
Incidentally: 1700 hits.
Okay: I am in a slightly better mood now, so I will finish with the update.
In regards to the subject: There are two individuals, a girl and a boy, of precisely the same stature, girth, and (somehow) clothing style, when one views them from the back.
So, Wenjing, being the brain she is, went and coppied Willy's haircut and now no one can tell them apart from behind.
I sat down while one of the chair's legs was on Sammie-chan's toe during Geography class today. Sorry, Sammie-chan.
I haven't really gotten a chance to write more of that short story from yesterday (though that wasn't all that exists of it), which is rather depressing. I've been thinking about it pretty much constantly for a few days, so not being able to sit down and write it is a pain.
My friend's little sister was in the midst of an ethical dilemma because she saw some girl sign her own test paper.
She seemed genuinely surprised when Alanna and I burst out laughing.
Naivety can be a funny thing. :P *is one to talk*
For the first time in...I don't know--ever, we wont be having Thanksgiving dinner with the same family members as always, as far as I can see.
We'll be going out for dinner, of all things.
That's not how Thanksgiving is supposed to work! Geez. What a let-down, eh?
Every one is always excited about Thanksgiving because food = awesome.
Except the ones who have immigrated less than three years ago.
It's a way to tell whether they've been Westernized or not, I guess.
After Thanksgiving is Halloween, then there's nothing to look forward to for two months, except my best friend's birthday, which is December 3rd.
Seeing some (even tiny) light of cause for celebration in the distance is the only motivation I have to crawl out of bed and lurch down the stairs every morning.
There are some visitors from Shanghai coming to our school, and no one knows what to feed them.
But I do.
They're coming here to learn about culture--so why not give them a cultural experience?
If they don't like poutine, they can go screw themselves.
French-fries covered in cheese-curds and gravy is totally better than you.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Don't touch me; I don't know where you've been.
I have alot of online friends. In fact, my "Online People" contact list on MSN is longer than my "Relatives", "Losers From the ROM", "School-'chums'", and "Cool People--*ahem*" lists combined.
My AIM list has about 30 people on it, and I know a grand total of two of them IRL.
So, who are all these people? If only I knew. I cannot identify half the people I see signing in or exchange brief halloos with on a regular basis by OB or myO user name.
Some prominent online contacts I actually know (in internet terms) are pretty much easily found via my contact list.
However, there is one person on that list who I know better'n the rest of you online people combined.
And that person is none other than--you guessed it--Kassedry, Kanna, Kassandra, yugiorox06 (ahh, those n00b days), and just about anything that starts with a "K".
As of some time within the vague concept of now, I've been friends with her for three years.
That's longer than I've known Sammie-chan, as far as communication goes.
So yeah: Kassedry's a cool kid. Go check out her blog. Sheesh.
(Even though she never updates. Dah!)
I started writing another short story. Doesn't have a name yet.
As you should know, my only knowledge of Japanese culture comes from manga, anime, and my obession with James Clavell, the latter of which is rather out of date as far as culture goes.
So quit being such a fuckin' purist and enjoy the goddamn thing.
Toue Nobuhiro was not a tall man. In fact, he was quite short, a fact he blamed primarily (if not entirely) on his Japanese heritage. He had never been made acutely aware of his lack of height (for his head only reached five feet, seven inches higher than the ground) until now, however.
Nobuhiro had been born and raised in a small village in rural Japan. He had failed every English class and exam he’d ever taken, and could not say or understand more of it than any newborn baby. He had never really watched very many movies, having grown up without electricity, and rarely read. He was too caught up in spending countless hours on end every week inking other people’s weekly comics.
Nobuhiro drew backgrounds for a living, and this fact had eventually led to him, for the first time in his life, realizing how short he was.
The woman was taller than him by several inches, something that could not have been very drastically assisted by her flat-bottomed flip-flops. Her hair was a shade of purple that would have gotten a student all but expelled from any respectable Japanese school, and she had several holes through various parts of her face.
The tank top she was wearing revealed rather a lot of cleavage, and he found he had little to say to her but “Ano—ohiyogouzaimasu.”
There's more, but I wont bother posting it if no one likes the first bit. Heh.
Incidentally, Nobuhiro is also the name of the This Sucks! fish, as of last year, French class. |
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
I can bench-press 70 pounds.
Today, art club happened again. This meant that I not only had to face the insult of being "asked" to make a piece a fraction of the size of the one I'd started already but also had to sub'n'bus (w00t for palindromes!1!1!1 *_*) home all by my lonesome self, because Tia had already left. Or wasn't leaving yet--I didn't see her.
I hate borrowing student tickets; why can't I just have the correct change on me for once? Now I owe Jennifer a "twenty-five-cent piece", as I heard they are actually supposed to be called. But that just takes too long to say.
The faculty of my school is growing increasingly more bitter, it seems. I have *counts* three tests tomorrow, two of which we were only informed about today.
But that's enough about school.
Recently, I have been overcome by the urge to paint. I ought to "kip" (as a certain some one would say) along to the mall and pick some canvaces and acrillycs up, sooner rather than later.
My painting at school of Xanaphia is coming along nicely, though it is already overdue, thanks to my having to be out of town for two days.
I am still stumped as to what to write for that "Students Against Racism" essay contest. Why an essay? Why not simply a piece of writing that isn't a poem within certain length constraints?
The world is out to get me: I swear.
Also, if any one knows a location with active ROD TV or Saikano (Thanks, Sarah.) torrents, I'd appreciate your bringing its resting place to light.
Every one is busy now, so I had to eat lunch alone, but for my one ami, who goes simply by "Kitty" half the time. We had a nice conversation on theocratic governments and why Bush is most definately going to win the election.
And no, I was not drawing Neji as a woman, Sammie-chan. O_o""
I think I shall cosplay (Oh, sorry, AN, masquerade...) as Raquelle Cathule at the con a few months from now. I shall start early this year, and hope that at least one or two people will recognize my outfit.
It'd be an awful waste if every one thought I was meant to be no one in particular. |
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Never interupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
I wore my new skirt to school today, and all I heard from a certain some one was the spoken equivalent of omfgz ur witchhunter robin lolzorz!!
That's really cool, really funny, and really making-me-want-to-kill-you, all at the same time.
Paisley, I am very dissapointed in you right now. I must talk to you later today, and get things straight.
For the sake of my kitty, I have left the window in this room open, which means it is rather chilly. (He likes to sit in the window sill and look outside.)
I think I shall go slip into warmer socks.
I watched secret window with my dad last night; it was okay up until the corny end, which is a must for most Stephen King books. : /
Johnny Depp = a cool guy
I am being driven insane trying to think of what the "surprise" that will be revealed to us next Friday or so (One can never be sure with Inane, after all.) shall be.
Like Preston, I am (and have been for a while) hoping that we will be given a few years' worth of time-jump, to see just how things worked out later on.
I figure that if we can get some interesting conflict going on between Naruto and Sasuke (or any other set of current or potential rivals) at a senior ninja level, things will get rediculously cool. : 3
I wonder if Naruto is dead. If he is, then we ought to start a petition to make Neji the main character.
Or I could go through with that course of action I suggested to Sammie-chan oh so long ago and stow away on a Sony delivery ship and make my way to Japan. I shall then proceed to kidnap Ukki-kun #2 (or whatever number the sensei's on now) and leave a threatening letter demanding an increase in importance of Neji's role. >:]
That gives me an idea for a story. xD
My friend wants to start a webcomic.
The plot thus far:
Nobuhiro, Dango (those of you who have been told of UberNinja--yes, the same one), Yiu Leon, and (if I get my way) Mildred are high-school students in WonTon City.
Nobuhiro and Mildred and Dango and Yiu Leon are couples, respectively.
Then, suddenly, for reasons we are not yet aware of...
Yiu Leon turns into a GIRL. And Mildred becomes a MAN.
You see, originally, it was just that one of the boys becomes a girl, but, since I thought that was rather unfair to a large portion of webcomic-readers, I insisted we make an adjustment.
One of the girls becomes a dude. That way, it's shounen and shoujo ai, which makes for maximum fanbase potential. : 3
The reason it takes place in WonTon City is the following:
Gil: Let's make it take place in Hong Kong, because Hong Kong is better than Tokyo!
Billy: NO IT'S NOT.
Me: Tokyo it is, then.
We decided to come to a compromize, the name of which was thought up by either Billy or Gil.
So yeah: welcome to WonTon City.
So far the comic's only suggested titles have been...
-Cupcake Paradise
-Cupcake Heaven
-Gilbert Turning Into A WOMAN
That's the gifted mind at work, I guess.
BTW, Vincent-san: I started your drawing today. I made a rough of it last night, and am working on the good one currently. I hope it's the way Anna is meant to look.^^
It shall be done soon enough. Finding a scanner may be tricky, however. : / |
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
A trailer-park is no place for a kitty.
Despite not picking up FLCL manga or any amount of Dragon magazine, I did get some shopping with my mom in today.
I finally got those plaib pajamas I've been wanting, though I don't have a shirt that I particularly like to go with them yet. (PLAIB: it's fashion)
I also bought five pairs of socks (two of which reach a centimeter or so higher than my knees), all a-covered in monkeys and cows and stripes and kitties.
Does the fact that I am able to spend many a happy series of minutes on end browsing through sock sections of even the most lame of retailers make me somehow unusual? Hm...
They have these slipper-sock things in this year, which are basically very, very thick socks with even thicker soles. They look wonderfully cozy and comfy, and I want some. : )
I only wish they wouldn't make socks as though they were meant for people so very short--the socks I am wearing are meant to come three inches above my knees, but--alas--like I said, only rise past them by a centimeter or so. : (
I also surprised the shit out of myself by buying a long, brown, cord skirt.
It's a very nice skirt, and I look forward to wearing it tomorrow: it was expensive, after all, and it would be a waste to let it sit in the closet for a near-literal eternity. u.u
Mon page-web en francais est complete. Si tu as le chance aujourdhui, peut-tu allez a la et aide moi avec le grammaire?
That's to any one who speaks any kind of gutteral French, I guess. As long as you're better than I am.^^""
Am I insane for not planning to drop French next year?
I guess it's just the fact that being able to spout words en francais at people who expect it the least is too much fun to allow to go to waste. ^_~
My cousin is in Detroit right now: I hope he does not get shot. : (
And now for the explanation of the "subject" of this post. If you are not familliar with the Trailer Park Boys, I urge you to travel forth to your TV set or nearest DVD-retail/rental location and proceed to laugh your mother fucking ass the fuck off, as any one of the cast would put it.
Psh. :3
This Saturday, I must drag my friends to Fabric Land with me, where we shall purchase the materials needed for our Link costumes.
I will then proceed to teach them how to sew without destroying themselves/appliances/random, unsespecting kitties/kiddies.
Ph34r. |
Comments (12) |
Saturday, October 2, 2004
Synchronized Spleen A Sploding
I never thought I'd live to see the day when some one would say, "I'm deleting you from my buddy list, btw. I don't feel comfortable assosciating with people so young."
The funny part is, the person who said that is younger than alot of my friendly online acquaintances.
People are silly.
I like to ask this question every so often, because it's fun: without looking at the side menu, how old did you think I was before you read the beginings of this post?
Or maybe I'm just stumped for subject matter; it's kind of funny, I guess--I'm not entered in Shin's little competition, yet I try and post every single day.
'Twould seem that I have some degree of an addiction.
>: ]
Who else here thinks that either AKFG's Unmei or The Pillows' Let's See If That's True could conceivably serve as the next Naruto OP?
I know they're both a tad slow, but I think either would capture the mood of the show quite well: you know, that feeling of despondancy mixed with sincerity?
Then again, when listening to it again, We Have A Themesong could do the job perfectly well, too, methinks.^_^ (And not just because of the title, either.)
If you haven't heard any of the above songs, I demand that you head on over to PMM (or any other J-rock download location) and get your grimy little hands on as many of AKFG and The Pillows' songs as is possible.
Fail to do this, and I just might get it into my head to hunt you down and deal out justice where it is required.
Today, I was supposed to go shopping and get myself some plaid pajamas (I am developing an obsession, 'mfraid. u.u"), hopefully along with an issue of Dragon and a volume or two of FLCL manga (because I am desperate for new manga and FLCL is THAT IMMENSELY COOL).
However, the fates would not have this be.
Nevermind why; all you need to know is I'm missing out and it's no fault of mine. : (
There is a little fox necklace sitting on the desk next to me, and I am looking at it as I type. My friend gave it to me for Christmas last year, and I love it dearly. u.u
The surface of this desk is mostly covered by CDRs, whether or not they have been recorded onto. The contents of these discs includes all of Lain, Scrapped Princess, some Samurai Champloo, FLCL, and a few OSTs (okay--more than a few o.o""). I also have a 1997 Canadian Global Almanac, a Japanese-English dictionary, and a moniter. And a mouse, which sits with great pride upon not one, but two mousepads.
One of them is from some trucking company, and the other says ALLSOP on it, and has bubbles.
: O
There is a federally sponsored moniter-duster stickified to my good moniter--you know, the one the cat destroyed?
How does one write an essay on "Students Against Racism" without sounding like every other essay-writer that has ever lived? I wish we could submit this thing in the form of a short story: it'd be no trouble if that were the case.
*mble grmble*
I counted twelve flying moose on the way to Kingston the other day.
If you take the 401 alot and pay any attention to trucks, this shouldn't come as any form of surprise.
: )
Ph34r m4h m4d 5k1llz.^^
Further Edit:
Senny: I doubt that >:|
*laughs ass off* |
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Friday, October 1, 2004
I have nothing to post about...
...aside from...
...the fact that I would promptly make a "People To Kill" list if it weren't for all those innocent people you hear about getting in trouble for it.
I guess I'll just make one in my head and call the one up here my, "People I Strongly Believe The World Would Be Better Off Without" list.
PISBTWWBBOW for short.
-George Bush, because he's a republican ass and the only one of those guys I can tollerate is Buggie-san (Why do Republicans not believe in pollution, let alone Global Warming, and think that Iran and Iraq are the same place, and that the Bin Laden clan has anything to do with either of them?)
-Dale, because he's a jackass who I've never even met, but have heard enough about to be inclined to kill him if I ever meet him while armed in any way. (They should do a documentary on that guy; seriously.)
-My math teacher, because she's anal about everything and because she wears nasty-smelling perfume and because she yells at people for being polite and deducts 10% of grades because you were sick and couldn't hand the papers in while you were throwing your guts up into the toilet, two kilometers away. (Happened to a classmate of mine, apparently.)
I'm sure I'll think of/meet more as the days go by. I'll keep you guys posted about that, methinks.
I had tuna-salad party sandwiches for lunch today, and just finished off the last two nanaimo (sp??) bars. The bread the sandwiches were made on was unbelievably tasty, which resulted in my family eating all 35 or so of the left-over roast-beef, egg-salad, ham-salad (O_o""), and, of course, tuna "halftimes", as Loblaws likes to put it. =_=""
My cousin's husband's mother kept baking stuff and bringing it over to my aunt's at utter random, which was kind of neat, I guess, especially since I was supposed to be taking a geography quiz at the time.
The funeral was quicker than I expected, and was held in a Catholic church. I didn't know any of the prayers or songs, of course, but neither did the cousin I was sitting beside.
It was rather awkward, to say the least, and I felt rather angry that the entire ceremony seemed to be about Jesus. Who cares about that guy?
It was her funeral.
My family members keep dying, which is why my family on my dad's side keeps getting together. Heh. Kind of depressing, really.
My cousin's husband set a piŹnata on fire the other day. In the oven.
That guy's always shooting himself and Bob in the face with stuff, though, so we weren't surprised.
We weren't surprised that my uncle had gotten a cattle-prod, either.
During a conversation with Azure-jiji the other day (night before I left), I discovered that Godel really has done quite a bit.
Godel even has a Memorial Library.
"In the tree of truths, a Godel statement hangs like an golden apple."
Take that, Senny. That's way, way cooler than some alleged martyr-wannabe proffesion.
Any one can die in the name of God, but it takes 5k1llz to have that said about you. : O |
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