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Thursday, May 13, 2004
As I do not envision myself having any amount of free time to post tomorrow, I will speaktype a little early…
I, Godel, hereby declare May the fourteenth of every year henceforth unto the end of time (or at least humanity)
Sorry For Sucking Day.
On this day, every person, regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, status, or position* is entitled to the right to suck. On this day, no teacher, parent, boss, co-worker, friend, family member etc… is permitted to take any degree of action against some one who sucks in any situation.*
Didn’t do your homework? Came into work three hours late? Took your friends character sheets home by accident, resulting in their being eaten by your dog? Failed a test? Spilled hot soup on that one guy you were sitting next to when the subway jerked to a stop? Forgot your credit card after eating a $200.00 meal at a fancy restaurant? Failed to remember your friend’s birthday?
Well, sorry for sucking.
On this day, no one may continue to hold any obvious beef about what any one else may or may not have done/failed to do. Any one caught taking part in such a heinous crime is to be fined $3000.00 on the spot (regardless of whether you’re starving as it is) and will be forever more banned from taking part in Sorry For Sucking Day. Similarly, any person who goes out of his or her way to not suck** is to be issued a stern warning and forbidden from participating further in the current year’s Sorry For Sucking Day.
Assignments of any sort (whether they be school or work related) are under no circumstances to be expected completed on May 14th. No foolish*** squabbles are permitted to take place.
General and overall suckage is welcome and expected by all.*
I hope you will enjoy tomorrow and every May fourteenth for years to come.
*The exceptions to this rule are those who are in a position from which they can easily bring harm to great numbers of people. World leaders, soldiers, and any one armed in any fashion are exempt from this holiday and are to be shown no lenience if they are to commit a crime or perform a stupid act, resulting in the hurt or death of any number of people/animals.
**Going out of one’s way to not suck entails performing jobs/duties that one normally would not do/would be better off not doing in any respect.
***Foolish implies wearisome, spite-sprung, unreasonable anything that we are all better off without. |
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Due to both a particularly shity week and my internet’s being a complete and utter bitchbox, I have not updated in, well, a long time. For me, at least. I have tried to keep up to date (to a reasonable extent) by making the odd comment on both MyOtaku and OB, but I still feel somewhat estranged.
In fact, the degree of suckiness that my internet has achieved is so unbelievable I am forced to type this up in Microsoft Word, as my last three attempts at a post have resulted in spontaneous and arbitrary crashage. Damn Windows ME!!!!!! * is very angry *
I mentioned my having had a bad week. Aiya… Let’s take the usual Godel approach and make a list. After all, why the hell not?!
-serious allergies—I’ve been coughing non-stop for three days, along with blowing my nose every two minutes and feeling feverish, well, always
-I have still had to go to school, even though I am half dead
-I had to be at school at 7:30 on Monday and only got out at 5:30 due to strings practice. This resulted in my getting home at 6:30, and then having to do an entire science project in one night. My mother also forced me to exercise with her for half an hour (fuck health, I say). As soon as that was finished it was recreational baking time for me as I am…too creative for my own good. Or something.
That’s right. I made a cell model out of a COOKIE. Why am I so stupid?! I could have simply used a Styrofoam ball and some paint…but NO. * curses * (Every one liked it though—and it tastes good…* continues to eat science project * I figure that if you have to do work, you might as well be able to consume it later.)
-Arbitrary detention tomorrow at lunch. For saying “the eff word”. Holy crap, you’d think teachers would want to get a lunch hour in, wouldn’t you?! But instead, they decide that every fucking little thing is reason for detention! If people that stupid are teaching us, I fear for myself and the rest of humanity!!!!
-We got a call from a Catholic cemetery regarding our “lot”. I wont even go into this…
-I forgot to get a transfer taking the bus home the other day, resulting in my having to pay double fair. Poo. :(
-My internet keeps crashing. This means I haven’t been able to download ANYTHING. AT ALL. Not even episode 82 and not 83 either!!!! AAA!!!
-I lost two pages of writing on Tuesday. Curses.
Looking back, that really isn’t all that much, but damn has this week sucked. Hm. I haven’t done a spot of homework though, so that’s cool. Heh…totally failed to complete or start that French project…s. * smirk *
Friday should be fine and dandy though, so it’s all good.^_^ * does a dance *
There are two or three good things though.
I am my typing teacher’s best student! Hooray! I’m the fastest typer in my grade. According to Sammie-chan, the teacher said, “My best student in another class got up to 86 WPM with only one error.” Heehee… * does another dance * Thanks to this, I have gotten an ample supply of Runts. I even made Yin eat the strawberry ones because they suck. Well, I gave them to him, but I think he just threw them at Richard after he tasted one of them. : /
Betty-san has been teaching me Japanese during computer class. Yay! Her pencil sharpener is awesome. It’s sort of like a dinghy motor in that you pull a cord in order to start it up. We spent ten minutes trying to sharpen my craptacular pencil. Aiya…
My geography teacher is such a fucknut. I walked by the class and he was giving another grade the same lecture he always gives us about homework. No one does homework in his class. No one. At all. Because he doesn’t tell us it’s assigned (also because we don’t respect him enough to complete it, anyway…).
Wheee…I got the score for ‘Sakura’, so methinks I’ll go play it now.…
· runs off, humming *
(Sorry: no fun word-formattage today.)
Due to Spirit Week at my school, there has been a great deal of ticket-selling and prize giving going on infront of the guidance office. However, a certain article that was being given away last week was rather...unsettling.
Now, it is common knowledge that there is a CULT THAT MEETS AT MY SCHOOL AFTER HOURS. However, until last week, we had no idea as to what it entailed.
Last week, my school was giving away stick-on tattoos advertising a pimping agency on Queen's Street.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. |
Comments (2) |
Friday, May 7, 2004
Godel on...well, you'll just have to read to find that out, now, won't you?
This is the backup post. If my computer crashes in the middle of my writing an overlarge post again, this text will still be here, because I am typing this in about 30 seconds. Okay?
Signs that you are platonic friends with some one of the opposite gender (in this case, guys):
-they swear at you as much as they do at their other, male, friends
-they continually talk at you about porn -.-"
-they attempt to preform the 64-point manipulation on your shoulder during every class-change o_o""
-they actually listen to you when you talk to at them about Shounen-ai and how hot [insert character name here] is
-they leave the toilet seat up every time they come to your house because there's no sense in being polite to your friends
In a similar vein, I have been unwillingly brought to question the antics of my friends and myself. Not in a dubious or scrutinizing way, but in a laid-back, amused way.
And it's all because of Expect Theatre. o.O
The aformentioned theatre company came to our school today to preform a play about "the transition to high school." Of course, this presentation was, for the most part, obsolete, as all school assemblies are. It was funny in its own right, if rather thrown-together, though.
It presented two girls, best friends, as being a cheerleader and a shoplifter who was desperate to hang out with her sister and her friends.
And, I can say, with much confidence, that I see zero possibility of ever having to deal with any of my friends falling to eating dissorders or any of that...nonsense.
I suppose it sounds naive and whatnot, but, when I think about it, I am ever relieved and overjoyed that I've ended up friends with the people I have.
We all fit snuggly into the geek niche, and I don't see that changing any time soon...
To be perfectly honest, it's kind of funny. Within the past few months, we seem to have shattered the male members of our Dungeons and Dragons group's preconceptions of how girls act.
By this I mean the following:
-we are able to clean off a full dinner table within ten minutes
-we use the term "pussy" on a regular basis
-we all hate makeup, barring nail-polish, which is just fun
-we spend Friday evenings sitting around in our ninja/samurai constumes, throwing dice at each other, eating everything in site, and playing mindless video games
I think the world would be a better place if every one acted this way. Actually, I find it kind of weird that any one would prefer not to act this way. I mean, it's a pretty smooth field, no? Since when do geeks get intro drugs, get drunk at parties or crash their parents' car(s)? Psh.
*wanders off*
Well, that was incredibly dull and random. : / Poosh. I need something to rant about.
How about the time my classmate went to unbelievable ends at dictating how "The man was holding him down" in English class while my teacher stood behind him, veins popping all over his head? Damn, that was funny...
: D
Sorry if I've been less active lately: my computer's been being more of a bitch than usual. >:^O |
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
*rolls eyes* Christ, that woman is starting to piss me off. : / It's like you can't have any fun around her at all--it's all "conformist". Taking part in "Spirit Week", in order to raise money for AIDS Research,
by coming to school in your pajamas
is "doing what they want you to" and is "conforming our society." Uh. Huh.
One sound for any one with the aformentioned attitude:
I for one don't need to be asked "Then, why don't you just go and chop your head off?" as if it was some kind of philosophical discussion/debate. *sweat*
Well, enough of that.-.-"
Hah. Tiannia-chan got iodine stains on her fingers in science class, today. Poor Tia. :( It's funny: the teacher tells the class, "Don't wear your favourite shirt!! It might get ruined forever!!" and we all come in wearing our favourite clothes. Heh.
I'm wearing my only not-black shirt that isn't formal/still fits. I have three not-black shirts.
This one is very cool: it's a grey-green colour, with grey netting across the front, and accordian sleaves with bows. I suck at descriptions, apparently.
1) "A Scientific Romance" is a very good book.
2) Alan Gould is a very funny fellow.
Okay, let me ask one question:
How many of you poor SOB's still think I'm a dude?
Eh? Eh? Do I somehow come across as masculine?! >:^O It's like how people keep forgetting my name at school, and how Preston keeps thinking I'm 15! *is starting to feel invisible/forgettable*
: /
Well, pft.
(Sorry for the second crappy post in a row. : / I need to get a thinking cap...>_>)
So, what's the verdict on the intro?^^ *made it herself* |
Comments (12) |
Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Anarchy SUCKS. violin teacher is really getting on my nerves. Moreso that before.
Ever notice that the people who walk around saying "There's no one quite like me," fit the most easily into stereotypes? *rolls eyes*
My friend's character sheets are, for some reason, sitting next to me. O_o And, apparently, his alignment is "lawful/bad" and his special skills include
-play bass (+10)
-cook (+10)
-fish...or is that mosh? Either way, it's +4
Druinik is SO not an Orc name...O_o |
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Monday, May 3, 2004
And the E strings did caterwaul...
Strings practice today was
What constitues HORRIBLE?, you might ask? Well, try this...
My strings teacher arbitrarily re-tuned all of the violins to a different key, so the fingering has shifted almost half a centimeter (though it may not seem like much, I assure you...IT IS.), only three of the second violins showed up, as she only told us of this practice this morning, we had to site read half of Jurassic Park, because she's never let us play the second page before (>:^O), she was insulting us the whole time, we had no cellos, half the music was missing, and my violin was missing a string!!! I had to use the crappy violin number two!! T_T
Some little mother fucker popped the E string this morning. Damn them!!! >:^O *sniffly*
On a completely diferent note (no pun intended :P ), I'm on the lookout for readers. If you think you can stand my whiney, strange, dragged-out writing style (fifty pages of it and counting), and can have no mercy when picking it to pieces, then I'd be very greatful.^_^
'Smy mom's birthday today. Hooray! *confetti*
Dah...and it's back to the weightlifting schedule for Godel. It's been forever since I touched one of those things--kowai desu...o_o!"
At least I got some major downloading/watching in last weekend. : D
Episode eight of Paranoia Agent is...what the hell is it, anyway?! XD |
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
Another one for the Snugglepussies. O_o
Know what pisses me off? Stupid online ID's. I don't mean ones that are simply silly--Farto the Magic for example--and fun, but ones that just, well, suck. Online names that show know thought or respect for the online community they are part of.
Basically, you have five types of crappy online name:
1) The number. This heading includes both names like, "1337" and "liloandstitch4e876348756348765." Not only are both of these unpractical, but irritating. How the hell is some one supposed to remember "4e876348756348765"?
Names like this are often accompanied by typing like the following:
omfg I lurvs u all!!! 111lolzorzorzorzorzorz1!1 kissie hugs sweetiepie im a cutieeeeeeeeeee
2) Then, you have the stupid-phrase names. These can include things like "ilovepoutine", "shinmaruisamanhoe", "ihatesocks" etc... None of them are really names, and none of them cause any one to pay you much mind. "Oh--another fucking newbie."
3) Another equally pissing-offing sort of online name is The Self-Statement/Empowerment. *cough*"empowerment"*cough*
Examples include "vashs_number_wun_hoe", "gohansgurl", "trunksluvsme" etc...
Who needs people like this? I mean, honestly...*rolls eyes*
4) The Symbol Identity. Does any one really want to see the following?:
~#$lurvingthelurv*$^%&, ~*imastar~*, $&%^wunnypoo&$&^%, ~#*PicklesAreSexy*#~ or anything else of the sort?
These are not names, people! Unless you want to be known as "Asterix Colon Swirly Thing @ Symbol I'm A Hoe", avoid bestowing such crap on your person.
Two words for ya: YOU SUCK.
5) We also have a trickier catagory: Smart-Stupid. : O
Names include:
Capatilization, but incoherency and an overabundace of stupidity. Be afraid. O_o I guess some people just don't like...using...their brains...all that much...
I have compiled a list of a few of my favourites:
-mansons_lesbian_whore Everything about this name screams, "I AM A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD WITH A HUGE CRUSH ON BRIAN WARREN AND I LIKE TO PRETEND TO BE ANGSTY AND I THINK I MIGHT BE INSECURE ABOUT MY SEXUALITY." And they probably type like that, too, minus the punctuation.
-pieisgood Hah. What kind of a name is this? You can't talk to some one with this name! "Hey, pieisgood, what's up, pieisgood, you suck, pieisgood." It just. Doesn't. Work. You can't use a crappy, obvious sentence as a name! Come on, people!
-Redneck Raper There has already been ample discussion about this one. Do they rape rednecks, or are they a redneck, themselves? O_o There are children on OB!
-kirbyisapuffpuff What the hell?
-iloverayhesmine Er. You know, if you spell it like this: Yluvrehesmine it almost sounds like some kind of drug. O.o"
-f_ur_mama I'm sure you're gonna make lots of new friends. Lots...
And, my personal favourite...
-mutton_pie_rocks I don't know whether to be amused or ashamed that this came from one of my oldest friends. o.o"" Ah well, at least it has some personality...right?
If you think any of the above may apply to you, seek help immediately. It is an almost sure sign that you are a dumbass.
Hoi...can't wait to get those portraits online. Tee-hee. |
Comments (7) |
Saturday, May 1, 2004
What the hell? (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHOUJI-KUN!!!)
The above phrase is the single most conveniant, meaningful sentence on the planet. You know it's true. I mean, when everything is going wrong, and you don't know why, and a bunch of Orcs have just ransacked your kitchen, and a troupe of Sound Shinobi have kidnapped your best friend and roasted him/her over a spit, and your cat just coughed up a dead locus into your best party shoes, and your telephone dissolves in your hands, and you're stuck in a spandex body-suit, and the house next door just burnt down, you can dispell all sense of confusion and inferiority by simply uttering the words
What the hell?
Ahh, yes...that was hilarious, Sammie-chan.
"Do you want a fish?"
"Do you want to touch the fish?"
"It's a girl fish."
"I throw the fish at Daniel."
"It lands by my foot and I step on it."
"You die."
Ah, the joys of DM-ing.
I had teriyaki chicken for lunch. It, like Pocky, is better than you.
Well, as I have nothing else to post about, and I feel like elongating this as much as I can, I will proceed to write about my "Dream for the Future." *snort*
Every one, at some point, thinks about what they'd write a book about, and what they'd call it (much like with Shin's bands...*chuckle*). Lots of people write books, so it's not an impossible goal for me to strive for, however...
I want to be a famous author. u_u But it's not like I'd go around signing things and doing interviews. NO! I want to live inside, in a nice condo, in a big city, with my computer (by big city, I mean Tokyo ^_^).
Let me elaborate...
My dream may seem innocent, and naive (it is naive, in truth, but hey--dreams, right?) enough, but let me tell you a secret...
It is driven completely, and utterly, by SPITE.
I want to prove that it is possible to get somewhere drawing silly cartoons and writing silly stories. I want to prove that French is obsolete.
I want to learn five languages, none of them French. Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, Spanish and Greek.
I want to write a couple of reasonably profitable books before breaking out a string of bestsellers, each with as much (if not more) meaning than the last! >:^O
Then, once every critic has deemed me a Demigod of Writage, I will proceed to translate my own works into each of those five languages. I will never allow any of my work to be translated into French.
I will achieve half of this by the age of 25. >:^O I will then move to a condo in Tokyo. From there, I will write my first trilogy. It will become an instant classic.
Then, just when all my readers are waiting for my next book, I will start working on something else...
That's right. Comic books. (Neil Gaiman is a very cool dude.) (They will be written in English, left-to-right, of course.) I will spend as long as I see fit drawing silly cartoons, having fulfilled my dream of making a living off of silly stories.
I'll live in Tokyo for eight years. Then, I'll move back to Toronto, and immediately be inspired to write a book entitled "Japanese For Fun.", about how one can get somewhere in life (and farther than most, I might add) drawing "silly cartoons". Only, they wont be silly cartoons any more: they'll be The Great Works of K. L. *last name omitted*.
All through this, I will keep an active blog, detailing my "adventures." I will never become one of those snobbish adults who thinks any one under the age of 18 is stupid. >:^O
I'll move back to Japan after another three years in Toronto, and make my friends and family come visit me as often as is possible.
"Here's an autograph for your mom!" |
Comments (7) |
Friday, April 30, 2004
Pocky is better than you.
Because it is.
Hmm...nothing much to say at the moment, but I may just find alot of stuff to rant about throughout this post. So bear with me, would ya?
Well, I drew two of aformentioned portraits..."portraits." Okay, so they were are rather derogatory, foolish, random depictions of some very cool people. XP
They're both rather sketchy, but I think I captured the essence of both individuals (as I see them, anyway) in a very effective manner. Yay me.
Too bad my scanner doesn't work...I'll have to hand my baby sketchbook over to Christie for scannage again.
I assure you, you will either laugh or be deeply offended.
Or maybe you'll just think I'm stupider. Especially with the little depictions of myself commenting on each drawing.
I look like a...crazed devil-child with a Signs® t-shirt on. Funny how things make sense, sometimes, isn't it?
(Sammie-chan could tell who the first one was immediately, but the second one took a bit more intuition. Because she doesn' the second person. So I guess they're pretty accurate.^^)
I'll draw Shin next, just to make him happy.>:^D
Damn, I love that face: >:^D
It's like my entire persona summerized in a few nonsensical symbols. Sweet.
Gym class is a fucker. |
Comments (3) |
Thursday, April 29, 2004
What the fuck is a
I made another temporary button, for Mr. Gar this time. Just thought I'd let him know it exists--until he makes himself a better one *cough* that is...>_>
School today was the antethesis of productivity. The problem with having a school council is it always ends up populated by the people boring enough to have time to do homework and get good grades... : / And Christie. o.o"
They organized some lame-ass thing called "*school name ommitted* Idol" because they thought it was a "popular" and "cool" concept._ _U
So, we got to spend the hour it took in homeroom, unless we, for some reason best known to ourselves, wanted to attend said fest of "fun." At least I have homeroom in the gym, so there was room to breath.
And damn it was hot today. >:^O
Ah well, I got an Oh Henry bar, so I'm happy.
It is sort of sad that only one in three people at my school seem to know how to do a push-up. I mean, it's not unlike they've been forced to do them in gym class for the past few years...O_o"
There are four types of push-up in the world:
-"girl" push-ups (what are these, anyway?!)
-"sexy" push-ups (for the sexually-attracted to the gymnaisium floor)
-"un-push-ups" anything that really isn't a push-up, but is thought to be by those preforming it
-"proper" push-ups
Gym class sucks ass. Rhymes suck, also--at least in this instance. >:^O
One of my classmates has "dedicated his life" to proving that Shakespeare was gay. *groan* Honestly, Billy... So what if Sonnet #17 exists?!
Some people need to review their priorities in life. u_u
Don't you just hate it when teachers re-arange the desks without warning?! >:^O
EDIT: I have decided to create a line of
anime-portraits of every one on my friends list.
I'm thinking I'll work bottom-to-top. If any one has any qualms about my inflicting my artistic vision upon their image...I don't care. >:^D |
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