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Friday, September 3, 2004
Song and Stabbage: Godel on Bards and Rogues.
As episode six of Otogizoushi downloads, I thought I would bring to light why said classes are so much freaking better than you.
Let's start with Rogues, and the basic concept of sneak and stab and why it is so much better than simply negotiating or kicking the door in.
First of all, when you stab some one in the kidneys, then immediately slit their throat, they have no time to scream, which means you have more of a chance of getting out with what you're after, unscathed. Also, being able to simply take some one's set of keys or pocket money without them noticing can be useful, as they wont notice until it is far to late, and there is no specific technique that some one my recognize. You can then, of course, creep quietly along the corrider, break into the treasure vault without sounding the alarm or alerting the guards (You can do away with them from the shadows, and no one will be the wiser until it's, once again, too late.) Then, you can disguise yourself as an employee of whatever establishment you've thieved from, or simply sneak out unnoticed.
Also, when in melee combat, being a successful Rogue means not getting hit. You don't need any more than leather armor, because your awesome dexterity makes it easy to dodge stabbing spears and slashing swords, while sinking the odd blow-dart or throwing dagger into your enemies' weak spots.
Also, being a Rogue means you are by no means bound by honor, and that it is clearly any one else's mistake for trusting you. This means that you're probably very good at using people, and not unwilling to murder your opponents in their sleep, unlike the less effective Paladin class, that doesn't even allow you to take advantage of your enemy's misfortune without shedding your alignment and losing any bonuses you got from being a total fucking pansy.
Rogues are also deadlier in groups in the same way that a pack of shinobi is deadlier than the same number of samurai. At least you know the Fighter's in the room with you.
Being able to pick locks with assured success (Taking ten or twenty is always an option for Rogues when it comes to such things, though it would be a bad idea during a situation of immediate danger, like a fight, which is obvious.) can be nothing but downright useful, not to mention incredibly cool.
So, a Rogue in a few point-form notes is:
-not about to get hit by anything
-not about to let you know she's there before stabbing you
-quite possibly right behind you now; it's not like you would have noticed
Also, Bards.
Bards are very similar to Rogues in a lot of aspects, what with the sneakiness and the proficiency with assasination and small, pointy metal objects hidden in every fold of clothing. They just happen to be, as a bonus, very good at taking your attention from all the horrible things that are going on around you, quite possibly killing you in the process.
Spells like Otto's Irresistible Dance and Tasha's Hideous Laughter are awesome simply because they, instead of merely a sploding your target, force them to humiliate themselves in the process. I mean, who would want to die by the blade of a snickering musician in short pants while preforming rediculously complicated footwork against their will?
And what else can Bards do? Well, for one, they can create food and board literally out of nowhere, deal 1d10 damage to any structure per round, summon extraplanar monsters to fight for them, impose severe depression on their opponents, and prevent even the greatest of creatures from moving, by merely strumming a few cords on an innocent-looking lute. Or any other instrument for that matter.
Additionally, Bards are one of the only classes that can actually drop a hat on the ground in order to collect CP when all else fails, because they are able to do things aside from clobber. Not that there's anything wrong wtih clobbering--it just doesn't make people want to give you spare change.
And there you have it: my dissorgnized rant about Bards and Rogues and why they own your ass. |
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Do you feel sorry for the little creamer?
That is because your are crazy.
Well, since the light in my room burnt out and shattered, creating cause for me to have to vacuum up the shards, two days ago, it has not been replaced. The reason for this is that the base of the bulb has gotten wedged up, into the socket. This, of course, proves to be a great annoyance when it comes to three things:
1)seeing at night
2)seeing during the day (I have a set of blinds and curtains which are always kept close, due to light pollution and laziness on my part
Godel while going to bed last night and the night before: *trips over vacuum, falling into stack of books, which is instantly made un-stacked* Ow. *steps on glass shards she missed vacuuming* Ow.
Godel this morning: *trips over vacuum, falls out bedroom door*
Godel's cat this morning: *sits on Godel when she falls over*
Godel from her position on the floor: Curse you, lightbulb!!! *stands up, on more glass shards* Ow. *takes a step forward* Ow.
Honestly: it should not be allowed for one measly lightbulb to ruin everything like that! *trips over CD briefcase* Damn it...
I'd also like to extend a fair amount of thanks to Sakura-chan for giving me the URL of a certain Public MM Torrents. Not only have you provided me with a location to get my The Pillows etc... fix, but a reason to burn things onto CDs, therein removing them from my HD, making more room for other things. Like...The Pillow's FULL DISCOGRAPHY. *drools*
As a side note, after talking (via AIM of course) with both Ana--Sarah-chan (see? I keep forgetting.^^") and Azure-jiji, I am driven to ask how many people actually know my real name--they sure as hell didn't. xD
Oh, and, Preston-kun, what is this about your figuring out Azure-jiji's name?^.^
Well, BoxTorrents is once again down, but not necessarily out, knowing them. I was halfway through downloading the entire series of Planet ES, too. Boo.
At least I've got another torrent going at a decent rate. "Decent." An hour and a half left to download ten minutes isn't what I'd generally reffer to as decent, but I've been kind of starved for quick downloads of late, since Bittorent's speed crashed on me. Whatever happend to 165kb/s??? T_T
On a completely different note, I got a PHB! *does a dance* I've been reading through all the class descriptions, which I've done before, but it's different when it's your PHB, isn't it? *hugs PHB* Well, that's forty-five dollars that didn't go to waste. Same for the DMG.
So, yeah: I actually left the house yesterday evening to go out for dinner and buy a PHB. I had some spicey noodles that, I suppose, are meant to be oriental-ish, but conform to no specific country's taste. There're alot of dishes like that floating around now-a-days, it would seem. Ah well: it tasted good, and I got a rather annoying fortune with it (in a fortune cookie, of course xP).
"You should be able to achieve anything [you loser]."
Maybe it was meant as some twisted form of encouragement, but all it did was irk me, especially after I couldn't figure out what the hell it meant when I read it in French first, as I always do. (Force of habbit, I guess, as I can't remember why or when I started.)
Ooo, would you look at that: my Bittorent's going at a whole 20kb/s! *kicks computer* Same to you, bitch.
The nerve! After acting up on me yesterday, too!
Godel: What do you mean the system is low in resources?!? I have three gigs of space left! Fine, I'll restart you, you collosal whiner.
Computer: *flicker* Skreeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakshfdjg.(<--"DISC BOOT ERROR. INSERT SYSTEM DISC AND PRESS ENTER.
Godel: *does so*
Computer: Skreeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakshfdjg.
Godel: *tries again*
Computer: Skreeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakshfdjg.
Godel: *pulls plug, turns off lights, closes and locks door behind her, goes upstairs to her room, locks that door behind her, and sits in the dark, under desk, amongst the dust bunnies, hugging her knees for half an hour*
I then had to go through a bunch of seemingly random, arbitrary steps before it finally got its shit together again.
Instrument of the Devil, my ass. My computer is no mere instrument: its its own fucking demi-god of malice. That's right, buddy, I'm talking to you. And I'm the one with the baseball bat here. *maniacal, Shonen Bat grin*
So what does that make me? : /
Oh my, would you listen to that: my stomach is telling me I haven't eaten anything all day, and it's already 2:11pm. I wonder if there's any tuna left...
But, before you go, here's a picture of The Pillows:

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat a tub of ice-cream a well-ballanced meal consisting of all four food groups. |
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Ninjas Rule!
I am on a quest. This quest involves sending a particular song to as many people as possible. It's such a good song: Shin and Sammie-chan have already heard it, and Sara has it sitting quietly, patiently on her hard drive (she might even have listened to it by now--who knows?). But this isn't good enough. No! I will not stop 'til every one has heard this song at least once through! So, those on my AIM/MSN list, beware: the Kill Bill volume 1 sound track is coming to get you while you are sleeping online!! *maniacal laughter*
Incidentally, I haven't been outside for three days.

Indeed, my friends, this is what happens when Godel decides she is going to start coming up with designs for t-shirts that will never exist. That one, of course, would be for the Sadistic DM's of the World, myself included. After all, if you're going to take it out on your campaigners, you might as well make it known.

This, of course, would be the feature t-shirt of BuoyancyForce.com, were it ever to actually come into existance. Last time I checked, the name wasn't taken, so maybe we will get around to making that web-comic, one day... *flower petals*

Another Buoyancy Force t-shirt, obviously, featuring our slogan. Because Buoyancy is greater than gravity, and you know it. >:^O
It occurs to me that I have made no preperations for the upcoming school year at all. I have no new clothes, binders, or even pencils, and haven't given them any thought until now. And school starts next Tuesday.
This is probably because I couldn't care much less (aside from about the pencils) about the the whole shopping thing when it comes to starting highschool, and, instead, have been pressing to find some one to go down to the Hairy T or 1000 Comics or somewhere with, in order to find two things: Sammie-chan's birthday present and volumes one and two of MegaTokyo.
So, even though I made that deal that I would do at least 50% of my homework this term, I am most likely going to end up back at school with three things, aside from my clothes and lunch: a backpack, a pencil, and one sheet of paper.
My printer isn't working right now, either, because I'm too lazy to bother fiddling with it and its software for hours on end, which will mean alot of running to the school library to print things five minutes before class starts.
Yep, this year sure is looking down. Why can't we just skip the whole school thing and go straight through to Christmas?
Well, at least there's Halloween to look forward to, with it's Link-ness. I really ought to start working on those patterns, shouldn't I, Samm?^_^""
And what is up with this Sonic Blaster guy? O_o"" |
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Bonzai, bitches!
Yesterday, I discovered what has been missing as a key part of my life for all these long years. It wasn't a certain article of clothing, or concept, or piece of technology, it wasn't a new flavour of chips, or a new kind of pop. It wasn't a band or a song or a movie or a bag or new make of CD-Rs (though I do need some new ones), it wasn't a working scanner, or a new internet browser. It wasn't a teddy-bear or new printer paper, it wasn't a bigger desk or a comfortable chair. It wasn't new art pencils or even a misplaced rift in the space-time continuum that would somehow allow me to travel to Konoha and capture Neji, then lock him in the highest tower (After all, I've already taken care of that.^^).
It was MegaTokyo
I cannot believe I have never really taken a large interest in web comics. But yesterday--ahh, that fateful day!--I read through all of VG Cats (which I've done before, anyway, aside from a few of the newer ones...), some 8-bit, and, of course, 165 pages of MT itself.
Piro-san = Teh Awesome (as does Leo's concept of how Federation came about xD)
Well, school starts again in a week as of this morning 8:45am, so I am counting down the last few precious minutes of having nothing to do.
This summer's pretty much been one big let-down thus far, as my friends and I have only been able to pull together two DnD meets, a couple of movies, and one weekend at the cottage.
We are, however, planning to hold a mock "Iron Chef" competition at some one's house before school starts, play at least one good game of DnD and, of course, there's Sammie-chan's party. So, yeah: cramming lasting memories of fun in the summertime (indoors) is, hopefully, going to take place throughout this last, quickly-fading week.
Returning to school is going to be a bit of a slap-in-the-face transition, considering the fact that I have barely seen any one from school and talked to even fewer since the end of June. Also, a big-ish number of the people in my core class are switching schools, which means there will either be a (for once) small class (<--very unlikely), or that we will once again impose our elitist views on the "n00bs". That's the fun of being in a special ed. class, I guess: you've known everybody since you were eight years old, and it really pisses teachers off, because we never shut up. Psh. I don't think we've ever had a teacher who hasn't described us as "the worst class they've ever had to deal with throughout the course of their entire teaching career".
I've been drawing a few DnD-game-based comics of late, but, sadly have no means of scanning them until school starts again. Curse you, Universe!!! *chucks several large-ish, hard objects at the sky* Damn it...it's not working...!! >:^(
Thanks to the aid of Sammie-chan's wit, my favourite one (and the only one I'm really proud of xD) goes somewhat like this:
Wym: Hey, Goneral!
Goneral: What's up, Wym?
Wym: I sold your soul to the Devil!
Goneral: WHAT?!
Wym: It's okay! You're pretty demonic anyway...^^"
Goneral: What the hell is wrong with you you fuck head!!! Go suck my non-existant balls!!! I CAST CONTAGION!!!
Wym: ...
Goneral: ...
Wym: ?
Goneral: You have herpes now.
Wym: T_T
Here's a picture of Kakashi and Iruka kissing. (How can Kakashi do that with his mask on? : S )

By the way: what do you people think of my new intro/avatar? Narutimett Hero 2 looks ultra wicked. *wants to play it* |
Comments (2) |
Monday, August 30, 2004
I'd love to elaborate, but this isn't a post about science presentations.
Yesterday, I went to the Ex with two of my aunts, my mom, my sister, and two of my cousins. (For those of you who are not familiar with what the Ex, in fact, is, just picture a carnival, but intensely larger.) This, of course, meant I had to wake up early. Considering the situation, however, I didn't really mind.
It rained all day, and we managed to lose my aunt within the first ten minutes, which resulted in our having to get her paged over the Food Building's intercom. They couldn't pronounce her name, which was rather funny, but what you really want to hear about is the Food Building.
The Food Building is awesome. For those of you who have been to anime cons in the past, imagine this as a sort of food convention. Take a huge buildling, fill it with about 250 restaurants selling large portions of food from all over the world for next to nothing. Now, imagine that half the tables are free because it's raining, and that you spotted a sign advertising a chicken teriyaki dinner for $5.00. Despite its [the Food Building's] being at the other end of the establishment, we went there first, in order to meet up with one of my aunts. It was awesome. Even though I wasn't hungry (I'd just eaten a large muffin about an hour ago.), I ate two of the best fries I've ever tasted (Not from New York Fries or "Chicago Fries", but the Potato Factory), along with half of a cinnamon bun. It was also awesome. However, wanting to wait 'til I knew I'd be able to eat alot of everything in one sitting (and there-in more-thouroughly enjoy it), I level-headedly decided to wait until we came back for linner/dunch.
So, sustained only by the remains of a muffin, half a cinnamon bun, two French fries, and a Nestea, I traveled, with my family, as far as the International Trade Center (we went through the Better Life Center and the Garden Center, but you know... I did nothing there but watch a crazed man toss some fruit and flax seeds into a food processor and tell us about nutrition.), where my cousin and I hurried about, looking for all the Japan booths. There were only three: one was a Shiatsu Massage set-up, the second was selling katana, kukri, and other various weapons, and the third was a neat little Pacific-esque store where I bought an umbrella and a print of some fish.
To backtrack a bit, my cousin had said earlier, "They wont have anything anime-related, though." He was wrong, if barely so. It was about half an hour in that I spotted Kakashi and Iruka's faces on a monsterously-overpriced placemat; imagine paying $4.00 for something that would cost between $1 and $2 at the mall! We also found some Dragonball figurines, and a lot of little plastic Bruce Lee perefernalia. The International Trade Center is a pretty damn cool place.
We had to meet back at the Better Life Center, and convince my aunt not to buy a piece of equipment that was meant to be good for your back. It was $130.00 and, when I sat against it, it hurt me terribly; because of this, my back was sore for the rest of the day.
I, after fuming at the machine itself, and telling my aunt I didn't think it was good for her, then ambled back to the International Trade Center to buy the first pair of shoes I saw. xD I am wearing the shoes right now, actually, and intend to continue doing so for days to come (until I forget about them). For $5.99, one can't really complain, even if they are a touch small.
I didn't go on any rides, and only spent $7.00 on carnival games (Carnies scare me. o_o""), mostly because I was feeling sick (You know that feeling of being about to throw up but wanting to eat everything in site?), though I did go through a "haunted house". I woudln't have done it if I hadn't seen streams of people running out the emergency exit, some of them crying. So, my cousin and I, figuring it might be just a bit scary, walked through: it sucked.
You couldn't see where you were going half the time, the props were rediculously typical, there was the most sedated of music playing in the backround, and the only thing that was even slightly startling was the hand that reached out from behind the picture-frame, making as though to grab you. My cousin was right in that it would have been monstrously fun to go back through, with one of those quad-flash digital cameras and take a picture of the guy standing behind there. It would have scared the hell out of him. xD
I won a green snail in that stupid little "pick a duck" game, and lost several dollars to other stupid carnival events. The whole time, I was very hungry.
We wandered around a bit more, my sister and cousin went on a few more rides, then my cousin gambled away three dollars in the Birthday Game, and we met up with the rest of our group an hour late. ^^" My aunts: What took you so long?!
We then sat around in an unrelated food-court, and I explained various things about samurai to my young cousin, who was still running about with his wooden Hara Kiri blade, purchased at the store where I got my umbrella.
My older cousin, who, one would think, is too old for that kind of thing, then grabbed it and started running around, pretending to be Kenshin.
Me: Kenshin doesn't fight with a Hara Kiri blade... He doesn't even have a Hara Kiri blade...!
Incidentally, it's said cousin's birthday: Tanjoubi omedatto gouzaimasu!
Anyway, we then wandered about in the rain a bit more, and got on the train back to the Princess Gates.
We went into the Food, Fun, Farm Building to look at the animals.
Me: All these farm animals are making me hungry.
My mom: !!!! How can you say that?!
Me: I want food...
Then we went home, and I forgot to give my young cousin the drawing of Inuyasha I did for him.
So I didn't get my chicken teriyaki after all...
Godel: *cries* My stomach is rumbling... Food Building, I will return to you one day!!! |
Comments (5) |
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Bits of Tim.
Spurred by a conversation with Shin (and a debate with Sammie-chan a while ago), I have decided to make a post I have wanted to make for a long time:
Timbits are not doughnuts.
The term "doughnut" specifies a round pastry of the fatty, unhealthy kind, with a hole in the middle. The only exception is either Boston or Maple Cream doughnuts, which have a cream filling.
If a pastry does not fit the above description, it is simply a pastry! It has its own name! Like, let's say, "Timbit." Timbits and doughnuts are totally different. Sure, one was only created for the other, but that's like saying that if you'r Dad's name is Fred, you are also Fred, even though your name is Djorge! It's rediculous! And, to make it even worse, they don't even make them from the holes of doughnuts any more! I don't know if they ever did! ARGH.
And know what else I hate? Cheap rip-offs of Timbits! Blasphemy!!!
And there you have it. My opinion on Timbits and what they should be called. If you don't agree with my opinion right now, you suck. >:^O And I mean suck.
Anyway, yes. I'm making another post, even though I haven't entered that silly competition that Shin's been going on about of late.
I am also downloading episode 95/96 of Naruto. I have seen up to episode nine of Champloo, and am up to date with Naruto manga, so I think I'm doing okay once again.
Perhaps I will download Seven Samurai, as patringer11 (no plug: he never updates) suggests demands.
I got bored the other day, and started searching for pictures of The Pillows. I think I will upload another uber-awesome picture of them in a bit. And then, of course, I will display it here, for all to see.
What can I say? I love those guys. Especially Yamanaka Sawao-san. (Haha...Yamanaka...) In fact, said singer's face is now my AIM icon. What. Glorious. Fun. : D
I hope Sammie-chan remembers to look for a The Pillows CD while she's in NY. *fret fret*
I also hope it's no more than $25.00 American when she finds it. XD
: ) |
Comments (12) |
Friday, August 20, 2004
Bring a pack of matches and we'll...
Well, if you know the words, you can fill in the rest for yourself. If you don't know the words, you can quite possibly have more fun inventing new ones than any one would ever have singing the real ones. Maybe. I mean there is a certain degree of hilarity that accompanies singing songs that encourage us to burn the Whitehouse, isn't there? *looks back and forth, somewhat cautiously*
Great. Now they're gonna think I'm a terrorist.
Ah well.
School looms on the horizon and I tremble with a complete lack of enthusiasm. While "Uncle" Shin (haha...), Sara-san, and others go on to Un--er--College (What do you guys call your colleges? O.o"), I move on to the abyss of *scary music*
You guys, with your advanced repsective ages (XP), are totally cramping my angst.
Ah well, I can still angst. I will prove it: I hate everything, stupid world, stupid shoes, I hate you, I hate life, I hate everything, no one loves me. There.
Now that we have that rediculous group of words out of the way, let us move on to what I actually intended to make a post about.
*thinks really hard*
Okay, well that failed. It would seem that my memory has begun to follow the same path as my computer's ["brain"] did. *shivver* Let's just hope we don't go to much farther into that metaphorical neck of the woods, neh?
I knew you'd all agree whole-heartedly.
There is a lot of angst in the air these days. It's like advertising and (according to certain unnamed parties) terrorists: everywhere. On bookshelves, on the internet, on TV. People throw away their teenage (and now even childhood) years in the name of angst, wasting away their days trying to invent reasons to pretend they need psychologists, and finding motivation for an endless stream of tears.
So why does no one see this as a problem? I mean, think about it: instead of going on about all the advertisements and violence and sex and drugs on TV and in movies and in music, why not hop, skip, and jump straight to the real problem? Angst in the media.
These poor, impressionable kids see their favourite stars going on about how they hate living, and how they have no self-esteem, and how life sucks, and what do they think? "I'm a teenager, therefore, I must have angst."
There's a total lack of media-awareness for you. Not recognizing the following facts can have terrible results on the teenaged psyche:
1. Dark does not equal deep.
2. Depression does not equal deep.
3. Being a whiney imbacile who talks about suicide all the time does not equal deep.
4. Your parents do everything for you.
5. You don't have to pay taxes.
6. You really ought to shut up.
Now, every one, go back and read the list again: if you can't tick off your understanding and accepting every fact within it, you have fallen victim to a psychological disorder that I haven't come up with a name for yet.
I have some advice for you:
Nobody. Freaking. Cares.
(Note: this does not apply to people who actually have problems--i.e. divorce, harrassment, dial-up, etc...)
Here's a picture of the Pillows:

And you thought Hyde was good looking! I don't see him (or Gackt, for that matter) wearing such awesome clothes.
There is totally a lesson to be learned here.
It's good to be back. |
Comments (5) |
Monday, August 2, 2004
Wanna go kill my pack of wolves?
Okee ducks. I said "more later" in my previous post, and here I am, fulfilling my little comitment:
After being away for a month or so, it's hard to decide where to start. However, from this experience (that of having no computer, let alone internet), I have decided one thing:
Menonites are very, very, very, very, very stupid.
So, what exactly does one do when no computer is available? Well, not much, I assure you.
However, I did manage to spend two of the most retarded weeks of my life playing DnD with two f1ng n00bs, my good friend Laila, and this really whiney guy. (For those of you with Xanga's, here's a new URL for you to spam away at the location of.) There, I learned many useful pieces of information:
Actually, no, I didn't. I just learned that flock is the answer to all life's problems. I also learned that people aren't polite enough to appologize for spritzing your foot with glue and then dropping flock on it "by accident". *mutter*
So, yes. I am at my cousin's house, typing away on his computer. I am talking to Sammie-chan at the moment, discussing not being able to go to her party because my parents decided it would be fun and that it would build character to go to a mean little shack by a dear-fly-swarmed lake that we aren't even sure has electricity, let alone a shower for a week. Thank Whatever Powers May Be that I get to leave early to go to my friend's fully fuctional cottage.
Then, it's some art course my mom signed me up for without telling me about _ _U, then it's back to school. *tosses some confetti into the way of an on-turned fan* Woo. Hoo.
While my computer was out, I spent nearly $100.00 on manga, and am currently wondering if any one is willing to buy volume one of Get Backers for fourteen Canadian dollars...? *looks around*
Finished Paranoia Agent last night, and I must say: Teh Fuck Was That? Ahh well: it was still awesomely awesome. : )
I smile to think that almost the entire North American fanbase seems to have been started by me. o.o"" My friend didn't even watch the show, but he told me I should. Malcolm is one funny little man in that respect, I guess. O_o""
PLANETES is something that, if you haven't already, you should look into, and consider spending all your money on. It's one of the better manga series of all time. Now, if only there were one or seven ninjas...
Speaking of ninjas, the new Naruto ending is rather...ish-ish. I like the water-colours, but the song is rather not-all-that-great, and the pictures have nothing to do with the show. NOW, if, instead, they had shown the kunoichi killing people, with blood absolutely EVERYWHERE, that would have been something. But no, they sold out to swimsuits. Moh...
So, yes: it is wonderful to hear from you all again.
BTW, Preston, Val--what is with your site? Aside from nothing, I mean. *blink blink* I've been ready for about six months now.
:/ |
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
It is very bad manners to say that you will piss on any one.
It is very bad manners and very stupid to say you will piss on any one when they are armed and you are not.
Or something like that.
Yes, folks, I have been reading Shogun lately. : ) During a month of no computer--that's right, an entire month--there's not much else to do but read.
So, yes: my computer is back up. However, my internet isn't. I'm updating from my cousin's house.
More later.
-Godel |
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Friday, June 18, 2004
Totally not dead!!!!!!111one
This is gonna have to be uber-quick. Okay, let's do this point-form style:
-Godel's computer is DEAD.
-She is at Sammie-chan's house.
-Congrats to Little Man on graduating from high school. *sets you on fire*
-*kicks Preston in the nuts*
-*smashed Milky over the head with a nailed club*
-*throws pie at Skippedry*
-Sakura, I hope you'll have fun killing your housemates. Your school sounds...awesome, BTW. O_O""
So, as I can hear the sounds of merriment (Super Smash Bros. Melee) from the TV room...I must go.
BTW, that magazine IS a joke. Headline: "DICK CHENEY IS A ROBOT!!!!!"
Some retards in my TTI class cut a bunch of cords on the computers. The infidels! And here I am, stuck using my friends computer! They should be BURNED!!!
*burns them all to a crisp*
I've still got my eye on that fastest-typer award. >_>
Good-bye, all! |
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